Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5938: Learn from me

Lord Xue left a sentence and turned to leave.

Chu Yan stayed alone in the room in a daze.

Blood King's words made him also fall into deep thought.

The battlefield between gods and demons... seemed more complicated than he imagined.

The road ahead for him will be extremely bumpy.

Because more people here want him dead.

The same goes for the Divine Court and the Demonic Palace.

When Chu Yan thought of this, he couldn't help but cursed: "What are you doing? They are all trying to kill me. Did I dig up your ancestral graves in my last life?"

He was scolded, but he understood that this was a fate that he could not escape.

Unless...he gives up the universe and the current era.

Otherwise, his enemies will just keep coming.

Chu Yan rubbed his brows and said, "You're still not strong enough. If you were strong enough, no matter what gods, demons, immortals or Buddhas you dare to challenge me, you could blow them all up with one punch.

Immediately, he shook his head and sat down cross-legged.

You need to think carefully about how to face the next complicated situation.

The battlefield between gods and demons.


Shenting Military Camp.

Like the Demon Palace, a Great Wall stretching thousands of miles is built here.

At this time, a man in cloth was in retreat. Suddenly, his eyes opened, revealing a sharp edge.

These eyes are very special.

At first glance, there is only one word, pure!



This person is Tianya.

Tianya looked outside the door.

A wisp of black smoke drifted in, and immediately transformed into an old man in black, saying in a hoarse voice: "God Shura has sent an order, Chu Yan has entered the battlefield of gods and demons."

Tianya's eyes lit up and he asked expectantly: "Is it finally here?"

The old man said again: "Don't act for the time being. Chu Yan is still in the Demon Palace, where the Blood Lord rules. You only need to be responsible for plundering more resources. Sooner or later you will meet him."

Tianya nodded: "I understand."

The old man in black robe slowly disappeared.

South of Shura Field, Demon Palace.

A night of silence.

Chu Yan closed his eyes for a night to let himself adapt to the original concentration of the battlefield of gods and demons. In addition, he was thinking about the words of the Blood Lord.

With his current strength, he is definitely no match for Tianya, so if he wants to win this battle, he must plan well.

The next day.

It's just dawn.

A deafening trumpet sounded in the military camp.

Like a dragon roaring.

Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes. He knew that Lord Blood was holding a military meeting, so he got up and flew in the direction of the horn.

Soon, Chu Yan came to the square.

Very vast.

When he arrived, tens of thousands of demonic troops had already formed formations here.

Chu Yan leaned over and looked, shocked.

Is this the battlefield between gods and demons?

Different from the petty fights in Shura Field, there is a real army here!

There are dozens of hundred-man square formations here.

The point is, the people in these formations are all self-centered, the weakest ones are only at level 3 or 4, and the leaders of each formation are all level 10 or above.

Is this the foundation of the Era of Gods and Demons?

Thousands of people are our army!

You know, in this era, there is not even a solipsistic person.

When the first solipsists appeared in this era, they were all beings who were canonized as gods.

Here...there are tens of thousands of gods.

"The gap is too big..."

Chu Yan was shocked in his heart.

"With the strength of the universe today, let alone the era of gods and demons, just one such formation would be enough to crush the universe."

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "Universe, we must hurry up and become stronger!"

Immediately, he regained his composure and slowly fell into the square.

Today, the Blood Lord has changed into a set of clothes. It is no longer the bright red dress, but a suit of dark reflective magic armor. His long hair is tied up high, and he is holding a magic sword in his hand. Yesterday's style was in sharp contrast.

Today's Blood Lord is like a general.

Lord Xue also saw Chu Yan, and then he spoke loudly: "Okay, be quiet, everyone is here."


With one order, the originally noisy square suddenly became quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.

Chu Yan was shocked again.

"What a terrifying majesty, words and deeds are forbidden!"

He can do this in the universe, but apart from that, almost none of the families and forces he sees outside can do it.

Xiao Jiu said: "It's normal, this is the military! The army! Regardless of race, military orders always come first."

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

Then he stopped talking and remained quiet.

Blood Lord said again: "You must already know that in just three days, our Demon Palace has been defeated many times in a row, and more than thirty original mineral veins have been lost."

The people in the Demon Palace immediately lowered their heads.

At this time, a man in the front snorted: "We are not to blame for all this. If we are to blame, it is also to blame that Chu Yan. He killed Divine Punishment at this time. Otherwise, why would Shenting start a crazy counterattack?"

Chu Yan frowned slightly from behind.

Mud, you have just arrived and you are already being targeted, right?

He didn't believe that the Demon Palace didn't inform him about his entry into the battlefield between gods and demons. These people obviously knew about it.

Lord Xue looked at the man and said coldly: "Chi Mozi, Chu Yan killed God Punishment and won the Shura Field to bring honor to our Demon Palace."

Chi Mozi said disdainfully: "It's just a Shura field, a place for children to play, there's nothing to be ashamed of! He was doing whatever he did there, and now he has accumulated all his resentment on us, which is really bad luck."

Lord Xue looked at Chi Mozi: "We were defeated and we should find the reason ourselves."

Chi Mozi said calmly: "If it were a normal defeat, I would definitely not say anything. But because of a Shura field, Tianya entered the battlefield of gods and demons. Shouldn't Chu Yan be responsible for this?"

As soon as he said this, many people in the Demon Army nodded.

They were defeated, not by the soldiers of Shenting.

It's the end of the world.

"It's just a Shura field, and Chu Yan doesn't understand what it means to put the big orange as the priority." Chi Mozi continued.

The Blood Lord was still about to speak.


At this time, Chu Yan coughed from behind because he couldn't bear to hear it. He slowly walked forward and said with a smile: "Chi Mozi, right?"

Chi Mozi looked at Chu Yan and frowned: "Who are you?"

Chu Yan thought for a moment and suddenly said: "Well, let me introduce myself first. I am the Chu Yan who you said does not know how to put the overall situation first."

Chi Mozi's eyes shrank and he said with a ferocious smile: "Who do I think you are? It turns out you are Chu Yan."

Chu Yan said calmly: "I just heard what Chi Mozi said, it seems that the Shura field can be taken down easily?"

Chi Mozi was stunned and nodded slightly: "Of course."

Chu Yan smiled: "It's easy to win. Why didn't Chi Mozi win it before?"

Chi Mozi was startled and snorted coldly: "You think I can't take it? The Shura Field itself is a place for juniors to be tested. Otherwise, if a group of juniors were fighting, I would have taken it long ago if I wanted to. That's why I didn't go and take it. , just to maintain a balance, what do you know?”

When Chu Yan heard this, he looked surprised: "If you put it this way, Chi Mozi must be very powerful, right?"

Chi Mozi raised the corners of his mouth: "Of course."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, then suddenly distanced himself, turned and looked at Chi Mozi: "Then what are you waiting for? Come here, let me teach you."

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