Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6051 The old man's request

Chu Yan said in disbelief: "Senior, you were only in the Wei realm when you were alive, so what are you doing now..."

What's going on?

A person who was in the Wei realm when he was alive, almost killed himself with a punch after he died?

Not scary when alive, but stronger after death?


The old man sighed; "I was really weak when I was alive, but after I died, this wisp of consciousness was trapped in this crystal palace. Coincidentally, the crystal palace recorded some cultivation methods, and over the long years, my consciousness began to cultivate little by little, and then I have the strength I have now."

Chu Yan's mouth twitched.

What is this?

Not working hard when you are alive, and rushing hard after death?

Chu Yan couldn't help but say: "Senior, can your consciousness still be cultivated? Then are you dead or not?"

When a person dies, it's like a lamp goes out. Although some strong people can leave consciousness, it will also weaken a little bit over the years.

What's the situation with this old man?

Not only did it not become weaker, but the consciousness became stronger and stronger, and it was cultivated to be more terrifying than before he was alive?

Then can this still be considered consciousness?

The old man said, "I know what you are wondering, but I can't explain it clearly."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly said, "Senior, can your consciousness leave this place?"

If it can, what's the difference between being dead and alive?

The old man shook his head slightly: "I can't get out."

Chu Yan was puzzled: "Why?"

The old man was silent for a while, and did not explain to Chu Yan, but just walked a little further away from the Crystal Palace.

However, the old man had just walked a few dozen feet.


Suddenly, the old man's body began to break and disintegrate bit by bit. It felt like a clay man that suddenly encountered water and began to melt gradually.

Chu Yan was shocked when he saw this.

Fortunately, the old man retreated quickly, and the disintegration stopped.

The old man said, "Once I leave the Crystal Palace a thousand meters away, my body will begin to disintegrate, and this wisp of consciousness will also collapse."

Chu Yan frowned: "Xiao Jiu, do you know what's going on?"

"I've never seen it."

Xiao Jiu said, "But we can guess that there is some kind of power in this Crystal Palace that can protect his consciousness forever, but once he leaves, he will lose that protection and he will be dead, and his consciousness will dissipate immediately."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, feeling a little lost.

What a waste of strength.

He was just thinking that this old man was so powerful that he could blow up his body with just a wisp of consciousness. Although he didn't know what the old man's realm was, it was definitely not weaker than those of the God Ancestor.

If he could go out with me, what would I be afraid of in the God Court?

The purgers came and blew it up.

It's a pity that the old man couldn't get out.

The old man seemed to see through Chu Yan's intentions and said calmly, "My friend, don't try to hit me. I'm a dead man and I won't participate in worldly disputes."

Chu Yan laughed dryly.

At this time, the old man hesitated: "Young friend, do you want to enter the Crystal Palace?"

Chu Yan said truthfully: "To be honest, I am here to investigate the mystery of the Sky Cave."

"Sky Cave...Does the outside world call this place the Sky Cave?"

The old man nodded slightly, and then he hesitated, and suddenly a little expectation flashed in his eyes: "Young friend, do you want to enter this Crystal Palace?"

Chu Yan was stunned: "Can't I get in?"

The old man laughed: "You can try."

Chu Yan turned and looked at the Crystal Palace. He did think at first that it would be difficult to enter the Crystal Palace. After all, this is the core mystery of the Sky Cave.

But now, the door is open, what's the difficulty?

So, he flew into the Crystal Palace in one step.

However, just when he approached the door, his face suddenly changed.


The Crystal Palace suddenly trembled violently, and then, a golden word "forbidden" suddenly appeared in the center of the door.

When the word "ban" appeared, a vast force gathered, and a golden light suddenly burst out, shooting towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's face changed drastically, and he immediately blocked it with his sword.


With a loud bang, Chu Yan flew thousands of feet away.

After stopping, Chu Yan's face suddenly became solemn.

Because his body was broken again...

At this moment, Chu Yan was very helpless and wanted to curse.

Not long ago, he was still proud of his body, and even defeated the Shura God. He even thought that if the ancient saint didn't come out, he would be invincible.

As a result... in just a few minutes, his body was blown up twice.

What the hell?

Chu Yan hesitated and walked to the door of the Crystal Palace again, but this time he did not choose to force his way in, but suddenly put his hands together.


The next second, many gods appeared between his eyebrows, and the Shura state was activated. Then he raised the Refining Heaven Sword high, and the infinite power between heaven and earth gathered in it.


With a low shout, the sky and the earth were dark.

The sword that controls the sky!

It can be said that this is Chu Yan's strongest attack method at present!

Go all out.

Swish - in an instant, the sword energy cuts into the door, and at this moment, the word "ban" in the center of the door flashes.


A vast force shook out, and a figure flew out directly.

It was Chu Yan.


This time, he was even more miserable, and blood kept spurting out.

Chu Yan wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth and became serious.

This word "ban"... is so powerful that it is terrifying.

The old man stood with his hands behind his back and said lightly: "It's useless."

Chu Yan said in a deep voice: "Senior, what is this word "ban"?"

The old man shook his head: "I don't know. This word was there after I regained consciousness, blocking everything inside and outside."

Chu Yan lowered his head for a moment and looked at the old man: "Senior, you just asked me if I wanted to go in, so senior has some idea, right?"

The old man nodded slightly: "Yes!"

Chu Yan said directly: "Are there conditions?"

The old man chuckled: "I just like chatting with cheerful and smart people like my little friend."

Chu Yan said: "Senior, just say it directly."

The old man hesitated, turned to look at Xian Luo, and suddenly said: "I am already dead and have no chance to leave this place, but I would like to ask my little friend to take my grandson out."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then he remembered that there was another Xian Luo.

He turned to look at Xian Luo and said in a deep voice: "Senior, I discovered before that Xian Luo has no power at all in his body, as if it doesn't exist. What on earth is going on?"

The old man sighed: "It's my fault!"

Chu Yan looked at the old man.

The old man said: "Xianluo... is my grandson. Back then, my clan suffered a disaster and the whole clan was destroyed, including Xianluo!"

Chu Yan was shocked: "Xian Luo...is also dead? Is he just conscious now?"

The old man shook his head: "No, if it were consciousness, I wouldn't beg you, because if you only have consciousness, you can't leave the Crystal Palace!"

"That is how the matter?"

The old man said: "Before I died, I forcibly breathed another breath for Xianluo, so there was a ray of yang energy in his body! So he still had a chance to resurrect, but I didn't."

"As for the fact that the little friend can't feel his power... it's because he has been in the Crystal Palace for too long and has been affected. But once he leaves, he can recover quickly."

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