Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5950: Spirit of the Era

Chu Yan bid farewell to Blood Lord and returned to his mansion again, then fell into deep contemplation.

To be honest, this visit to Blood Lord had a great impact on him.

Many things were beyond his expectations.

Especially a sky cave in the center of the battlefield of gods and demons.

The great way of the gods and demons was actually rooted here.

Xiao Jiu said: "Boy, it seems that this battlefield of gods and demons is much more complicated than we imagined."

Chu Yan nodded: "We all overlooked one thing before. I always thought this was the era of gods and demons, but it is not. This is just a refuge for the gods and demons to avoid the catastrophe! But, Xiao Jiu, have you ever thought about a question?"


"This place escaped the era catastrophe."

Xiao Jiu was startled: "You mean..."


Chu Yan said: "According to Blood Lord, the era catastrophe came, and the entire era was destroyed, but this place was not affected! In other words, the current battlefield of gods and demons itself is an existence beyond the era."

"Here, itself It is a place of transcendence. "

Xiao Jiu nodded slightly: "Indeed, otherwise, the era attributes of the gods and demons have collapsed, and the avenue is rootless, and it is impossible to survive for so long. This place can entrust their avenue, which means that this place has the ability to transcend the era. "

Speaking of this, Xiao Jiu continued: "The former owner of this world may also be an ancient saint."

Chu Yan said seriously: "The owner here is probably not just an ancient saint."

"Ah?" Xiao Jiu was surprised: "Could it be above the ancient saint?"

Chu Yan said: "You think, according to our speculation, the Shura Field should be an ancient saint relic, and the Shura Field... is in this world."

Xiao Jiu's eyes shrank.


The God and Demon Continent is very large, so large that Chu Yan thought this was the second nothingness.

It is another era.

The Shura Field is just a part of the God and Demon Continent.

Chu Yan said: "The Continent of Gods and Demons... is just our name for this place. We don't know what it is called. Maybe the answer will surface in the future."

Xiao Jiu asked: "What are you going to do now?"

Chu Yan pondered for a moment and smiled: "What else can I do? Since I'm here, I'll make the best of it! No matter how strong the owner here is, he is no longer in the void!"

"Now that I have figured out the foundation of the Great Dao of the Age of Gods and Demons, I will naturally find a way to make the puppet break through."

Xiao Jiu nodded.

That's what he likes about Chu Yan.


If it were an ordinary person, when he was weak, he would be hit and lose motivation if he knew some terrifying things in advance.

But Chu Yan would not. In his world, no matter how many enemies there are in the future, or how terrible the future is, he will live well in the present first.

Do the things in front of you well.

If you can't do the things in front of you well, what's the future?

At this time, Chu Yan put his hands together, and a puppet was summoned again.


The next second, Chu Yan used his mind to control the puppet, and a road as thick as a tree appeared above the puppet's head.

Xiao Jiu said: "Boy, you have to think about it. Once the puppet's epoch mark is cut off, the puppet's road will be rootless. Once the sky cave cannot carry the puppet's road... your puppet is basically ruined."

"This puppet... you have invested too many resources and energy."

Chu Yan fell silent.


Now, his puppet is also a first-level giant and has a tenth-level combat power. Although it is a little worse than the original body, because there are no special skills such as the Five Elements Overlord Body.

But it is still very terrifying.

The resources consumed are also an astronomical figure.

When Chu Yan first learned the puppet method, he actually didn't care much about the life and death of the puppet, and even used the puppet directly as a self-destructing bomb.

It blew up, and just made another one.

But recently, Chu Yan was a little reluctant.

It consumed too much.

It is no exaggeration to say...

The source stones consumed to build this puppet are enough to support the consumption of all living beings in the universe for a whole hundred years.

You know, it is the entire universe, not one or two people, but all the living beings in the universe, hundreds of trillions of living beings, and the source stones consumed in a hundred years are enough to build this puppet.

If it really fails and is destroyed.

Chu Yan will not feel pain, but will really die of pain.

However, Chu Yan hesitated for only a second, chuckled directly, spread his palms, and a bright red long sword emerged.

Blood Sword!

The next second, Chu Yan aimed at the root of the Puppet Avenue and gently slashed it.

This time, Chu Yan did not use the Refining Heaven Sword or the Heavenly Sword, but the Blood Sword.

Although up to now, the Blood Sword is not as strong as the Heavenly Sword and the Refining Heaven Sword, but this sword is tailor-made for him and is more suitable for himself.

To cut off the Puppet Avenue, you still have to use the sword that best matches you.

Swish—the blood-red sword light flashed by.

It directly chopped down the foundation of the Puppet Avenue.


The first moment the sword light fell, the Avenue was not cut off, but instead sent out a terrifying residual force in all directions.


The next second, the Avenue seemed to be stimulated by something and became extremely angry.

The entire Avenue swayed wildly.

It was like the eve of a storm.


The next second, a terrifying pressure suddenly surged out from the foundation of the Avenue and hit Chu Yan directly.

Chu Yan's face changed. He obviously didn't expect that the avenue would fight back.

But he was not afraid. He swept his sword horizontally.


The next second, there was a loud noise. Chu Yan retreated several steps, but the pressure was also cut by a white fish belly.

Chu Yan stopped behind him, his face gloomy.


At this time, a white shadow appeared under the foundation of the avenue.

The white shadow seemed to be filled with endless anger and spoke in a mechanical voice: "Asshole, do you want to cut off the foundation of the era?"

Chu Yan was startled when he saw this: "Fuck, the avenue is alive?"

But soon he shook his head slightly and squinted his eyes and said: "No, you are not the spirit of the avenue of the puppet, you are... the spirit of the new era?"

The white shadow continued: "You all survived under my support. You dare to cut off the avenue. You are looking for death."

Chu Yan laughed when he heard this.

He didn't know what this white shadow was.

However, he sneered: "Don't say that the puppet is mine, his avenue is also mine, even if it is my own avenue, I can break it if I want, who do you think you are?"

The white shadow frowned slightly, but did not wait for him to speak.


Chu Yan's palm suddenly spread out, and two long swords flew out at the same time.

The two swords were the Heavenly God Sword and the Refining Heavenly God Sword.


In an instant, the three swords merged into one and directly cut off the root of the puppet's avenue.



At this moment, the whole mansion trembled.

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