Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5914 Golden Array


Suddenly, Chu Yan threw a punch. In addition to his own strength, this punch also contained the power of the King of Hell. It was a ray of the Great Dao of the Age of Gods and Demons that made this punch extremely powerful, and it was directly thrown out like a cannonball.

Seeing this, Shen Fa's eyes condensed. Even at this moment, he still didn't want to believe it, and roared: "I don't believe it! This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How can you still use the power of God in front of my God!"

While speaking, Shen Fa also put his hands together.


The next second, a golden dragon appeared in front of him, roaring and swallowing Chu Yan.

Bang bang bang!

Almost instantly, the two forces collided with each other, but they only stalemated for a second...


Everyone clearly saw that the dragon shadow of Shen Fa was pierced through alive, and he let out a miserable cry.

Open the belly!

On the other hand, Chu Yan's punch was still strong and powerful, directly hitting Shen Fa's face.

Shenfa's eyelids twitched, and he was forced to block with his arms.


Then, there was a loud bang.

Shenfa flew backwards!

He flew a full 10,000 meters.


As soon as Shenfa stopped, everyone heard a bone-breaking sound.

Shenfa's arms dropped directly, and they split from the fingers to the shoulders.

Below, Yinshan and others were ecstatic.

"We won!"

"Oh my God, how did you do it?"

At this moment, not only Shenfa, but also the other gods of the God Clan were stunned.

As sons of God, they knew too well how powerful the gods of Shenfa were. That was the god that the God Ancestor had always controlled, and they had absolute suppression over the gods of the other gods of the God Clan.

This was like a kind of blood pressure, engraved in the bones of the God Court.

At this time, the corpse soul took a deep breath and suddenly said, "I know."

"What's going on?" The dead gods turned around.

The corpse soul said seriously: "The Emperor Chu used... the Eastern gods!"

"Eastern gods?"

The people in the Divine Court looked confused.

You know, because of the age limit of Shura Field, no one who can enter here is more than ten thousand years old, so even if they are sons of gods, they were born after the collapse of the era.

Everyone knows very little about the history of the Divine Court.

The corpse soul said in a low voice: "I am not very clear, I just accidentally read the history of the God and Demon Era once, and saw some of the past of the Divine Court from it!"

"The Divine Court originally had more than twelve main gods. At that time, the Divine Court was divided into two kinds of gods, the East and the West! It was a co-governance of two gods!"

The dead god was startled: "Co-governance of two gods? It shouldn't be, the great way of the Divine Court is just these..."

The corpse soul glanced at the dead god and said lightly: "Dead God, take a closer look at the gods used by the Emperor Chu, don't you feel a sense of familiarity?"

The dead god looked up and was stunned.

Before the corpse soul said it, he really didn't notice it.

He didn't think much about it.

But at this moment, he stared at Chu Yan's divine power and was stunned: "Fuck! How come this power... is similar to my father's divine power? Is it also the power of death?"

The corpse soul nodded and said: "It is the power of death! But the owner of this power in the East is not called the God of Death. If I remember correctly... it should be called King Yama! It is a power belonging to the underworld."

The God of Death frowned: "Can a road be divided into two types?"

The corpse soul said faintly: "It's normal! The owner of the Heavenly Sword of God's Punishment, the Sword God, also came from an Eastern god."

At this time, Micah wondered: "What about the Eastern God? Why have we never... Have you seen them?"

The corpse sighed and said, "They... dedicated themselves for the future of the Divine Court."

Everyone was stunned: "What do you mean?"

The corpse said in a deep voice: "How do you think the Divine Court survived the Haotian Disaster?"

Micah was stunned and said, "Isn't it because the Divine Ancestors are strong enough?"

The corpse laughed sarcastically: "Micah, are you still so naive? Do you still remember that someone once speculated that the disaster...itself is also a test. Those who survive the disaster will either die or become stronger!"

"The Divine Ancestor...if he is really strong enough and succeeds in surviving the disaster, he would probably have entered the Ancient Saint Realm long ago."

Everyone was stunned.

It seems to be true!

Chu Yan has heard of this legend.

The Haotian Disaster, everyone knows that this disaster can destroy the world, but why do some people want to take the initiative to lead it out?

Because surviving the disaster...in addition to danger, it also represents opportunity.

The word "surviving the disaster", once successful, often represents a breakthrough.

If the Divine Ancestors really succeeded in surviving the disaster, they would probably have broken through long ago.

The corpse sighed and said, "We are actually just people who survived the old times!"

"It was the dedication and sacrifice of those Eastern gods that brought us today."

"We...are all losers under the catastrophe."

When these words came out, all the gods and demons bowed their heads.

The corpse said indifferently, "This is why my father believes that it is difficult for the Gods and Demons Era to produce an ancient saint again."


"Because we have already failed once! We don't even have the courage to face the catastrophe at the beginning, so how can we talk about breaking through the ancient saint?"

Micah bowed his head.

At this time, Yinshan said indifferently, "I don't think so. Our ancestors failed, but we didn't! We still have a chance."

The corpse laughed at himself, "Maybe! But although we didn't experience the catastrophe! But today...didn't we still fail?"

Yin Shan clenched her fist fiercely.

Full of reluctance.

Because she knew that what the corpse soul said was right.

They faced the divine punishment today, isn't it also a kind of failure?

But soon, Yin Shan shook her head slightly: "Failure is only temporary, it does not mean that you will fail forever. If you fail and fall down and can't get up, that is the real failure. If you stand up and work hard to become stronger, failure is paving the way for success."

The corpse soul looked at Yin Shan unexpectedly, and suddenly said: "I finally understand why you are just a branch of the Demon Palace, but you can become a candidate for the new Demon King. You are very powerful."

Yin Shan did not respond, but looked up at the battle between Chu Yan and the divine punishment.

She didn't care about others, anyway, she would not admit defeat.

At this time, outside the sky.

The divine punishment was repelled by Chu Yan, and the whole person was stagnant in place, full of shock and reluctance.

I... lost?

Or when I used the gods?

How could this happen?

Shenfa didn't understand. In his world, Chu Yan didn't have the Sea God's trump card this time. Shouldn't he sweep the whole place after making a move?

However, he lost his mind, and Chu Yan would not give him this opportunity.


Chu Yan punched out and disappeared directly from the spot.

When he appeared again, he rushed to Shenfa in one step and punched again.

But at this moment, Chu Yan's punch was about to fall, and Shenfa's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light.

A huge golden formation emerged behind him.

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