Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5974 Let’s go!

Tianya is dead!

The messenger of the Purge descended on the divine court.

These two sentences undoubtedly struck God Shura's heart like a critical blow.

After all, sending Tianya to the Continent of Gods and Demons was originally proposed by God Shura.

However, things have already happened. God Shura slowly closed his eyes to calm down for a while, and then said: "Let's go, take me to see the emissary of the Purge."

Xingjun nodded helplessly.

Soon, the two came to the living room of Shenting.

Today, the Divine Ancestor is in retreat.

Almost all matters in the divine court are handled by God Shura.

As soon as God Shura entered the living room, he saw a figure wearing a huge hood.

The hood is so big that you can't see the man or woman clearly. Only the Clearer's logo on the chest proves your identity.

God Shura took a deep breath and hurriedly smiled and said: "Messenger of the Purifier."

The envoy raised his head and glanced at God Shura, and said coldly: "There is no need to say polite words. Xuannv already knows the news of Tianya's death. How does your divine court plan to solve this matter?"

God Shura clenched his fist slightly: "Messenger, please calm down, our court has unavoidable responsibility for this matter! But I will definitely give the purifier a satisfactory answer..."

The messenger didn't give God Shura a chance to talk nonsense, he stood up directly and said: "In three days, I want to see Chu Yan appear in front of me, dead or alive."

After saying this, his figure became ethereal.

He disappeared directly into the living room!

God Shura clenched his fist fiercely.

Angry, depressed, unhappy, but unable to vent.

After all, he was one of the five supreme beings in the Divine Court, but this messenger did not give him any face.

But now, Shenting doesn't dare to provoke the purgers at all.

God Shura took a deep breath and said to Xingjun: "Contact the evil and ask him to accompany me to the Demon Palace in person."

Xingjun nodded slightly, but just as he was about to leave, his expression suddenly changed.

God Shura noticed Xingjun's strange behavior and asked, "What's wrong?"

A rare flash of surprise flashed in Xingjun's eyes...

The main thing is that the Divine Court has been really in trouble recently.

Ever since Chu Yan came to the Continent of Gods and Demons, nothing good had happened to Shenting.

But now, he does feel a little excited.

Xingjun took a deep breath and said, "The divine fortune teller said that traces of the woman have been found."

God Shura's eyes narrowed: "Is it accurate?"

Xingjun said: "There should be nothing wrong with the fortune teller. He has been deducing based on the sword in the Temple of Death that day not long ago."

God Shura nodded with satisfaction: "Good news!"

Xingjun looked at God Shura: "What should we do now?"

God Shura was silent for a moment and said: "Don't let the evil come for now. Let him go to Zhan Shen Na. After getting the coordinates of the woman, we will set off directly. Now that we have found the woman, we will capture the woman first."

"When the time comes, I don't believe Chu Yan won't take the initiative to send it to your door."

Xingjun hesitated and said: "Shura, that woman is not weak."

God Shura said calmly: "I know, that's why I let Evil take action. With Evil's strength, there should be no problem."

Xingjun still hesitated.

God Shura said calmly: "Xingjun, I know what you are worried about, but have you considered one thing?"

Xingjun looked at Shura God.

Shura Shinto: "That woman broke into the Era of Gods and Demons that day. At that time, she clearly had the ability to kill the God of Death, but she only seriously injured the God of Death, but did not kill the God of Death. Why do you think this is?"

Xingjun was stunned: "Why?"

God Shura said calmly: "She didn't dare to offend our Divine Court to death! She was worried that if she killed the God of Death, our Divine Court would target her, so she just intimidated her and chose to leave."

Xingjun was startled.

He had never considered it before, but now that Shura God has analyzed it like this, it is quite possible.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the woman did not kill the god.

If that woman is really invincible and can sweep through the divine court, why should she spare the life of the God of Death?

Say it's different.

Shura Shendao: "The evil is very strong, but it is not comparable to the God of Death. If he takes action, there will be no problem. Even if he really can't kill the woman, he will definitely have the ability to protect himself."

Xingjun thought for a moment and nodded slightly.


The God of Evil, one of the five supreme beings of the Divine Court, has extraordinary strength, far beyond the comparison of the God of Death.

To put it bluntly, the twelve main gods of Shenting... are actually just that.

Just because they were there before the destruction of the Era, the Divine Court gave them some respect.

In terms of strength, it’s really not too strong.

Xingjun said: "I'll make arrangements here."

After saying that, he turned and left.

God Shura sneered alone: ​​"Chu Yan, this time, I want to see what the people behind you are capable of! Since the Demon Palace has placed its hopes on the people behind you, I will crush them together this time. ”

On this day, there was an evil force rising into the sky in the divine court.

Soaring straight into the sky.

It was the God of Evil. He obtained the coordinates of the mysterious woman from the God of Fortune and set off directly.

The battlefield between gods and demons.

After Blood Lord and Chu Yan separated, they returned to the Demon Camp alone.

However, as soon as she arrived at the Demon Camp, there was a whoosh, and a powerful figure came directly through the air.

Lord Xue glanced at the visitor.

It was none other than the Demon King.

At this time, Demon Lord's face was extremely gloomy. He looked at Blood Lord and said directly: "Where are the people?"

Lord Xue was stunned and said with a smile, "Who is it?"

Demon Lord said in a low voice: "Blood Lord, stop pretending to be stupid with me, where is Chu Yan!"

The Blood King said "Oh" and said casually: "Tell him, he's gone."


The Demon Lord's breath shook, and he growled: "Blood Lord, did you let him go?"

Lord Xue rolled his eyes: "Why should I let him go? My feet are on his legs. If he insists on leaving, can I stop him?"

The Demon Lord gritted his teeth for a while, and after a moment, he sighed: "Xue Lord, I know your character, you love talents and cherish them! But Blood Lord... you have to divide people! Now that Tianya is dead, the Divine Court will not let this matter go. Even those who know better will not! If you shield him now, it will bring you disaster!"

As soon as he said this, the Blood Lord looked up at the Demon Lord and said coldly: "Demon Lord, you sent me this man. I just did what a general should do. As for you, you want me to catch him personally? Demon Lord , you have seen the wrong person!”

The Demon Lord clenched his fist fiercely, feeling resentful that iron could not be transformed into steel, but he finally softened: "Blood Lord, now is not the time to be impulsive! I have received news that the Purifier messenger has gone to Shenting. They can't take down Chu Yan this time. , will probably take action against you..."

Hearing this, the Blood Lord smiled ferociously: "Attack me? Come on! My Blood Lord is right here, how can I still be afraid of them?"

The Demon Lord said helplessly: "Blood Lord, this matter is of great importance, this is not the time to fool around!"

Blood Lord shook his head: "Demon Lord, I'm not messing around, and Devil Lord, letting him go is the best choice. No matter what the original intention of the Demon Palace is, we have already invested in him. If we hand him over in person now If you go out, everything you have done before will be in vain, right?"

The Demon Lord fell silent for a moment.

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