Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5983 Kill Chu Yan

In the distant nothingness.

An unknown star field.

The mysterious woman left Yuanmen and continued walking.

The further she flies, the farther away she becomes from the world of the current era.

At this time, the world around her was extremely dark and the stars were broken.

If it weren't for the forty-meter-long sword in her hand that kept rubbing sparks into the void, this world would have been almost invisible.

But she still didn't stop.

move on.

Because she still has a lot to do.

The Ancient Era is just one of them.

In addition to the ancient era, there are many forces that ignore the attributes of the era, and he must deal with them one by one.

Every time she thought of this, she couldn't help but curse.

so troublesome!

Wouldn't it be easier to kill them all with one sword?

Of course, she also understands that this is unrealistic.

You can't kill the whole world by yourself.

All she can do now is try her best to buy some time for Chu Yan.

Just like that...she flew for who knows how long.

Suddenly, a huge palace appeared in the darkness ahead.

The palace is entirely made of crystal, which is shocking when viewed from a distance.

Before the mysterious woman could get close, a force suddenly locked onto her.

"The Holy Land of Order Hall is forbidden for mortals to approach."

A cold voice sounded.

The mysterious woman raised her head and glanced at the huge crystal palace.

Sniff - the next second, a horrifying sword energy slashed out.

"How brave!"

An angry shout came from the Crystal Palace.


A touch of extremely cold sword energy struck out.


The next second, the swords collided.

But in just an instant, the sword energy collapsed.


The sword energy struck the Crystal Palace straight.


There was a crack on the three-character golden plaque with the words Palace of Order on the Crystal Palace.


The next second, a figure flew out of the Crystal Palace with a gloomy expression: "Is the girl provoking my Order Palace?"

The mysterious woman looked at the figure and sneered: "When I'm not here, you are the order. When I come here, I am the new order!"

The figure's eyes shrank.

"What a crazy tone!"

The figure snorted coldly: "Then I really want to see how capable the girl is of becoming Order!"

In an instant, the figure reached out and grasped the sword at his waist.

Tsk - almost instantly, the mysterious woman disappeared.

When she reappeared, she was already behind the figure, walking towards the Hall of Order without looking back.

At this time, the figure was still drawing his sword, but his eyes widened.

Because his throat has been cut off by the sword energy.

The figure was sluggish until the moment of death.


Was he just beaten like this?

After a while...


There was a burst of ghostly crying and howling in the Hall of Order!

When the mysterious woman walked out, the Crystal Palace was already a dilapidated scene...

Soon after, Order Hall informed the public that the Hall Master had been replaced...

The same scene happened to multiple nearby forces within one day.

The masters of these forces have all changed inexplicably!

As for why the substitution...

Just because a woman came to discuss something with them, and as a result of the discussion...the leaders of these forces all died.

There is no other way, this woman can only appoint a new person to take charge of the power.

The Era of Gods and Demons.

We don’t know what happened in the distant starry sky here.

Too far apart!

An era is missing!

However, there is one thing you can know here!

Divine Court!

God Shura is drinking tea.

Suddenly, Xingjun barged in with a pale face.

God Shura slowly opened his eyes, frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Xingjun clenched his fist fiercely and said in a low voice: "The evil god... has fallen."


Rao was a strong man of the level of Shura God. At this time, he suddenly crushed the tea cup in his hand because he failed to control his power.

There was silence in the hall.

God Shura slowly closed his eyes, showing a look of sadness.

The evil god... is one of the five supreme gods with him, and they truly have a friendship that lasts hundreds of millions of years.

People like Shura God can ignore the life and death of their juniors, but there is still some sense of collegiality among them.

Moreover...the death of the evil god made God Shura feel a bit of sadness like the death of a rabbit or a fox.

"Killed by that woman?" God Shura said gloomily.

Xingjun shook his head: "I don't know...the distance is too far."

God Shura slowly closed his eyes and sighed: "It seems that we have all underestimated that woman! She may be stronger than we thought."

Xingjun was helpless for a while and said in a deep voice: "What should we do now? The evil god has fallen, and the purgers only have two days left..."

God Shura suddenly opened his eyes and said seriously: "We can't wait any longer! It's time to take action."

Xing Jun clenched his fist fiercely.

If there hadn't been the death of the evil god, he might not have hesitated.

But now, the death of the evil god made him full of worries.

Xingjun said helplessly: "But once we attack Chu Yan, what if that woman appears..."

God Shura looked at Xingjun and suddenly smiled: "Wouldn't it be better if a woman showed up?"

Xingjun was slightly startled: "Better? What do you mean?"

Now they still know very little about the mysterious woman.

But one thing can be certain, that woman is not weaker than the evil god.

In other words, it has at least reached the level of Supreme and Demon Lord.

Shen Ting did not dare to ignore this kind of person.

Shura God said calmly: "Xingjun, have you overlooked something?"

Xingjun looked at Shura God.

Shura God said: "We were ordered by the Clearer to kill Chu Yan! Even if Chu Yan is really dead, that woman wants revenge, who do you think she will find first?"

Xingjun's eyes shrank: "You mean..."

Shura God nodded: "Yes! Clearer! The Demon Palace has always wanted to use the people behind Chu Yan to deal with us, so why can't we follow their example and transfer the hatred of that woman to the Clearer?"

Xingjun hesitated and said: "But between us and the Clearer..."

Shura God said lightly: "Xingjun, you don't really regard the Clearer as an ally, do you? Don't forget, our era... is the destruction of the Clearer! Our current relationship with the Clearer is actually very similar to that between Chu Yan and the Demon Palace, isn't it?"

"We are Chu Yan, and the Clearer is the Demon Palace! The Clearer just wants to use us now! But once the current era is destroyed, do you think the Clearer will keep us?"


Xingjun fell silent.

Because he knew what Shura God said was right.


Shura God said seriously: "Xingjun, the Divine Court is the only one we can rely on. If that woman is a little weak, it's fine! Now that we have the strength, we can just cause some trouble to the Clearer. Why not do it?"

Xingjun thought for a while and said helplessly: "I know."

Shura God stood up: "Pass the order! Go to the battlefield of gods and demons and kill Chu Yan!"

Xingjun nodded slightly and turned to leave.

On this day, within the Divine Court, a wave of monstrous power rushed to the sky and stirred the clouds.

On this day, Shura God led the way and rushed towards the battlefield of gods and demons.

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