Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5991 Counterattack

Xiao Jiu frowned: "What else do you want to do?"

Chu Yan said coldly: "Isn't the Divine Court bullying me? Then I will naturally fight back."

Xiao Jiu's face changed slightly: "You want to fight back?"

Chu Yan nodded: "They are now searching for me in the entire battlefield of gods and demons. At this time, ordinary people must think that I will hide or run away! But I don't! This time I came to the battlefield of gods and demons, I haven't made enough money."

He never forgot his goal of coming to the era of gods and demons.

Make money!

Lay the foundation for the future development of the universe.

Now, although he destroyed the Divine Machine Camp and got 100,000 source veins!

But 70% of them were handed over to the Demon Palace, and only 30,000 were left here.

Of course, there are still a lot, after all, there is not even a single source vein in the current universe.

There is no way, the development time of the new era is too short, and some spirits have not yet awakened.

In the new era, if everyone wants to obtain the source stone, they can only rely on their own absorption between heaven and earth, and then transform it.

Even if some natural origin veins are found, they are not this kind of spiritual ore, but the output is limited. Once they are dug out, they are really gone.

But the origin veins of the God and Demon Era are different. These veins are spiritual and can absorb the power of the origin from the world autonomously.

So even if this vein is dug out today, new origin stones can still be produced tomorrow.

Only in this way can it be regenerated continuously.

Thirty thousand...

If it was the former universe and the new era, it would actually be enough.

This is already a huge fortune!

But it is different now!

Chu Yan raised the upper limit of the era by himself.

The increase in the upper limit means that the top strongmen of the new era can continue to practice!

The consumption of any of these people is very huge.

Let’s put it this way, in the original new era, the strongest was a first-level giant, the level of the ancestor of the blood river.

One origin mine is enough.

But now, the ancestor of the blood river wants to continue to break through. Every step up, the resources consumed are multiplied.

One person may need ten or even a hundred!

In the new era, because the road to self-centeredness was cut off, many people were stuck in this state.

Therefore, Chu Yan must make enough money.

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "It's dangerous!"

Chu Yan nodded: "It's dangerous, but it's also an opportunity! Taking advantage of now, the Divine Court thinks I'm running away, I'll kill them back and make a big deal, we'll run, and vent our anger by the way."

Xiao Jiu said with a headache: "You have to go crazy, right?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed: "If I'm not crazy, can I still have today?"

Xiao Jiu sighed.

Then, it hesitated and said: "I know, I can't persuade you! But you have to promise me, don't be impulsive, run if you really encounter danger! Remember, you are not alone now."

Chu Yan said seriously: "I know."

Xiao Jiu breathed a sigh of relief.

After reaching an agreement, a hint of coldness flashed in Chu Yan's eyes.

"Want to kill me? Then I'll strike first."

After that, Chu Yan took out a map from his arms!

It was the map of the battlefield of gods and demons that the Blood Lord gave him.

Chu Yan quickly locked onto a military camp.

Daotong Camp!

This military camp, like the Shenji Camp, is all ranked in the top three war zones of the Shenting, and it is also the one with the most origin mineral veins within its jurisdiction.

Daotong Camp has even more mineral veins than the Shenji Camp.

Of course, the main general here is also stronger, a strong man named: Cheng Chen.

"Surname Cheng... the descendant of the kind god?"

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold: "Just right, I want to see if you will feel bad this time."

With a goal, do it as soon as you say it.

Chu Yan memorized the location of Daotong Camp and said to Xiao Jiu in his body: "Xiao Jiu, lead the way for me."

Relying on him... flying for a while, who knows where he will fly to.

Xiao Jiu nodded slightly: "Okay."


Soon, Chu Yan broke through the air and flew out.



At the same time.

Daotong Camp!

As one of the three major war zones of the Shenting, this place is very luxuriously built, and there are various large formations within a hundred miles around.

At this time, the Daotong Camp was very relaxed.

It was not their fault, mainly because after the arrival of the Shura God, the entire military camp of the Demon Palace was surrounded.

In the current God and Demon Continent, it can be said that the Divine Court has no enemies at all...

As for Chu Yan...

Now the entire Divine Court is searching, does Chu Yan dare to show up?

I'm afraid he would have found a crack in the ground and crawled in like a mouse.

However, they thought so...


Suddenly, the Daotong Camp trembled violently.

Everyone's face changed.

"What's going on?"

"Enemy attack?"



In an instant, a large number of strong men in the Daotong Camp took off, and the leader was Cheng Chen!

As soon as Cheng Chen took off, his face suddenly changed.

Because he clearly saw a figure.

Chu Yan!

Cheng Chen said in a low voice: "Boy, you..."

Tsk-However, before he could finish his words, Chu Yan slashed out with a sword.

Cheng Chen's eyes turned cold and he quickly calmed down.

He is also a quasi-saint, and is stronger than Tianluo. He applied to join Chu Yan's search before, but was stopped by the God of Kindness.

But he has always been unwilling to accept it. When he saw it today, he also punched it.


The next second, there was a scream.


A figure exploded and retreated thousands of feet.

This person was Cheng Chen.

"How is it possible?"

The strong men of Daotong Camp were stunned.

Their main general... was chopped away by a sword?

Cheng Chen retreated a thousand meters and stopped, his eyes full of shock.

He thought he would lose, after all, Chu Yan killed Tian Ya, so he must have strength.

But in his world, he would definitely have no problem fighting with Chu Yan for hundreds of rounds.

What about now?

Kill instantly?

Chu Yan sneered: "So weak."

Cheng Chen's eyelids twitched, but he didn't have time to react.


Chu Yan suddenly disappeared.

When he appeared again, he landed directly on top of Cheng Chen.

Chu Yan said coldly: "Your father wants me to die and wants my life, so I will send you to see the King of Hell today."

After that, he held the sword with both hands and chopped it hard at Cheng Chen.

Chi - Cheng Chen roared when he saw the sword energy. At this moment, he knew that he was no match for him, which made him flash a ruthless look in his eyes: "Boy, you forced me!"


Cheng Chen put his hands together, and a black vortex was born in front of him. When the vortex appeared, the surrounding space immediately trembled.


The next second, the black vortex exploded, and a monstrous force of destruction surged out from it.

Chu Yan was also shocked when he saw this, and the power made him feel a little dangerous!

But almost instantly, he urged the Yin power in his body, and the black Dao pattern covered his whole body.


Then, the terrible explosion immediately engulfed Chu Yan.

Cheng Chen breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this, and a hint of ferocity flashed in his eyes.

However, before he could be happy, his face changed again.

A black hole appeared in the center of the explosion, and then absorbed all the power into it.

Chu Yan appeared in the sky again.

"How is it possible?" Cheng Chen opened his mouth wide and was completely stunned.

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