Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5993: Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower Revives

The commander heaved a sigh of relief.

Ten thousand beasts were galloping in his heart!

Scared my father to death!

At this time, a soldier of the Divine Court could not help but say: "Commander, let's just watch?"

The commander laughed: "What else? Go to stop him? Don't you want to die? Didn't you see how easy it was for him to kill Cheng Chen? It's like cutting melons and vegetables."

All the soldiers bowed their heads.

However, there was still a soldier who couldn't help but say: "But if we don't take action, once he empties all the source veins, the Divine Court will come and see us doing nothing... We will still be in trouble."

The commander was helpless.

This is the helplessness of them as soldiers.

The commander hesitated and shook his head: "That's better than dying in vain! If the Divine Court is really so unkind... then we can only think of it as bad luck."

Someone cursed: "It's really annoying. Why should our fate be in the hands of others."

The commander said helplessly: "There's nothing we can do. Who can blame us for not being strong enough?"


Everyone sighed.

Now they just hope that the plague god inside will leave as soon as possible.

After Chu Yan went deep into Daotong Camp, his face changed slightly.

“Such a rich source of power!”

The source of power in the God and Demon Battlefield is already very rich, a hundred times stronger than the Shura Field!

However, the source of power in the depths of Daotong Camp is even more exaggerated, more than ten times more than the rest of the God and Demon Battlefield!

This means that the source of power here is already a thousand times richer than the Shura Field.

If compared with the universe, it is a full ten thousand times.

Chu Yan sighed: “If you practice in such a place, why worry about not being able to become stronger!”

He roughly calculated that if people from the universe came here to practice, even without the source stone, the Blood River Ancestor and others could quickly break through the barrier.

“What a gap.”

Chu Yan shook his head.

Xiao Jiu said: “Don’t worry, I believe you will make the universe so prosperous sooner or later.”

Chu Yan nodded slightly: “Yes, I will!”

Then he didn’t say much, and harvested while walking.

At this time, he could already see the source veins everywhere.

Of course, we haven't gone deep yet, so there are only some elementary and intermediate origin veins, and occasionally we can see a high-level one.

Chu Yan is not stingy with meat and vegetables, no matter what level of veins, all of them are collected into the Shenxuan bag.


At this time, a roar suddenly sounded in his body.

Chu Yan was slightly startled and looked inside.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower was spinning wildly.

Chu Yan wondered, "What's wrong with this tower?"

Zhiqing chuckled, "It's complaining! It said that without the Shenxuan bag, it can hold the origin veins for you."

Chu Yan laughed, "No."

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower seemed unwilling to give up and continued to howl.

Chu Yan looked at Zhiqing, who translated, "It said the Shenxuan bag is not good, that thing is not safe, it is the safest."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped, and he said unhappily, "Forget it, this tower is less safe than anyone else!"

Last time, he finally got 40,000 veins, but how long have they been in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower?

One or two days of work.

Chu Yan took a look and found that there were only 30,000 left.

Still want to continue to lie to me?

No way.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly asked: "Senior, this tower does not absorb the power of origin. What is its current situation?"

I had the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower when I was very young.

But this tower has hardly absorbed any energy.

I don't know what happened recently.

Zhiqing pondered for a while and suddenly said: "This tower is being repaired."

"Repair?" Chu Yan was puzzled.

Zhiqing nodded: "You also know that this tower has been in a dormant state. It turns out that it does not absorb because it is too badly damaged, but as you find more laws, this tower also has a little meaning of revival."

Chu Yan was stunned: "Can this tower revive?"

Zhiqing said lightly: "Boy, haven't you thought about one thing?"

Chu Yan looked at Zhiqing and said puzzledly: "What?"

Zhiqing said calmly: "Are our laws powerful?"

Chu Yan pondered for a while and nodded seriously: "Powerful!"

There is no doubt about this.

Apart from other things, any one of the laws and techniques is terrifyingly powerful.

In addition, before these laws returned to the tower, they were all terrifyingly powerful, at least at the Supreme and King level.

Chu Yan even suspected that they were more terrifying than the Supreme before they returned to the tower.

It’s just that after entering the tower, they need to be restricted by this tower.

Zhiqing said calmly: "Since you think we are powerful, have you forgotten? We... in the final analysis, we are all the laws in this tower. Each of us can only represent one level of power. We belong to this tower."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then his eyes shrank.

He understood!

Chu Yan said seriously: "Senior, what was this tower used for before?"

Zhi Qing shook his head: "I don't know!"

"I don't know?" Chu Yan frowned: "Aren't you the laws of this tower?"

Zhi Qing said softly: "We are the laws of the tower, but when we became wise, this tower was already wandering! Of course, we don't know, but we should know the laws of the first, second and third floors, that is, the laws of heaven, earth and man. You can try to ask them."

Chu Yan's mouth twitched.

Ask about the laws of heaven, earth and man?

Haha, forget it.

Wu Sun has already made it clear that the laws of heaven and earth are all hostile to one side.

If I go to find it now, wouldn't that be sending myself to death?

Let's talk about it later.

At this time, Chu Yan asked curiously: "Senior, what's the use of this tower if it is repaired?"

Zhi Qing said lightly: "This tower has many uses, such as suppression, sealing, and so on. Of course, if you want this tower to revive, you must at least gather the nine major laws. You'd better live until then."

After that, Zhi Qing said calmly: "This time the Divine Court is trying its best to kill you. I think you can hardly survive this disaster. Don't worry about things so far away."

Chu Yan: "..."

He rolled his eyes for a while, then hesitated, and suddenly took out dozens of primary source veins from the Divine Mysterious Bag, and then stuffed them into the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower became happy after absorbing the source veins.


It turned a few more times.

Chu Yan looked inward at the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower and said: "If you listen, you will get the benefits, but you are not allowed to steal without my permission."

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower seemed to understand and jumped up and down.

Chu Yan didn't say much then.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower can absorb the origin force and has signs of recovery, which is definitely a good thing.

Chu Yan will naturally not be stingy.

After all, since the beginning of the mortal world, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower has always been one of his trump cards.

However, everything has a plan.

The universe and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower are equally important to him, so the strength cannot be left behind.

Chu Yan ignored the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower and continued to walk deeper, collecting the origin veins while walking.

After walking for a while, Chu Yan suddenly stopped and was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him!

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