Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5911: The Great War Begins

When Chu Yan first heard Jie Gui say that the technique had been passed on, he was actually a little disappointed.

After all, the three previous rule techniques were very powerful.

A non-destructive, ultimate move that burns vitality to kill everything in an instant.

Super strong combat power.

Although Zhi Qing's technique is not suitable for combat, it can adjust its own yin and yang balance at any time, making it much easier to practice.

Can absorb power wantonly.

Originally, in order to consider balance, Chu Yan had to practice according to the composition of the Great Dao when practicing, but now it is not necessary at all. Any power can be absorbed at will. After entering the body, it can naturally be balanced by Zhi Qing's rule technique.

As for the five-color one, it is even more direct.

Five Elements Dominant Body!

Top-level body refining technique.

Extremely powerful.

But when it comes to Jie Gui...


It's different now.

Chu Yan found that this rule technique is the biggest cheat.

No need to abide by the rules, just this point is enough to crush everything.

Chu Yan said excitedly: "The four current skills are very strong. I don't know what the remaining five skills are and how effective they are."


Among the nine laws, Chu Yan has not taken back any of the first three laws.

Heaven, Earth and Man!

These three laws will definitely be very powerful.

Chu Yan no longer thought about it and took back the law of rules.

"We should go back."

Wusun nodded and all returned to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

After doing everything, Chu Yan took a deep breath.

Because he knew that after leaving the Shura Palace, there would be a tough battle outside.

A real tough battle.

A battle with the God of Punishment!

Last time, Chu Yan was somewhat cheating.

He relied on the Sea God to exceed ten thousand years of age, thus stimulating the defense mechanism of the Shura Field, and only then barely defeated the God of Punishment.

This time, he no longer has the trump card of the Sea God.

But at this time, instead of being afraid, he was more confident.

Because he took back the rules and laws.


The next second, Chu Yan took off and flew quickly outside the Shura Palace.

At the same time.

Mountain of Demons.




The battle is still going on.

Bang, bang, bang!

At this time, Shenfa has already opened the God, and golden light keeps flashing between his eyebrows.

The fighting power has increased dramatically.

Every time he attacks, the Mountain of Demons will tremble violently.

Inside the Mountain of Demons formation.

Yinshan and others have iron faces.

Because there are more and more cracks in the formation, they can't hold on for long at this rate.

"Where did the Emperor Chu go?"

"Why hasn't he come back yet?"

The gods and demons are all looking forward to it.

At this time, Shenfa sneered: "Are you still pinning your hopes on others? Not to mention that Chu Yan is not here today, even if he comes back now, do you think you can be rescued?"

Yinshan and others were silent because they really couldn't speak.

All of them are overdrawing their strength to maintain the formation.

"What a trouble."

At this time, Shenfa snorted coldly, he was already a little bored.

Fighting a group of ants actually wasted so much time, so he was not going to wait any longer.


Suddenly, Shenfa stopped attacking, and then clasped his hands in front of his chest.


Suddenly, a huge yin-yang scroll appeared behind him.

There were mountains and rivers in the scroll, and between the mountains and rivers, there was an extremely sharp long sword slowly unsheathed.

Shenfa stretched out his hand, and the long sword flew into his hand quickly as if it had a spirit.

Below, the eyes of the gods all shrank when they saw this: "Damn, this is... the Heavenly Sword?"

The faces of the demons also changed drastically when they heard this.

"The first sword of the God Court, the Heavenly Sword?" Yinshan said in a low voice.

Micah nodded seriously: "Yes! But this sword disappeared with the fall of the previous generation of Sword God. In the past hundreds of millions of years, the God Court has been searching for many years, but I didn't expect that it was also in the hands of Shenfa!"

Sword God...

A very ancient name.

Because the Sword God is not a Western God, but a genuine Eastern God.

As early as when the great catastrophe of the God and Demon Era came, the Sword God sacrificed himself with the Eastern God and resisted the catastrophe of that era.

Therefore, the God Court always thought that the Heavenly Sword was also broken.

Shen Fa held the Heavenly Sword and sneered: "Everything should be over."

After that, he slashed with a sword.

Swish - with just one sword, the temperature around dropped rapidly, and the faces of the gods and demons all changed drastically.

The next second, the moment the sword energy touched the Demon Mountain Array, the originally extremely solid array... turned out to be as vulnerable as broken copper and rotten iron.


In an instant, the Demon Mountain Array collapsed.

The Heavenly Sword was too strong. The sword energy did not stop after cutting through the array, but suddenly split into billions of sword energies, covering everyone in the Demon Mountain.

Shen Fa pressed his palm: "Go!"


Ten thousand swords fell like rain, covering the sky and the ground.


All the gods and demons made desperate sounds.

Yin Shan looked up, and a golden sword energy was approaching her brow, which made her completely desperate.

"Can't wait any longer?"

Yin Shan sighed and slowly closed her eyes.

The next second, the sword energy descended.


The entire Demon Mountain was instantly submerged under countless sword energy.


After Yin Shan closed her eyes for a long time, her eyebrows suddenly raised.

Because she found out that the sword energy did not hit her?

I am not dead either?

Yin Shan slowly opened her eyes, and then she was startled. She saw that a figure appeared in front of her at some point. The figure stood quietly in front of her, with his hands behind his back, but the tens of thousands of sword energy rains all hovered down.

The figure was none other than Chu Yan who rushed back from the Shura Palace.

Yin Shan was immediately surprised: "Emperor Chu?"

Her voice did not make Chu Yan turn around, but it was like a stone that caused a thousand waves, falling into the ears of all the gods and demons.

All the gods and demons opened their eyes, and then they all showed tears of excitement.

"Emperor Chu!"

"My God... It's really Emperor Chu!"

"We are not dead."

At this time, the corpse soul watched silently, and also laughed at himself.

"A person from the dignified God Court actually needs to rely on an enemy to save him."

The corpse soul shook his head, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

At this time, Shenfa also saw Chu Yan, and showed a look of surprise, sneering: "Boy, you really dare to come back?"

Chu Yan looked at Shenfa and chuckled: "Just a defeated general, why don't I dare to come back?"

Shenfa's eyes narrowed, grinning: "Really? Then let me see, this time you don't have the Sea God, what can you use to compete with me!"


The next second, Shenfa disappeared in a flash, swooping towards Chu Yan with thunder.

Chu Yan also waved his hand and summoned the Refining Heaven Sword, with an unprecedented solemnity on his face, then stepped on the sole of his foot, took the initiative to fly, and slashed at Shenfa.

Swish - almost in an instant, the two tore the sky apart.

At this moment, it was like a game between two gods.

Yinshan and others were all nervous.

They didn't know the result of this battle yet, but they all knew that they were about to witness an unprecedented battle.

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