Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6007: Madman Appears

Wusun was startled: "Detonate? Why detonate? This puppet is so good?"

Chu Yan told Wusun his plan.

Wusun took a breath: "You kid... awesome."

Then he thought about it and suddenly said: "Detonate the puppet... OK, it's also very simple, I just need to inject some vitality into it, and then hide it in the puppet's body. At the critical moment, the puppet uses Wusheng, and that vitality will be used."

"But kid, think about it, Wusheng consumes vitality, if you don't give these vitality to the puppet, sooner or later they will be yours."

Chu Yan smiled and said: "It's OK as long as it can be used!"

As for himself, it doesn't matter.

Wusun nodded: "That's easy! But boy, I have a suggestion for you. Even if you want to use Wusheng, it's better to let this puppet advance again."

"Advance again?"

Wusun nodded: "Yes, this puppet is now at the first level of Weiwo. If it can break through to the second level of Weiwo, use Wusheng at the critical moment, and then the power in the body will explode, the power... Tsk tsk, just thinking about it is terrifying."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then ecstatic.

"Yes! The puppet is not me, the puppet is already Weiwo, so it can still break through."

Chu Yan himself can't become stronger because he is stuck at the peak giant.

He doesn't want to take a wrong path, so before he finds how to advance to Weixin, he is equivalent to having no way out.

But the puppet is different.

The puppet has completed the breakthrough.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan said, "Thank you for your reminder, senior."

"It's a small matter." Wusun said lightly, "It's just that this puppet will be scrapped sooner or later. If you let it upgrade, it will only be a waste of power! Anyway, you should weigh the pros and cons yourself."

Chu Yan was silent.

Indeed, after this, this puppet is considered useless.

So, no matter how much power he puts into the puppet now, it is actually equivalent to throwing it away.

You know, puppet promotion... is not an easy thing.

Chu Yan's puppet is different from ordinary ego.

In other words, the ego of this puppet is almost exactly the same as Chu Yan's current promotion, except that it lacks the domineering body and some trump cards.

Chu Yan's ego is promoted by one level... That may be more terrifying than the power consumed by ordinary egos from level nine to level ten.

But soon, Chu Yan still made a decision.


If the resources are gone, he can take them again.

The puppet only has one time. If it can really kill Shura God, it is definitely a sure-win business.

Even if he can't be killed, it would be good to seriously injure the Shura God.

Besides, I just took over the Daotong Camp and plundered tens of thousands of origin mines. Now I can't go back to the universe, and these origin mines can't be sent back. It's useless to keep them in my hands. It's better to make a bigger investment.

What is the saddest thing in a person's life?

The person died, and the money has not been spent.

As for the universe...

If I really take down the headquarters of the God Court, will I still be short of money?

Do it as soon as I say it!

Soon, Chu Yan took out the Shenxuan bag, which was filled with mountains of origin ore.

Without saying a word, he began to use resources to smash the puppet frantically.


After a moment, the puppet began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the breath became stronger.

Now, just wait for the puppet to advance, and it will be the time for everything to begin.



At the same time.

God and Demon Continent.

With the death of Shanliang, there was a huge movement in the God Court.

In the God Court, all the strong men were also shocked.

The remaining eight war zones began martial law within one day, and this martial law was not just for show.

Even the God of Kindness was dead. If anyone dared to be careless at this time, it would really be a way to his own death.

Chu Yan didn't even need to be killed by God Shura.

In addition, God Shura and Star Lord were always paying attention to all parties.

Demon Palace Headquarters.

The Demon Lord had been waiting.

Suddenly, he frowned and looked up at a red cloud in the sky.

In the God and Demon Continent, red clouds are not uncommon.

This place is shrouded in blood all year round.

But he knew that the blood cloud was not a simple blood cloud.

"Blood Lord, are you still there?"

The Demon Lord was slightly shocked and said in a voice transmission.

After a while, the Blood Lord responded: "Demon Lord, Kindness is dead!"

The Demon Lord was silent for a while.

Because he knew very well the implication of Blood Lord's words.

The Demon Lord sighed: "Blood Lord, it's not the right time."

Blood Lord said in a deep voice: "Then when is it? Shanliang is dead! The balance of the Supreme Gods and Demons has been broken!"

"And Demon Lord, have you ever thought that if Chu Yan can kill Shanliang, he will have a chance to kill Shura and more! At this time, if we can make friends with him, it will definitely be an opportunity."

The Demon Lord thought for a while and shook his head again: "Blood Lord, Shanliang's death is a mystery. I don't think Chu Yan can kill Shanliang. He may have used some means, but this power... may not be used a second time."

This time, it was Blood Lord who was silent.

The Demon Lord continued: "And Blood Lord, there is a Clearer behind the Divine Court!"

After hearing the Clearer, Blood Lord roared: "Clearer, Clearer! Every time there is a Clearer, we have to endure! Demon Lord, are we going to live in the shadow of the Clearer forever?"

The Demon Lord was speechless.

Blood Lord snorted: "Demon Lord, wait and see. If the Demon Palace continues, it will fall sooner or later."

After speaking, the blood cloud floated away.

The Demon Lord frowned: "Blood Lord, where are you going? You should leave the God and Demon Continent! Don't interfere with everything here anymore."

Blood Lord said coldly: "What I do is none of your business."

Demon Lord sighed, and then he also murmured to himself: "Chu Yan, the Divine Court has laid a net of heaven and earth, do you dare to show up this time?"

He shook his head, not knowing.



At the same time.

Shura God was with Xing Lord.

At this time, Xing Lord said: "Shura, everything was done as you said. The headquarters openly mobilized ten quasi-saints to support, and more than thirty quasi-saints were lurking in secret!"

Shura God nodded slightly: "Keep watching."

Xing Lord frowned: "Shura, do you really think Chu Yan dares to attack?"

Although he did what Shura said...he still didn't believe it.

Daotongying...was an accident, but at this time, if Chu Yan attacked other war zones again, it would really be no different from seeking death.

Not to mention that all major war zones have been on alert.

Now, Shura God is always paying attention. As long as Chu Yan dares to show up, Shura God will go to support him in a breath.

Shura God shook his head slightly, because he was not sure.

However, just as he was silent, his face suddenly changed.


At this moment, the entire God and Demon Continent trembled.

The next second, a huge mushroom cloud floated in the distance, allowing the gods and demons on the entire continent to see clearly.

Shura God's pupils shrank: "It's the Condor War Zone!"

Xingjun's eyelids jumped: "He actually dared?"

At the same time, the Demon King was also shocked and couldn't help but cursed: "This madman..."

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