Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5976 Yin Yang Domination

Blood Lord continued: "Demon Lord, now is the best result! He is gone, and our Demon Palace will not intervene. If one day the person behind him appears, and his strength is no weaker than the Purge, even if our Demon Palace cannot benefit, At least it won’t lead to evil.”

The Demon Lord rubbed his brows.

He naturally understood that Blood Lord was right.

Only this time, it's different!

If it were just Shenting, Demon Lord would still try to protect Chu Yan.

But now, the Purges are involved.

The Demon Lord sighed: "I regret sending him to you now."

Lord Xue said: "You have already given it away."

The Demon Lord hesitated and suddenly said: "If Shenting comes, Chu Yan will defect."

The Blood Lord clenched his fist slightly, and after hesitation, she suddenly looked directly at the Demon Lord: "Demon Lord, haven't you considered one thing?"

The Demon Lord frowned slightly: "What?"

Lord Xue said seriously: "Perhaps... we can truly form an alliance with Chu Yan?"

The Demon Lord's expression changed slightly.

He naturally understood what Blood Lord meant by true alliance.

It's not like taking advantage of each other and playing tricks on each other like now, but it's about digging our hearts and souls to become true allies.

Blood Lord continued: "Demon Lord, have you ever thought about it, Chu Yan is really special. Whether it is his identity or his talent, he is first-class. Looking at both the gods and demons, they are all looking for There is no one better than him!”

"We have been thinking about using him before, but why not consider actually making friends with him?"

"I have investigated Chu Yan. Although he unified the universe and the New Era, he did not enslave them, and he continued to nurture them."

Blood King said: "The resources he earned this time when he came to the Era of Gods and Demons were sent back to the universe. Those who followed Chu Yan over the years have gained a lot of benefits! Then why can't we also be this group of people? "

As soon as these words were spoken, the Demon Lord fell into silence.

Because he knew that what Blood Lord said made sense.

But soon, the Demon Lord still shook his head: "Blood Lord, you know people, faces but not hearts."

The Blood Lord was unwilling to say: "Demon Lord, why don't we give it a try? Why don't we try to treat him with kindness? Demon Lord, you have overlooked one thing."

The Demon Lord looked at the Blood Lord again.

Blood Lord said: "He is now the Lord of Heaven Refining, and he has opened up the universe himself! Demon Lord, do you think that if an ancient saint is really born in this world, who is more likely to succeed, or him?"

The Demon Lord clenched his fist again.

Because he already has the answer in his heart.

But after a while, the Demon Lord finally sighed: "Blood Lord, these words of yours... are too late!"

Lord Xue frowned and was about to speak.

Demon Lord interrupted in a deep voice: "Blood Lord, this time, we really can't mess around. Tianya's death is of great importance! Once you anger the Purges and they really attack you, we may not be able to save you."

Having said this, the Demon Lord's voice softened: "Just think of me as begging you! Blood Lord, we still have to live, and we can only take revenge if we live, right?"

Blood King's eyes were slightly blurred, and he murmured: "It's been two hundred million years, is it really possible to take revenge?"

The Demon Lord shook his head and turned to leave.

He wants to go back to the Demon Palace and tell the Demon Ancestor everything.

A corner of the battlefield between gods and demons.

A figure walked aimlessly.

It was Chu Yan.

As Chu Yan walked away, he couldn't help but curse: "I'm so stupid! What do you call this day?"

I clearly did all three things.

As a result, he was abandoned by the Demon Palace.


But Chu Yan was not too disappointed.

Cooperation with the Demon Palace itself is all about profit.

Now, it's better to part ways.

after all……

Chu Yan weighed the Shenxuan bag in his hand!

It's heavy inside.

There are 100,000 source mineral veins around Shenji Camp, including hundreds of high-level ones!

He originally planned to kill Tianya and give these to Lord Xue.

But now that I'm gone, I don't care.

The Demon Palace didn't do it first, so I can't blame myself.

"Where do I go now?"

Chu Yan had a headache: "I can't go back to my home, and I can't stay in the Continent of Gods and Demons. This world is so big that there is no place for me."

He felt angry just thinking about it.

Go back to the universe...

He is too strong now. As long as he dares to go back, the epochal barrier will surely collapse.

By then, the universe will be in big trouble.

This is not what he wants to see.

Why did he come to the Gods and Demons Continent? Wasn't it just to buy time for the universe?

But if he doesn’t return to the universe, this continent of gods and demons will no longer be able to accommodate him.

"Ancient Era?"

At this moment, something popped up in Chu Yan's mind.

But then, he shook his head again.

"I don't even know where the Ancient Era is."

Chu Yan became more and more helpless.

Simply, he walked for a while, but he had nowhere to go anyway...

Suddenly, Chu Yan sat down cross-legged and started practicing on the spot.

He has always adhered to one thing in his life.

When you feel confused or overwhelmed, calm yourself down and do something useful.

There is nothing wrong with practicing cultivation, so just practice it first.

In particular, Chu Yan's original path was cut off, but after his fight with Tianya, he realized something!

My physical body is still not enough!

Chu Yan's road is cut off, and there is no way to increase his attack for the time being. In this case, it would be good if he could strengthen his defense.

As the saying goes, if you can't beat someone, make yourself more resistant. This is also a way.

After Chu Yan sat down, his mind entered the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda.

He came to the first floor of the Five-Colored Divine Bull and asked: "Senior Five-Colored, you and I have both cultivated the Five Elements Overlord Body, why is your body stronger than mine?"

The Five-Colored Divine Bull said calmly: "It's very simple, you and I are of different races!"

Chu Yan was stunned: "Different races?"

The Five-Colored Divine Bull said: "Yes, I am a cow. Don't you humans always like to say that we old cows are thick-skinned and thick-fleshed... Of course my body is stronger than yours."

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched, and he said speechlessly: "This is the first time I've heard someone describe himself like this."

But then he frowned: "Senior, at this point, racial boundaries should no longer exist, right? Let's not talk about anything else... At this level, humans and cows can have children together."

The Five-Colored Divine Bull nodded: "Indeed, race There is no boundary, but...racial talent has always been there. "

Chu Yan was stunned: "Racial talent? What is that?"

The Five-Colored Divine Bull said faintly: "Boy, God is fair. If you get something, you are destined to lose something! We monsters and creatures are born with lower intelligence, so there is naturally a way to make up for it, which is talent."

Chu Yan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Senior, do you mean that my body is destined to not reach your level?"

The Five-Colored Divine Bull pondered for a moment and shook his head: "That's not it. If you want to continue to strengthen your body... there is another way."

Chu Yan's eyes lit up: "What?"

The Five-Colored Divine Bull hesitated and said: "The advanced version of the Five Elements Tyrant Body, the Yin and Yang Tyrant Body!"

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