Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6036 The Effect of Blood Pond

Hearing this, the Demon Lord fell into silence.

Is Chu Yan destined?

He didn't know, but it looked like it.

Because it can be seen from some of Chu Yan's past experiences that this guy cannot be viewed with ordinary people's eyes.

For many people, it is a dangerous place, but when it comes to Chu Yan, it is an opportunity.

There are also gods. The rule of the Divine Court has always been that each person can only have one god. For example, Tianpu, the son of the ancestor of the gods, had two gods, but he also used many forbidden techniques and methods to achieve it.

There is also a scavenger to help.

But Chu Yan is not.

How many gods does this guy have now?

The Demon Lord did a rough calculation and found that there were no less than three.

The Demon Lord hesitated and said: "Ancestor, what you mean is that if Chu Yan is really destined, then this time he enters the cave..."

Demon Ancestor said lightly: "The person who died is not necessarily who. Shura may be very powerful outside and can completely abuse Chu Yan, but once he enters the cave, there is a place where people like Chu Yan are like a fish in water. On the contrary, Shura is very powerful." Speaking of which, the Sky Cave itself is full of dangers.”

The Demon Lord nodded slightly: "That's true."

Immediately, his eyes changed slightly: "If Chu Yan, the Demon Ancestor, is really destined, and he has entered the Heavenly Cave now, shouldn't we stop him?"

The Heavenly Cave... To the Era of Gods and Demons, it is a place that is both loved and hated.

First of all, Tiancao gave them a chance to survive and helped them reconnect the broken avenue.

For this reason alone, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Tian Ku is their reborn parent.

This is what Era of Gods and Demons loves.

As for hate...

The Sky Cave is full of dangers. For 200 million years, the gods and demons have failed to explore the truth inside the Sky Cave. They have obviously sunk 100,000 meters, but in the end they still can't even see the bottom. Everything is full of unknowns. This feeling is very bad.

Now, Chu Yan has entered the Heavenly Cave. Once he gets any benefits in the Heavenly Cave, or even to exaggerate, what if Chu Yan takes control of the Heavenly Cave...

The Demon Lord couldn't even imagine the consequences.

Chu Yan was like pinching the fate of both the gods and demons.

Even the ancestors of gods and demons cannot escape the claws of the Great Dao controlled by Tianku.

Hearing this, Demon Ancestor pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "What you said is indeed a potential danger, but he has already entered, and there is nothing we can do about it!"

"Now, we can only wait until he comes out."

"Furthermore, even if he is really destined and has received some benefits in the Sky Cave, I don't think it is possible to control the Sky Cave."

The Demon Lord thought for a moment and nodded.


If the Sky Cave is really so easy to control, the Era of Gods and Demons will not be unable to discover the truth for 200 million years.

"Wait, we can't do anything else except this." Demon Ancestor said calmly.

The Demon Lord nodded, and then sighed: "I don't know what happened to the blood."

Demon Ancestor shook his head slightly and said nothing more.

Sky Cave.

After Chu Yan dove in, his expression became extremely solemn.

His first look.


Endless darkness.

In addition, there was a strong and pungent smell of blood, and the surrounding area was covered in rich blood energy.

Chu Yan was even thinking, how many people had to die before so much blood appeared?

What's more, this blood is mixed with strong corrosive power.

As soon as Chu Yan came in, his skin was immediately corroded. He turned on his tyrant body and it eased a little.

Xiao Jiu said: "Boy, be careful, I feel very dangerous here."

Chu Yan nodded, he felt the same way.

Immediately, he leaned over and took a look. The further down the cave, the thicker the blood and the stronger the corrosive power.

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "Boy, do you want to try absorbing the blood energy here?"

Chu Yan was startled: "Absorb blood energy?"

Xiaojiu nodded: "Yes! You forgot, you have a pool of blood."

Chu Yan was stunned and said in surprise: "Yes! How could I forget this?"

What are the two trump cards Qin Ruomeng left for himself?

Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, Blood Pool!

And he only found out later that the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda was designed to suppress Xuetanzi.

It can be imagined that the power of Xuetanzi is actually higher than that of Jiutian Xuan Pagoda.

Jiutian Xuan Pagoda is so powerful, but it can only be used to suppress Xuetanzi. What level of existence is Xuetanzi?

Chu Yan had an idea and his mind moved.


A pool of blood emerged.


In an instant, the blood energy in the cave suddenly became violent and surged continuously. However, Chu Yan tried to control the blood pool to absorb it, but the blood energy was not absorbed into the blood pool.

Chu Yan frowned slightly: "No? I can't absorb it."

You know, this is the first time he has failed.

In the past, Blood Pool was invincible and could absorb anything related to blood.

However, as the blood pool emerged, Chu Yan also discovered something surprising.

"Has the corrosive power of this blood become weaker?" Chu Yan asked in surprise.

Xiaojiu shook his head and said: "It's not that the corrosive power has weakened, but that these blood spirits are afraid and are deliberately walking around you. You can take a look around you."

Chu Yan was stunned, then looked around, and was immediately startled.

He found that all the blood energy around him had disappeared, or rather dissipated.

Now, with him at the center, there was a vacuum.

Xiao Jiu said: "These blood qi are afraid of you, or rather, they are afraid of your blood pool."

Chu Yan frowned: "If they are afraid, then why can't I absorb it?"

Since they are afraid, it proves that these blood qi are not as good as the blood pool, which makes no sense.

Xiao Jiu hesitated and said: "I know."

Chu Yan looked at Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu said: "These blood qi are afraid of you, which proves that your blood pool is very strong and higher than these blood qi. But you can't absorb these blood qi, which proves that you don't have enough control over the blood pool and can't use it to absorb these blood qi."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, the possibility is very high.

The blood pool has always been in his body, but he has not really used it so far.

When he created the world, he couldn't even control a drop of blood in the blood pool. As long as he took a drop, he would immediately go crazy, or even lose his mind, and become a crazy demon who only knew how to kill.

Now, although he is a little better and can barely resist the influence of some blood qi, he dare not explode completely.

Once he uses the blood pool completely, he will still go completely crazy.

And this is just the blood in the blood pool. As for the blood pool itself, Chu Yan has no idea how to use it.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower can at least be used to suppress the enemy, but he doesn't know how to use the blood pool at all.

Chu Yan pondered for a moment and suddenly said, "It seems that I should find a chance to study this blood pool carefully."

One of the two trump cards Qin Ruoming left for him, at this level, he should also pay attention to it.

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