Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5957 No more waiting


Chu Yan was puzzled.

Lord Xue glanced at Chu Yan and said calmly: "You don't understand such a simple truth?"

Chu Yan frowned: "Senior, what do you mean?"

Lord Xue didn't answer, he just kept looking at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "The Demon Palace doesn't want me to advance to semi-saint?"

Blood Lord said calmly: "No one in this world, except the universe and your era, wants you to advance to semi-saint."

"The Divine Court won't, and the Demon Palace doesn't want it either!"

"Even if you are cooperating with the Demon Palace now, from the Demon Palace's perspective, you can still control it, but once you break through, you will become an uncontrollable danger."

"After all, you and the Demon Palace...are not really cooperating, do you understand?"

Chu Yan was silent.

The Blood Lord continued: "The Demon Palace can accept you at level ten. This is already the limit. If you reach the semi-saint level, the Demon Palace... may change its strategy. After all, you will be too dangerous at that time."

Chu Yan looked at Blood Lord and said with a smile: "Senior, do you think so too? Are you also afraid of me?"

Blood Lord said calmly: "It doesn't matter what I think. What matters is the Demon Palace, because I can't represent the Demon Palace."

Chu Yan nodded: "I understand."

The Blood Lord said seriously: "I'm not joking with you, don't try to break through, unless you want to die! Level ten is already the limit of the Demon Palace's tolerance, I will find a way to fight for you! But I can't interfere even further. ”

"At that time, even if the Demon Palace does not kill you, it will choose to give up cooperating with you, and at that time, the Divine Palace will definitely kill you without leaving any room!"

"Listen to my words clearly. I will leave no room for you and kill you at all costs."

Chu Yan fell into deep thought.

Of course, what he is worried about is not breaking through to the Half Saint...

After all, he is still far from a semi-saint.

A distance that cannot be reached with eight poles.

However, Blood Lord's words also revealed one thing, he couldn't show off too much.

Unless you want to fall out with the Demon Palace.

The Demon Palace will not allow it either.

Chu Yan sighed: "If I had known... I wouldn't have come to test."

Blood Lord said faintly: "But now, you have already tested it, haven't you?"

Chu Yan pouted: "Senior, I'll go back first."

Lord Xue did not stop him and kept watching Chu Yan leave.

Wait until Chu Yan disappears.

Leng Ning said in a deep voice: "Sir, do we really want to protect him?"

Lord Xue smiled and said, "Why do you say that?"


Leng Ning uttered two words: "He makes me feel scared."

Lord Xue nodded: "It's quite scary, and...he makes me a little bit incomprehensible now."

"Can't see through?"

Leng Ning was startled: "What do you mean?"

Lord Xue shook his head: "I don't know, but I always feel that Chu Yan is very strange today. There is something wrong with his body and breath, but there seems to be some power trying to cover him up, and I can't break it."

Leng Ning asked doubtfully: "Sir, you mean... he may have other means?"

The Blood Lord shook his head: "I don't know! Forget it, let's forget about it for now, let's go back! I'm afraid the envoys of the Demon Lord and the Demon Ancestor are coming by now, so let's find a way to deal with them first."

Leng Ning nodded.

When Chu Yan returned to the mansion from the combat prowess test, the first thing he did was to change back into his physical body and put away the puppets.

Then he fell into deep thought.

The Continent of Gods and Demons... is not a good place.

Here, everything is staring at him.

Chu Yan rubbed his eyebrows: "It's really difficult for me."

Xiao Jiu said: "Very good, don't forget, your puppet is only at my level, and you can continue to make breakthroughs."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and then said helplessly: "That's what I say, but it's very difficult to break through."

If you don’t enter Weiwo, you don’t know it. Once you enter Weiwo Chuyan, you will understand that cultivating in this realm is like a gold-swallowing beast!

After reaching the first level of Wei Wo, Chu Yan took a look at his road and wanted to go back. Every step was astronomical.

He is now in the Continent of Gods and Demons. If we place it in the new era, the combined resources of the entire era will most likely not be enough for him alone.

Chu Yan shook his head.

Don't think about whether these things exist or not.

The puppet is put away.

Chu Yan crossed his legs again.

Now, the puppet has broken through, but it has no effect on himself.

A puppet is a puppet, no matter how strong it is, it is still a puppet. A puppet is not as good as a clone. If the Jiutian clone that Chu Yan used in the early years is strong, it can at least be taken back into the body one day and merge with himself.

But not the puppet!

In a sense, puppets are like weapons.

It is an external force.

Or rather a tool.

Therefore, Chu Yan will not invest too much energy in puppets.

If he hadn't had no choice this time, he wouldn't have wasted such a long time studying the puppets.

Just like what he thinks, you still need to be strong to make iron.

Over the years, he often met some people, especially sword cultivators and sword cultivators, who spent their entire lives pursuing a good weapon.

A good sword, a good knife.


They have never thought about one thing. No matter how strong the sword is, it is still a sword. If you are not strong enough, what is the use of the weapon no matter how strong it is?

In recent years, most of the weapon devourers have appeared on this kind of people.

Chu Yan has always followed the concept that everything can be used as a sword.

As long as you are strong enough, everything in the world can be used as a sword, and a wicker stick can cut through the majestic world.

As the saying goes, there is no sword in the hand, but there is a sword in the heart.

Chu Yan's biggest headache was that his original body had no way to go without breaking through the only self.

But this time the puppet's breakthrough gave him some ideas.

At this time, he was ready to try again.


Soon, Chu Yan closed his eyes.

Entered a state of ecstasy.

God's Court.

Asura Palace.

Asura God looked at the latest information in his hand and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he handed it to Xingjun: "Take a look."

Xingjun took it and his eyes condensed: "Quasi-saint? This is impossible! Is this information accurate?"

Asura God said lightly: "The results of the combat power test of the Demon Palace military camp, what do you think?"

Xingjun clenched his fist: "This is too fast! Doesn't he have any barriers to practice?"

He remembered that when he was practicing in the only self, it could be said that he was going through a step by step!

Shura God shook his head: "I don't know, but this is definitely not a good thing for us!"

After that, Shura God took a deep breath and said seriously: "Send a message to the battlefield of gods and demons, let them start to act!"

Xingjun was slightly stunned: "Don't wait until you find that woman before you act?"

The original idea of ​​the Divine Court was to find the mysterious woman behind Chu Yan first, kill her and then move Chu Yan.

Shura God shook his head: "Don't wait, anyway, they are all enemies, it doesn't matter whether you find them or not, kill that woman first or kill Chu Yan first, the result is the same anyway."

Xingjun thought for a while and nodded: "Okay! Then I will arrange it now."

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