Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6042 Tempering the Body

Xiao Jiu was slightly stunned after hearing Chu Yan's words and fell silent.


Chu Yan was right. The reason why blood qi corroded his body was because his body was not strong enough. If the body was strong enough, it would not be affected by blood qi.

The problem is... How easy is it to strengthen the body?

Xiao Jiu said: "But your realm has reached the limit. Even the Tyrant Body can't resist this blood qi. How can you do it?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "Just because the Tyrant Body can't resist it doesn't mean I can't do it myself."

"After so long, I found one thing. Although the Tyrant Body is strong, it is not actually my real body."

Tyrant Body... sounds like the name of a set of body training exercises, but it is not actually.

Chu Yan found that Tyrant Body is more like a defensive move.

The Dao patterns of Tyrant Body are like armor worn on the body, but they don't actually strengthen his own body.

It's more like an external force.

What Chu Yan has to do now is to truly strengthen his body to a strength that can resist blood qi.

Xiao Jiu frowned: "What do you want to do?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "If I change to another place, I may not have a chance, but this place full of blood and energy is really possible."

Chu Yan continued: "These blood and energy seem dangerous, but if you look at it from another angle, these blood and energy are also a way to temper me!"

Body refining, what is called body refining?

Continuous tempering, thousands of hammers and tempering.

Just like casting weapons, how is a good weapon born?

Is it just an ordinary piece of iron?

Of course not!

The so-called magic weapon can only be born after countless forging and hammering, and repeated firing and tempering.

Similarly, if you want to refine a strong body, you must also go through countless hardships.

However, in the outside world, such opportunities are really too few.

Very small.

For some weak people, how to refine the body?

From the perspective of some methods of mortals, it is nothing more than basic exercise, running, squats, supine... However, these methods are too common and can only help some mortals to strengthen their bodies.

A more difficult method is to find a waterfall and stand under it to be hit by the rapids. This can be said to be the most common method, and many people in the cultivation world use it.

However... it is still too weak.

At Chu Yan's level, let alone a waterfall, even standing under a meteor shower and letting the meteors hit his body is difficult to stimulate his body, let alone become stronger.

But apart from these, what else can be done?

Fight with others?

This is indeed a way, but in the universe, Chu Yan has been suppressing an era, and there is no one who can serve as a sparring partner for him.

As for the enemy... there are some, but this is too dangerous.

Chu Yan dare not try it easily. If he makes a mistake, he may die.

It's different now...

The blood here has a strong corrosive power, and as long as he is careful, he won't be killed instantly, which is just right for him to polish his body.

Xiao Jiu couldn't help but said: "Boy, you don't want to use this blood to temper your body?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Why not?"

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Xiao Jiu's eyelids jumped: "Are you crazy? You have seen the corrosive power of these blood, if you do this, people will die."

Chu Yan said calmly: "With the blood pond, I have a one-meter safe space. As long as I am careful, there should be no danger to my life."

Xiao Jiu fell silent.

That's what he said, but it's still too risky.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Xiao Jiu sighed: "You crazy, Chu Yan, you are a complete lunatic."

Chu Yan shrugged: "No madness, no success!"

Xiao Jiu didn't persuade him anymore, because he knew Chu Yan's character. Once he made a decision, he would definitely do it, and it would be useless for him to persuade him.

Chu Yan also did what he said.

He looked up at the blood in front of him. The first thing he did was not to touch the blood, but to shut down all the Tyrant Body in his body.

With the Tyrant Body, the maximum power of the blood could not be exerted.

When the Tyrant Body disappeared, Chu Yan walked towards the blood outside little by little.

When he came to the safety barrier, he took a deep breath and then took a step out.


The next second, there was a piercing pain.

Chi Chi Chi!

The moment Chu Yan's body came into contact with the blood, it began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He even clearly saw that his flesh and blood were corroded little by little and dissipated like powder.

In an instant, the pain made Chu Yan's forehead covered with cold sweat, and the sweat dripped one by one as big as beans.

Chu Yan wanted to retreat to the safe zone almost instantly, but he gritted his teeth and chose to stop. He watched his skin corroded little by little, and only bones were left in the end, but he still did not retreat.

In this way, he held back for three seconds, and then quickly retreated to the safe zone.

Yes... only three seconds.

In just three seconds, when he returned to the safe zone, his entire body was no longer flesh and blood, and he turned directly into a white skeleton.

Even his head was a skeleton.

Chu Yan even suspected that if he had not united his soul and body, he would probably only have a remnant soul to return now.

The blood energy here... is really too strong.

However, he did not give up. After one attempt, he immediately sat cross-legged in the safe zone.


Soon, his bones began to emit a faint glow, and flesh and blood began to grow again.

When his body was reshaped, he stood up again and came to the edge of the safe zone.

Xiaojiu couldn't help screaming: "Boy, do you want to continue?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Of course."

Xiaojiu's eyelids twitched. He began to think that after Chu Yan had experienced it once, he might not have the courage to come a second time.

After all, many things are like this. Those who don't know are fearless. Before they have experienced it, they will be very confident. But when they really understand it personally and know the horror, they may not have the courage to come again.

But now, Chu Yan clearly knows the horror of blood, but he still dares to enter...

Suddenly, Xiaojiu fell silent. He didn't persuade him anymore, but instead he admired Chu Yan in his heart.

Because he is a spirit of a world, he understands the rules of this world too well.

In this world, not everyone can face difficulties, and not everyone has the courage to overcome fear.

Just based on this point, Chu Yan has already stood on the top of the mountain.

Therefore, for the next period of time, Xiao Jiu did not say anything to stop Chu Yan, but began to help silently.

Chu Yan entered the blood again and again, and his body was corroded again and again.

Xiao Jiu built a perfect healing array in the safe zone to provide convenience for Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled when he saw this.

Sometimes he thought that this might be the meaning of the existence of a partner.

When he was crazy, he was willing to accompany him to go crazy.

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