Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5955 Little Bronze Man

Chu Yan actually had some worries.

After all, the battle force field belongs to the Demon Palace's military camp.

Blood Lord is highly likely to be detected.

The puppet had just broken through, and he didn't want to be exposed yet.

Although he is a puppet to deal with Tianya, is the Demon Palace really trustworthy?

You know, you are a giant yourself, so this identity is very sensitive.

Chu Yan's biggest secret so far is his realm.

Since Tianyuan, he has not dared to expose his realm.

If anyone knew now that he was a giant...

It will definitely explode.

The whole world will go crazy.

Regardless of gods and demons, or ancient times, at that time, I am afraid that the whole world will be against me.

This is people.

People can accept others as being slightly better than themselves, and even regard them as role models for learning.

But once there is too much excellence, that person will become an alien.

Strangers...will be ostracized.

A giant counterattacks a tenth-level solipsist or even a semi-saint. This is something that the world does not allow to exist.

I am no exception.

The puppet goes to test. If anything is exposed, even if the only level one defeats the tenth level, the world will definitely be in chaos.

Chu Yan hesitated and said: "Xiaojiu, if I go for a test, are you sure you can hide it for me?"

Xiao Jiu thought for a moment and said, "I'm not sure. I don't know how it was tested over there. I don't know if my concealment power will work."

Chu Yan was silent.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said again: "Of course, even if it is impossible to hide everything, it is still possible to create a fake realm for you."

Chu Yan was stunned: "Fake realm?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "If your puppet goes to the test and the power of the explosion is too strong, I can also make others mistakenly think that you have broken through to the tenth level instead of the only one."

Chu Yan suddenly realized.

"Oh yes...in the eyes of others, I am the ninth-level only me, right?"

If Xiaojiu didn't remind him, he would almost forget about it.

"Nine-level giant... Then even if I am promoted again, it will be excusable."

Xiao Jiu said: "As long as it's not too outrageous."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and then a flash of expectation flashed in his eyes: "Then go and test it!"

He was really curious about how powerful his puppet was.

Moreover, he did not test, and then faced some troubles against Tianya.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win every battle!

Here, knowing one's friends must come before knowing one's enemy. If a person doesn't know himself well enough, how can he defeat others?

In Chu Yan's view, in this sentence, knowing oneself is more important than knowing the enemy.

When people live, they must first recognize themselves!



Chu Yan's soul left his body and entered the puppet.


The next second, he disappeared from the room, and when he reappeared, he had entered the Blood Lord's mansion.


As soon as he entered, his face suddenly turned red and he turned around hastily.

Because the Blood Lord was actually changing his armor, from armor to a red dress.

What resulted was... Blood Lord's armor had just faded away, and his perfect body was exposed.

Fortunately, there was a layer of gauze in front of the bed to block it, otherwise Chu Yan would have completely seen the Blood Lord at a glance.

Lord Xue noticed something, waved his jade hand, and the red dress immediately flew to her delicate body, tightly wrapped her body tightly, and said coldly: "If you don't knock on the door next time, I will slap you out. "

Chu Yan: "..."

Lord Xue straightened up his long skirt, then lifted up the tulle and walked out. He chuckled and said, "Or do you actually want to spy on me? Boy, if you want, you can tell your sister generously... Maybe my sister will directly I promised to show it to you.”

As soon as these words came out, a faint feeling of spring filled the room.

Chu Yan coughed hurriedly and took a step back: "Senior is joking, it's junior Meng Lang."

Lord Xue snorted coldly, and then said: "Tell me, what do you have to do with me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Xue said displeasedly: "Boy, I asked you to promise me three things in total! It seems that you haven't done one yet, but you have troubled me several times in a row, right?"

Chu Yan laughed dryly: "Senior, I am your soldier. I come to you if I have something to do. Isn't this a matter of course?"

Lord Xue chuckled: "If you can't do the three things you promised me, I'll let you know what it means to be a devil general later."

Chu Yan: "..."

Immediately, he got straight to the point: "Senior, I want to use the combat power testing ground in the military camp."

Lord Xue said in surprise: "Combat strength test?"

After saying that, she narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Chu Yan like a crescent moon: "It's a little different. I haven't seen you for a day, and it seems that I made up a person... Boy, your body... doesn't seem to be the same as before. One pair?"

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yan's face changed slightly.

He said hurriedly: "Xuejun misunderstood! My physical body was very strong before, how could I change it?"

Lord Xue narrowed his eyes: "Really?"

Then she smiled and said: "Maybe I saw it wrong... I can test it with combat power, okay!"

After saying this, she made a move with her beautiful hand: "Condensation."


The next second, Leng Ning appeared behind Lord Xue wrapped in a black robe.

Condensation is like Blood Lord's shadow. Whenever Blood Lord needs it, it will appear immediately.

Lord Xue said calmly: "Little friend Chu wants to test his combat power. You can take him to try it out."


Leng Ning said: "Little friend Chu, come with me."

Chu Yan nodded and quickly followed Leng Ning.

The Blood Lord did not participate, but watched from the mansion.

After a while, Chu Yan, led by Leng Ning, came to a special area.

A ring.

In the center of the ring stood a small bronze man.

Chu Yan was startled when he saw the bronze man, and was a little confused.

Leng Ning said lightly: "Attack this bronze man with all your strength, and then your fighting power will be shown on the bronze man."

Chu Yan was stunned: "So simple? Senior, I think this bronze man...is of average quality. I won't break it with one punch, right? You won't ask me to pay for it then?"

At this time, Chu Yan suspected that the Blood Lord was tricking him.

Is he trying to make a profit?

Leng Ning sneered: "Break it? If you can break this bronze man, not only will you not have to pay for it, but the Demon Palace will also give you a thousand mineral veins."

Chu Yan smacked his lips and muttered: "Is it true?"

Immediately, he didn't say anything nonsense and began to clench his fists slightly.


When he clenched his fist, a vortex immediately appeared in his palm, like a huge black hole, greedily devouring the power of heaven and earth.

Leng Ning was boasting.

He should not be able to break this bronze man.

Chu Yan did not hold back his strength.

After all, this time, he just wanted to test the strength of the puppet. If he deliberately held back, then there would be no point in testing or not.


In an instant, infinite power gathered in Chu Yan's palm, like a small world, making the world tremble.

At this time, Chu Yan had not yet punched, but Leng Ning's face changed slightly.

Because in Chu Yan's fist... he actually felt a hint of death threat?

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