Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5981 et al.

The people of Yuanmen were all stunned.

Just because the leader said something unpleasant, this woman changed their leader?


At this time, the leader of Yuanmen was killed, causing the whole world to shake violently.


The next second, another figure gathered outside the sky.

This figure was very similar to the leader of Yuanmen who was just killed, but a little older.

The gray-robed old man was shocked when he saw this: "Old leader?"

The figure was the old leader of Yuanmen.

It can also be understood as the leader before the fall of the era.

After the fall of the era, the old leader was old, so he chose to abdicate and concentrate on studying the ancient saints' methods, which led to the leader just now.

The people of Yuanmen were stunned, and then ecstatic.

"The old leader is not dead!"

They all thought that the old leader was dead at first.

Now the old leader has come, and this one is really top-notch.

The gray-robed old man wailed, "Old Sect Master, kill her! Revenge for the Sect Master."

However, when the old Sect Master appeared, the mysterious woman looked up calmly.

The old Sect Master did not take action, but looked solemn.

Because she felt a strong threat from this woman.

The old Sect Master hesitated and suddenly said, "Miss, do you want us to seal ourselves for a year?"

The mysterious woman nodded slightly: "Yes."

The old Sect Master was puzzled: "Can I ask why?"

The mysterious woman said lightly: "My junior brother is still young, and the Age of Gods and Demons has not been completed. Your combat power is too strong. If you appear now, it will cause some pressure on him."

The old Sect Master: "..."

The gray-robed old man: "..."

They were all confused.

What kind of reason is this?

Because we are stronger than your junior brother, you won't let us go out?

Also, what do you mean the Age of Gods and Demons has not been completed?

What, are we experience packs?

You mean, after the Mysterious Age is completed, you will unseal us and leave it to your junior brother to score points?

The old sect master said in a deep voice: "May I ask who the young master is...?"

The mysterious woman said calmly: "The new emperor of the universe in this era, Chu Yan."

She did not hide anything.

This matter cannot be hidden.

When this was said, everyone in Yuanmen shrank their eyes.

It's not that they know Chu Yan.

The ancient era was sealed for too long, and before it was unsealed, they knew very little about the outside world.

But there are two words...that they are not unfamiliar with.


"Liantian Universe?"

The old sect master said in a deep voice.

The mysterious woman nodded, and then said: "I will let you unseal normally, can you guarantee that you will not be enemies with my young master within a year?"

When this was said, the old sect master was silent.

According to common sense, he would definitely agree.

Because this woman is very strong, there is no need to make enemies with such a person for a small role.

But this time, the old sect master did not agree.

Because all this is about the universe!

The ancient era was destroyed for a long time, and after the disaster of the ancient era ended, they fell into self-sealing.

However, it does not mean that they are completely closed to the news from the outside world.

They still know some things about the current era!

For example... the Lord of Refining Heaven!

That real big shot.

The only person who became an ancient saint in the three eras!

The ancient era was in a hurry to unseal, and also wanted to go to the universe to investigate.

Therefore, he could not agree to this condition at all.

The old sect master shook his head slightly: "No!"

The universe, Chu Yan, they will definitely find it!

The mysterious woman frowned: "Then there is no room for negotiation?"

The old sect master took a deep breath.


Suddenly, his palm spread out.


Suddenly, he clenched his palm, as if condensing the infinite power between heaven and earth, and compressing it all into his palm.


The next second, the earth of the world cracked a gully.

In the gully, there was actually a sharp spear hidden!

The spear flew into the hands of the old sect master, and the blood in his body also burned, and soon even his slightly hunched back straightened up.

The momentum was like a rainbow!

Since we can't reach an agreement, let's fight!

The mysterious woman frowned when she saw this: "What? You also want to discuss with me?"

The old sect master: "..."

It was the first time he saw someone calling killing a negotiation!

The old sect master hesitated and said calmly: "I have lived for 800 million years. I haven't made a move since the fall of the era. Today I come to experience the girl's skills."

The mysterious woman hesitated and nodded slightly.

In an instant, she raised the knife with both hands and slashed at the old sect master.

Swish - this knife, there is no fancy, just a simple knife.

The old sect master was immediately as if he was facing a great enemy, and stabbed hard with the spear in his hand.


The next second, the old sect master's eyes widened and his body froze.


Then, he clearly saw that the spear in his hand began to disintegrate and shatter bit by bit.

In the end, it turned into powder.

His forehead was pierced by a blade of energy.

The old master was stunned and puzzled.

He thought he would lose, but he would not die!

At least he could fight for hundreds of rounds.

He was one of the overlords of the ancient era. Even when the ancient era had not yet collapsed, he did not dare to say that he was invincible, but no one could say that he could kill him instantly.

But now... he died?

Or was he killed instantly?

The old sect master's throat rolled, and he stared at the mysterious woman: "You... are you an ancient saint?"

At this moment, a term popped up in the old sect master's mind.

That is the ancient saint!

Because he couldn't think of any other reason why this woman could kill him in seconds!

The rest of the Yuanmen were all shocked when they heard this.

Ancient saint?

This woman is an ancient saint?

However, the mysterious woman shook her head slightly: "I am not an ancient saint."

The old sect master was startled and shook his head desperately: "No! Impossible! You are not an ancient saint...Why are you so strong? You, you have already defeated me, do you still have to humiliate me like this? You are obviously an ancient saint!"

Besides the ancient saint, what else can it be?

The old sect master firmly believed this, and this woman didn't admit it. Did she want to humiliate herself?

The mysterious woman rolled her eyes: "You are so stupid, I don't want to talk to a fool."

After that, she waved her hand casually.


The old sect master's eyes widened, and were directly blown away by a breeze from the mysterious woman's jade hand.

Disappeared endlessly.

The old sect master, suddenly!

After killing the old sect master, the mysterious woman did not do anything else, but kept looking out into the sky.

However, after waiting for a while, the world was still extremely quiet.

The mysterious woman frowned slightly and looked at the gray-robed old man with some displeasure: "Where are the people?"

The gray-robed old man was startled. At this moment, he was completely desperate and trembled: "People? What people?"

The mysterious woman said innocently: "Your ancestors? I killed the sect master, and your old sect master appeared. I killed your old sect master, shouldn't your ancestors appear? Isn't it usually played like this? Why hasn't he come out yet?"

The gray-robed old man's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Thinking... Are you waiting for our ancestors here?

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