Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5904 Chu Yan will not give up the Divine Court

Rule world.

Chu Yan is still practicing peacefully.

For him, this is not just a retraining.

Chu Yan rarely has such an opportunity, so in addition to retraining, it is also an opportunity for him to test himself and make up for his shortcomings.

In the real world, Chu Yan has reached the giant realm, and it is difficult for him to find the problems left over from his previous practice.

But this time is different. He can practice again and test it carefully.

See what deficiencies there were before, and go back to make up for them all.

So this time, Chu Yan did not mean to fool around, but instead invested 200% of his energy, as if he really started over again.

At the same time.

Outside the rule world…

Chu Yan's side is very calm, but someone is distressed.

Demon Mountain…




The war is still breaking out.

Yinshan joins hands with all the gods and demons to create a large formation to jointly resist the attack of divine punishment.

However, the divine punishment was too strong. Even if Yinshan activated the Demon Mountain Formation and added Micah's God Clan Punishment Formation, he could only barely resist it.


At this moment, a crisp cracking sound suddenly sounded from the formation.

Yinshan and others changed their faces.

"There are cracks."

"No, we can't hold on for long like this."

"Once the formation is broken, we will still die."

Everyone said in pain.

"Where is Emperor Chu? Has he really abandoned us?"

"What nonsense!"

At this time, Yinshan shouted in a low voice: "No matter where Emperor Chu is, we can't give up. If we can live for one second, we will have one more second of hope! Strengthen the formation together!"

The gods and demons bowed their heads.

At first, only the people of the God Clan collapsed, and the people of the Demon Clan still had some confidence in Chu Yan.

But as time passed, the people on the Demon Clan side also had some doubts.

The reason is very simple. Chu Yan himself can't beat the divine punishment. If they were Chu Yan, they would probably choose to escape, right?

After all, the two sides don't have too deep feelings.

No, it can be said that there is no emotion at all.

Also, everyone says that the demons and Chu Yan are allies.

But others don't know, but the Demon Palace itself doesn't know?

Does the Demon Palace have no idea about the mystery of the universe?

They have the same.

The current alliance between Chu Yan and the Demon Palace is just a pretense and mutual use.

If one day the epoch barrier loosens, or the God Court is defeated, will the Demon Palace still maintain an alliance with Chu Yan?


At that time, the first person to rush Chu Yan with a knife will most likely be the Demon Palace itself.

With this kind of relationship, why do you expect Chu Yan to fight for them?

If they were Chu Yan, they would most hope that both sides would suffer losses, rather than the Demon Palace's unilateral victory.

At this time, the God of Punishment sneered: "You are not still waiting for Chu Yan, are you?"

"Demon Palace, you are too naive."

"If I were Chu Yan, even if I really had the strength to fight with me, I would wait until you all died, and finally choose to take action."

Yin Shan's face sank.

At this time, a demon from the Demon Palace said coldly: "No, if we all die, Chu Yan can't bear the consequences."

God Punishment laughed sarcastically: "You... are still too naive. Do you really think you are important to the Demon Palace? Not to mention you..."

Speaking of this, God Punishment pointed at the disciples of the God Clan in the formation and said coldly: "Take them for example, who among these people is not a son of God, a genius placed in the God Court? But do you really think the God Court cares about their life or death?"

The people in the Demon Palace changed their faces.


The Demon Palace has not many demons in the Shura Field.

But the God Court is different. This time, countless sons of God were sent in.

What's the result?

All of them are cannon fodder-like roles.

Shenfa continued: "You are all dead. As long as Chu Yan can kill all the people in the Divine Court and finally defeat me, it will be a great achievement for the Demon Palace after he goes out."

After that, Shenfa smiled and said: "Let's put it this way. Use the lives of you bunch of waste to exchange for the ownership of Shura Field for the next hundred or thousand years. Do you think the Demon Palace will exchange it?"

As soon as this was said, the people in the Demon Palace immediately bowed their heads.

Yinshan also clenched her jade hands.

Because they already have the result in their hearts.


It will definitely happen!

Apart from anything else, this is Shura Field, and the resources that can be generated in a year are endless.

If the child dies, it can be reborn. In the cultivation world, as long as there are resources, what can't be given up?

Family affection?

Don't make a fuss.

Everyone has lived for tens of thousands of years, and their temperaments have long been cold.

At this time, someone in the Demon Palace clenched his fist: "So...are we really abandoned?"

A demon child said unwillingly: "I don't believe it! Can we contact the outside world?"

Some people around tried, and soon shook their heads slightly.

"Can't get in touch!"

"The entire Shura Field is sealed."

"Not only can the Gods not get out, we can't get out either."


Instantly, the hearts of the people in the Demon Palace sank to the bottom.



At this time, Yin Shan said in a low voice: "Enough! If we give up and doubt ourselves, how can we expect Emperor Chu to come back and save us?"

You Mozi lowered his head and said: "But... he is right... If I were Chu Yan, I would also abandon us."

This is the core!

It is because they put themselves in each other's shoes that they are more desperate.

Someone from the demon clan said: "If we were cosmic people, I might firmly believe that Chu Yan would come back, but we are not! We are not friends, we are just using him!"

Yin Shan was helpless.

But soon she shook her head: "I don't care what you think! But I believe that Emperor Chu will come back! If he doesn't plan to come back, he will definitely tell us! He is a strong man, this is the pride of the strong."

Yin Shan felt that Chu Yan had not given up on them.

The people from the Demon Palace and the Divine Court bowed their heads.

At this time, Yin Shan suddenly said: "Besides, you seem to have overlooked one thing."

"What?" Someone was puzzled.

Yin Shan said: "If it was just our Demon Palace, Emperor Chu might really give up! But... there are people from the Divine Court here!"

When this was said, the people in the Divine Court were stunned.

What does it have to do with us?

The God of Death smiled bitterly and said, "Yinshan, did you say it the other way around? The Emperor Chu and the Divine Court have a deep blood feud... He probably wants us to die more than anyone else."

Yinshan shook his head: "No, I'm not wrong! The Emperor Chu hates the Divine Court and has a grudge against it! But you all overlooked one thing."


"The Emperor Chu may want you to die, but he definitely doesn't want you to die at the hands of the Divine Punishment."

Yinshan said: "The Shura Field is sealed, which means one thing, the Emperor Chu must still be in the Shura Field, then even if he gives up on us, he will fight the Divine Punishment sooner or later, and the Divine Punishment will not let him go! Then, he will definitely not let the Divine Punishment continue to kill people from the Divine Court."


"Have you forgotten? The Divine Punishment killing people from the Divine Court will make the Divine Punishment stronger and make up for its shortcomings."

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