Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 6005 Merit Book

The book was opened, and three big characters were engraved on it: Merit Book!

Chu Yan frowned slightly: "Merit Book? What is this?"

Xiao Jiu said: "Why are you in such a hurry? Just keep reading."

Chu Yan nodded and continued to read.

Soon, he was stunned by what was recorded in the merit book.

At this time, Chu Yan had only one feeling, how could this be a merit book?

Isn't this just a menu?

On the second page of the merit book, countless strange names were densely recorded.

The point is that behind these names, each one is also marked with a price.

It's just that what is collected here is not money, but the merit line around Chu Yan's wrist.

Chu Yan looked for a while, there are a total of 11 goods, namely 1 merit line, 10 merit lines, 20 merit lines... all the way to 100 merit lines.

The name corresponding to each merit line is different.

Chu Yan took a look, and the goods corresponding to 1 merit line are something called: Tiansha Fruit.

Chu Yan hesitated: "Xiao Jiu, can this be exchanged for something?"

Xiao Jiu said: "You will know if you try it?"

Chu Yan nodded, then he hesitated and asked the kind god: "Um...waiter, order food?"

Xiao Jiu: "..."

Kind God: "..."

Xiao Jiu said with a dark face: "Are you here to make fun of me?"

Chu Yan laughed dryly: "Haha...just a joke."

Then he pointed at the Tiansha fruit: "I want this."

Of course, he actually wanted something else, mainly because he was short of money.

He only had one merit line, so he could only exchange for the cheapest one.


The next second, the merit book was pulled by a certain force, and then the golden line on Chu Yan's wrist flew in, and a purple fruit appeared on the merit book in a short while.

Chu Yan was shocked when he saw this: "Oh my god, it really works?"

How can this be a merit book?

Isn't this a pure mobile store?

Chu Yan glanced at the fruit in his hand: "I don't know what this Tiansha fruit is good for."

Xiao Jiu said: "You will know if you try to eat it?"

Chu Yan thought for a while and nodded slightly: "That's right."

The things he exchanged for with the merit line can't poison himself, right?

So he didn't hesitate and swallowed it in one gulp.

However, he was stunned after swallowing it.

"No reaction?"

Yes, he didn't feel anything after eating it.

You know, even if he swallowed a piece of origin stone, he would at least feel a trace of energy.

But this Tiansha fruit... has nothing, just like eating an ordinary fruit.

No, eating an ordinary fruit, at least there will be some feeling of fullness.

This Tiansha fruit... has nothing at all.

Colorless and tasteless, it can even be said to be invisible.

It's like eating a mouthful of air.

Chu Yan frowned: "What the hell is this?"

Xiao Jiu also fell into deep thought.

After a while, Xiao Jiu said: "It can't be useless, we must have overlooked something."

Chu Yan was a little weird.


What can be ignored?

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "Try taking poison."

Chu Yan was stunned: "Take poison? Why should I take poison?"

Xiao Jiu said: "Maybe this fruit can help you resist the poison?"

Chu Yan was stunned, and said for a long time: "What if it can't?"

Xiao Jiu pondered for a while, and said calmly: "If it can't, you are poisoned."

Chu Yan: "???"

Brother, you are here to make fun of me, right?


At this time, just when the two people were at a loss, the kind god suddenly flashed, and a line of small words appeared on the merit book.

It was marked behind the Tiansha Fruit.

Chu Yan looked closely: "Tiansha Fruit! Gather the Yinsha of heaven and earth, and can resist any poison in the world once."

Xiao Jiu smiled and said: "See, I guessed right."

Chu Yan was also shocked, and then pleasantly surprised!


The key is the three words Tianxiajian!

"That is to say, I just ate a Tiansha fruit. From now on, I can be immune to any poison attack once? All poisons?"

The kind deity jumped up and down once.

Chu Yan was immediately excited.

Poison has always been criticized in the cultivation world because this move is too evil.

But you have to know that the most likely move in the world to complete the counterattack of ignoring the realm is also poisoning!

If the poison is used well enough, a mortal can even kill Weiwo!

Chu Yan has been very careful about being poisoned over the years.

Now, he can be immune to all poisons.

Xiao Jiu said: "This is just one merit line, there are ten goods on it."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then ecstatic: "Yes! There are ten more! One is definitely the weakest. If it can be immune to all poisons, then wouldn't the ones above be more powerful?"

Thinking of this, Chu Yan prepared to check the functions of the remaining ten items on the merit book.

However, he took a look and was stunned.

Because apart from the names, the other ten items were not marked with effects like the Tiansha Fruit.

Chu Yan frowned: "No effect? ​​Why?"

Xiao Jiu hesitated and said: "Maybe it's because you haven't exchanged it? Only the items you have exchanged will be marked with effects, right?"

Chu Yan suddenly realized that this was possible.

Then, he became excited: "From now on, I will be a good person and do more good deeds!"

Xiao Jiu: "..."

Chu Yan ignored Xiao Jiu's contempt.

In a good mood.

He now has three gods, but the first two are offensive. On the contrary, he likes the kind god very much.

Exchanging items can give him a sense of freshness and surprise every time.

Xiao Jiu said: "Boy, should you make a plan? The God Court should have known the cause of Shanliang's death, and they will soon have a layout."


At this time, the God and Demon Continent trembled.

Chu Yan looked up.

I saw that several rays of light suddenly rose into the sky in the direction of the God Court's general war zone, and then quickly dispersed in all directions like fireworks.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes when he saw this: "Sure enough, as I expected, the God Court began to mobilize people from the general war zone to support the other war zones."

Xiao Jiu also took a deep breath, looking a little solemn.

Everything began to proceed according to Chu Yan's design.

But it is also true that this battle is like an arrow shot from a bow... there is no turning back.

Xiao Jiu said: "Boy, what are your plans now? Go and attack the headquarters of the God Court directly?"

Chu Yan shook his head slightly: "No!"

"No?" Xiao Jiu said in surprise.

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, it is not enough! Although the God Court has mobilized manpower from the general war zone, it is not enough to complete my plan! I want to successfully attack the headquarters of the God Court, there must be a bigger movement, and then attract the attention of the God Court for me."

Xiao Jiu asked in confusion: "What are you going to do?"

Suddenly, the corners of Chu Yan's mouth rose: "The God Court has strengthened the other war zones, so I will give them a trap!"

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