Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 594 Results

"Kill!" Bei Ming Sha Tian roared, and the Human Emperor Sword immediately formed thousands of sword beams from top to bottom. On the empty battlefield, it was like the center of a storm, as if it was going to destroy the world, extremely terrifying.

Chu Yan turned into a demon armor and stood in the center, enduring the terrible impact, with constant bangs, and the demon armor was broken and reborn.

"You really didn't disappoint me. After the ruins of the Heavenly Lord, you are stronger." Bei Ming Sha Tian looked at Chu Yan on the broken battlefield. The two had fought three times. The first time, Chu Yan was only the sixth level of the emperor, and fled in embarrassment under his sword light. In the second battle, he turned into the God Hammer Emperor and fought him to a draw. The third time, he was defeated.

"Even if I have become a monarch, it is not fair to win you, but even so, you must die today!"

After three battles, every time he transformed, Chu Yan became stronger, and even once his confidence was shaken.

But this time, it was different. His progress was transcendental. He went from an emperor to a king, and possessed the power of Lingtian. So he had absolute confidence in this battle.

Chu Yan looked up. He didn't want to fight at the Tianzhao Banquet. Today, he came here with Mu Tian just to remember his enemies one by one and let them know that he, Chu Yan, was not dead.

But because of the matter of watching the wind, he would not be polite since he had to fight. Moreover, he also understood that this battle with Beiming Shatian was inevitable.

So in an instant, he showed a terrible brilliance, and layers of light curtains descended from the sky. Behind him, there were swords clanging, a giant hammer in the starry sky, a bow that broke the sky, and a huge demon shadow.

"The clanging sword is Chu Yan himself, the Starry Sky Hammer is the God Hammer Emperor, the Sky-breaking Bow is the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master, and now there is another huge demon shadow." Someone in the audience counted them one by one: "Could it be that Chu Yan still has useless cards in the Tianjun Ruins?"

"No, you feel it carefully, that huge demon shadow seems a little familiar."

"It is the inheritance of the Tianjun Ruins! That demon shadow is connected to the inheritance power of the Tianjun Ruins."

When the demon shadow behind Chu Yan flickered, all the inheritors of the Emperor Road and the King Road actually had a sense of submission in their bodies.

"Asshole!" The people of the five major veins felt it and roared: "That day in the Tianjun Ruins, he rushed to the blood light barrier and got the inheritance inside."

"Haha, five major veins, thank you. The blood light barrier is inaccessible to the Tianjun, and it kills everything. If you hadn't forced it to break, I'm afraid I wouldn't have stepped into it and got this opportunity." Chu Yan admitted.

Bei Ming Sha Tian stared at Chu Yan. It seemed that there were not one person standing in front of him, but four top-level Heavenly Emperors. Regardless of blood, life soul, and deterrence, they were all four people, but the four people overlapped in Chu Yan's body.

That feeling was like a skin bag with four souls hidden inside.

"Since you have comprehended the true inheritance of the Heavenly Emperor, you will still lose today." Bei Ming Sha Tian shouted loudly, rumbling, and at this moment a spectacular scene appeared behind him, as if a river and mountains had descended. He was the emperor of men, ruling the eight directions, and no one would disobey him when he spoke.

The majestic Juntu unfolded on the battlefield, as if this was his world.

Feeling the erosion of the terrible Juntu, Chu Yan seemed to be trapped in the two armies, and the air was filled with murderous intent. He put his hands together, and the devil's hand broke out, killing like a god of war.

Bei Ming Sha Tian's handprint was slapped, and immediately there was an ancient golden curse seal, the sword light swept across, Chu Yan was like a god of death, and then the terrible curse seal collapsed from it.

"Chu Yan, you and I are both geniuses. In this land of the starry sea, in my opinion, you are the only one who is worthy of being my opponent. If someone can change the world in the future, it will be one of us." Bei Ming Sha Tian said proudly. His words were extremely wild, as if he didn't care about Axe Maniac and Zhuo Yang, only Chu Yan.

"So I understand you better. When I defeated the emperor, I also had the same ridiculous idea as you, that is, to fight the king with the emperor." Bei Ming Sha Tian's terrible storm was still raging, but he said alone in the air: "But when I became the king, I finally understood how ridiculous this idea was. The emperor is the emperor, and he can never compete with the king."

"The king, can't be insulted!"

As Bei Ming Sha Tian's voice fell, the power around him became stronger, and he killed out in a golden holy light, and the storm on the battle stage continued to collapse.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There were continuous loud noises, and the stone statues suppressing the battle stage burst one after another at this time, unable to withstand the terrible power.

Chu Yan looked up and looked at Bei Ming Sha Tian. The corner of his mouth suddenly smiled, a little teasing: "You and I are still different!"

"Hmm?" Bei Ming Sha Tian's eyes condensed, and suddenly a terrible demonic chant came out in the storm. Chu Yan rushed out with a sword, and the terrible thunder wings behind him shook, which actually broke all his plans.

"In my opinion, there is no king who cannot be humiliated, only humiliating oneself!" Chu Yan was indifferent, rushing into the sky, like an arrogant demon king, raising his hand, the terrible demonic light covered the sky.

"The so-called Jiangshan, give me broken!"

"Ah!!!" Chu Yan roared madly, the demonic arm resisted the endless power, crushed inch by inch, the ground cracked, and Bei Ming Sha Tian's king map was actually pushed back bit by bit.

"So terrible..."

In the audience, everyone was stunned.

This battle, at this point, seems to have surpassed everything in the Duotian Banquet. This battle has almost reached an extreme.

The most exciting battle in the Duotian Banquet, Zhuo Yang and the Axe Madman, is just like this, right?

What is even more horrifying is that this battle, which seems to be able to destroy everything and which even ordinary monarchs are afraid of, is actually led by an emperor who is invincible.

Who would still question Chu Yan now? Didn't dare to go on stage at the Heaven-stealing Banquet? It seems that they just disdain it?

Some people even wondered, if he went on stage, would Axe Madman still be the first? His combat power might not be as good as Axe Madman, but Axe Madman was at the second level of Human Sovereign and had practiced for exactly fifty years.

What about Chu Yan? He is just a top-level Heavenly Emperor, right?

This is too shocking. The people of the five major veins realized this and their faces became even more embarrassed, especially the Jiuyou Dynasty. In terms of hatred, after Beiming, it was Jiuyou.

Back then in the Heavenly Sovereign Ruins, although Chu Yan was outstanding, he was still a junior. They forced him to death just because of hatred, but they didn't have much fear.

But now it's different. In two years, Chu Yan has reached the top level of Heavenly Emperor and has become a force to be reckoned with. Just based on his performance today, if he is willing, the door to the direct lineage of Tianbei Mountain will surely open for him.

"Taixu, at the Tianzhu Banquet, your disciple seemed to be hiding on purpose." Someone from the chief snorted coldly, and Saint Taixu stroked his beard gently and smiled, "I said that if Shatian is willing, he can be among the top three at the Tianzhu Banquet."

Beiming Shatian's crazy bombardment, the Human Emperor Sword, every sword fell, contained the power of annihilation, and the battlefield seemed to be unable to withstand this power and explode at any time.

Facing the terrible attack, Chu Yan did not retreat, and his hammer, sword, bow, and magic were madly scattered.

"Kill!" Beiming Shatian roared, he could not tolerate that he was a monarch, but he was unable to suppress Chu Yan. At this moment, he turned into a thousand-foot human emperor, as if he wanted the sky to surrender, and kicked Chu Yan mercilessly with a terrible kick.

At this moment, Chu Yan condensed all the blood power into the sword intent. In an instant, power, speed, and magic showed endless brilliance. This sword will be his strongest blow.

"Are you going to fight to the death?" The audience was shocked by the momentum of the two people. The ancient emperor was fighting against the terrible sword light.

"I am Bei Ming Sha Tian. Since I was born, no one can defeat me!" Bei Ming Sha Tian roared, and a violent punch collided with the sword light. Suddenly, the sky and the earth split apart, and the emperors in the distance stood up and blocked the space.

"Bang!" Chu Yan's face turned pale under the collision of the two forces. The power of the emperor was still too strong, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood and his body fell on the battlefield in a mess.

"Bang!" Compared with Chu Yan, Bei Ming Sha Tian was even more miserable. Under the cover of the ruthless sword violence, his skin was shattered inch by inch, and the emperor disappeared. In the end, only a bloody shadow was left, and he fell down.

"It's over..." Everyone in the audience sighed.

At this time, a figure shot out from the ruins and stood in the void. It was Chu Yan. He looked at Bei Ming Sha Tian in the distance with a cold look.

"Now, what else do you want to say?"

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