Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5953: Accumulation of experience leads to a breakthrough

Chu Yan was ecstatic when he saw this.

"My only way!"

He knew he had succeeded.

The puppet has changed its own epoch attributes.


At this time, the sky cave merged with the puppet's new path, and it began to vibrate violently.

In addition, after the puppet continued, there was also a trace of power overflowing.


At this time, the two tribes of gods and demons guarding outside the cave took off together.

Qi increased sharply.

The sky cave is shaking, this is not a small thing.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and said quickly: "Xiao Jiu."

Xiaojiu nodded, and a covering aura emerged.

Only then did Chu Yan's aura disappear again.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his expression suddenly changed.

A terrifying force quickly broke through the air and surged directly towards where Chu Yan was.

Tsk - the next second, a silver spear shot through the air.

It shot directly towards the place where Chu Yan was.

Chu Yan's expression changed, he stamped his foot and quickly disappeared from the spot.

He just left.


A man wearing silver armor arrived, picked up the spear, and frowned slightly.

"have they gone?"

The man murmured alone.

Somewhat disappointed.

At this time, someone from Shenting quickly rose into the sky and came to the man: "Lord Tianya."

The man nodded slightly: "Let's disperse, that person has left."

Only then did everyone leave.


Chu Yan gasped for breath.

I was shocked.

That shot just now was very strong.

It can be said that so far, excluding those monsters like Chen Tianzhen, this is the strongest blow Chu Yan has ever seen.

At that moment, if he had been slower, he might have been shot.

Is this Tianya?

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "I still underestimate you!"

He had known about Tianya Qiang for a long time, but he had never had an idea.

When I saw him today, Tianya's strength was already infinitely close to the level of the Supreme God and the King of the Demon Palace.

Even better.

Chu Yan had fought against God Shura. Although he didn't know whether God Shura used all his strength, Tianya gave him the feeling that he was no weaker than God Shura.

Chu Yan suddenly felt a huge pressure.

"Winning against Tianya...is not easy."

Chu Yan took a deep breath, then stopped talking nonsense and left quickly.

The puppet has completed its continuation.

He must hurry up now to let the puppet break through.

Soon, Chu Yan returned to the mansion.

He had just entered the mansion not long ago.

A beautiful figure wearing a blood-red dress entered.

It is the Blood King.

Chu Yan saw Lord Xue stunned, stood up and said, "Lord Blood Lord."

Lord Xue waved his hand and said with a smile: "Just now, there was a huge turmoil near the Sky Cave."

Chu Yan pretended to be confused and said: "The cave is in turmoil? Did something happen?"

Lord Xue looked at Chu Yan meaningfully: "You don't know?"

Chu Yan scratched his head: "How would I know? I have never been to Tiancao."

Lord Xue looked into Chu Yan's eyes and smiled: "Really?"

Chu Yan met his gaze and said, "Yes."

Lord Xue nodded slightly: "Okay, I'm here to tell you that the Heavenly Cave is in turmoil and Tianya has gone over there. I guess Shenting will have a plan soon. Please hurry up."

Chu Yan nodded: "Senior, don't worry."

Lord Xue said nothing and turned to leave.

After Lord Xue left, Chu Yan's fists were loosened and filled with sweat.

"Have you still been noticed?"

Chu Yan sighed: "At the level of Blood Lord, there are no weak people."

Xiao Jiu said: "She doubts you."

Chu Yan nodded: "Ignore it for now. This time I see the end of the world, it is not a force that I can compete with now. The puppet must break through."

Immediately, he took out the puppet again.

Prepare to break through.

Outside the palace.

After Lord Xue left, he turned around and took a look inside, and murmured: "Did I guess wrong?"

Lord Xue shook his head slightly and didn't think much about it.

Because no matter what, there will be results soon.

Chuyan Mansion.

The puppet's continuation was completed, and the whole person's aura underwent a huge change.

The most obvious one is the sense of era.

Puppet's original path was rooted in the new era, but now he seems to be a different person.

There is no mark of the era on the puppet.

"It's time to break through."

Chu Yan muttered.

Then, he began to control it with his mind.

He originally thought that breaking through self-centeredness would be very difficult.

But when the puppet continued, he realized that he had thought too much.

After the puppet continued, the originally broken self-centered road was restored, and the road ahead was smooth...

Chu Yan gave it a try.


The puppet's energy changed directly, and its strength began to rise crazily, and it actually jumped over.

Chu Yan still didn't believe it at first, so he had been making second-hand preparations and taking various precautions.


After a stick of incense.


The puppet's aura stabilized.

Chu Yan looked at it intently and couldn't help but be startled: "Is this... a breakthrough?"

At this time, Chu Yan was a little confused!

Is this a little too simple?

Although he is confident that he can help the puppet break through, the problem is... the solipsistic realm. Only the legendary realm exists in the new era... Is it a little difficult for you?

Are there some bottlenecks and shackles?

This... How come I feel like I haven't even exerted my strength again, and then I've already broken through?

Is there not even a barrier?

Chu Yan was in a trance.

It doesn't feel real.

Is he dreaming?

At this time, Xiao Jiu said lightly: "It's normal."

Chu Yan frowned: "Normal? Is this normal?"

He remembered that when he broke through the giant, it took a lot of effort to complete it.

Xiao Jiu said: "Only me... It's really difficult for others, but it's different for you! Boy, you have come this far, especially after experiencing the rule world of Jie Gui, he has polished all the previous realms again, and his strength has become stronger."

"It can be said that you have already made all the preparations for breaking through the only me. Now the puppet has changed the road and the only me road has been repaired, so you can naturally walk up easily."

Xiao Jiu said: "When you do something, if you feel it is difficult, it must be because you didn't do your preparations before! If you are fully prepared, this thing will not be difficult, right?"

Chu Yan was slightly stunned, and then thought about it and it seemed to be true.

Although I haven't broken through the ego, I have reached the mechanism in every realm before.

It can be said that I have been prepared for the breakthrough.

Now, if I can break through, everything will come naturally.

Xiao Jiu said: "This is why some people say that when you don't choose a good direction, you must keep learning and accumulating strength. In this way, once you have a goal, you can easily achieve it and make great progress."

Hearing this, Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "I thought it would be very difficult to break through the puppet... This time, I am not confident."

Xiao Jiu said: "Okay, let's try the strength of this puppet."

Chu Yan nodded, and then he was full of expectations.

My own ego realm!

How strong will it be?

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