Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5901 Killing the Emperor

Outside Jiegui's world!

Wusun, Zhiqing and others were all shocked when they saw the big hand that pushed away the clouds: "Jiegui... Is there an upper world in your world?"

Jiegui said lightly: "I've said it before, even if he can practice, so what? He may not be able to come out alive and well!"

"There are so many strong people in my world, aren't they trapped in it all the time?"

Jiegui said with a smile: "Zhiqing, do you know? This world is like this, layer upon layer!"

After that, Jiegui had a water drop in his hand.

"Take this water drop for example. We are looking down at the water drop like this, but there are also many weak lives in this water drop. For those lives, this water drop is their whole world. Do you think they know that there is an endless world outside the water drop?"

Zhiqing was silent for a moment.

Jiegui couldn't help but laugh at himself when he said this: "Take our world as an example. Do you know what is outside our world? Nothingness... is it really the whole world? Outside of nothingness, are there people looking at us like we are looking down at this water drop?"

Zhiqing clenched his fist slightly and suddenly couldn't speak.

The real world...

She is not sure either.

She just hopes Chu Yan can come out earlier now.





At this time, the world of rules.

When the big hand opened the clouds...

Countless divine soldiers and heavenly generals suddenly rushed out from the sky.

When Chu Yan saw the group of people, his mouth twitched and he sighed: "Sure enough...this is the rule of a world. We have been wrong before."

"What do you mean?"

"This mortal world...I am afraid it was not set by Jie Gui, but by this group of so-called immortals."

Xiao Jiu was startled and nodded: "It is indeed possible."

Chu Yan said speechlessly: "In other words...the rules that I have been following before were actually set by these bastards?"


At this time, those divine soldiers and heavenly generals fell.

One of the heavenly soldiers frowned, looked down at Chu Yan and said: "Boy, you..."


However, before the heavenly soldier finished speaking, Chu Yan rushed out with a leap and punched.

The soldier was startled when he saw this, and then he sneered: "Are you looking for death?"

This soldier is at the level of the Immortal King.

Naturally, he has absolute confidence.

"Do you think you are so powerful just because you have found the way to practice Taoism and become an immortal?"

The soldier shook his head, and then he was ready to punch.


But the next second, the soldier's eyes widened.

Because a wooden sword had pierced through his forehead.


The soldier's body was sluggish, and he trembled and said: "This is..."

Chu Yan put away his sword and said sarcastically: "A fairy king dares to act like a fool to me?"

Yes, Chu Yan just broke through the fairy position...

But everyone seems to have overlooked one thing.

This is Chu Yan's fairy position!

Chu Yan's realm... When has it ever been the same as that of ordinary people?

Of course, when he created the world, except for the ninth level of the fairy position, he could barely defeat the fairy king, which was impossible for the early fairy position.

The problem is... Chu Yan has practiced again.

Apart from anything else, since he chose to start over, how could he not cultivate the three hidden realms under the Three Dust Realm?

In addition, he made a perfect breakthrough in each of the following levels, and he was definitely stronger than before.

Chu Yan is now...

That's really scary.

He just entered the immortal position, let alone the immortal king... He can even defeat the immortal emperor.


When an immortal king was killed, the faces of the people around him all changed drastically.

"How dare you!"

"Boy, you dare to kill my people from the Turtle Immortal Sect, you are looking for death!"

The rest of the people were immediately angry.

Chu Yan glanced at the whole audience, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"Don't say, this feeling of pretending to be thirteen is quite good. How long have you not experienced it?"

Swish - the next second, Chu Yan slashed with a sword.

Just a light sweep!

Puff puff puff!

In an instant, countless divine soldiers and heavenly generals all widened their eyes.

Heads flew out one by one.


In an instant, everyone panicked.

Below, the mortals were panicked when they saw the heavenly soldiers, but now they were excited when they saw Chu Yan killing people everywhere.

"How is it possible..."

At this time, the heavenly soldiers were also panicked.

In their eyes, Chu Yan was just a newly promoted immortal...

How could he be so strong?

This is too outrageous.

At this time, Chu Yan killed 80% of the heavenly soldiers, and then looked at the remaining immortal soldiers and said lightly: "Okay, now we can have a good chat, right?"

"Why did you come to me?"

The eyelids of the remaining immortal soldiers twitched.

An old immortal soldier said in a low voice: "We...we were originally here to pick you up."


Chu Yan was stunned at first, and said a little confused: "Pick me up? What do you mean?"

The old immortal soldier said gloomily: "According to the rules of the immortal world, immortals appear in the mortal world...we should connect them to the immortal world."

Chu Yan was stunned, and suddenly scratched his head, a little embarrassed: "So...you are not here to fight me?"

"Not originally!"

The old immortal soldier said in a deep voice: "Some people in the mortal world occasionally suddenly realize the truth. In order to protect the peace of the mortal world, we will connect them to the immortal world!"

Chu Yan said a little ashamedly: "This...I am embarrassed...Um, how about I apologize to you?"

Old immortal soldier: "..."

People are dead, what's the use of your apology?

The old immortal soldier took a deep breath and said coldly: "No need to apologize... You killed so many people from our Guixian Sect, and now you will pay with your life."

After that, the old immortal soldier shouted angrily: "Please ask the Immortal Emperor!"

The other immortal soldiers were stunned, and then they all shouted: "Please ask the Immortal Emperor!"

"Please ask the Immortal Emperor!"


Suddenly, beams of light rose into the sky.

Illuminating the world.

When all of this rose into the sky.

In the clouds, a very special force suddenly erupted.

Golden light.

Chu Yan looked up and saw that the golden light quickly gathered and finally changed into a human figure.

It was a very majestic middle-aged man, wearing emperor boots and a dragon crown.

The old immortal soldier was surprised to see the visitor and immediately knelt on one knee: "Emperor, please help us."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly: "What happened?"

The old immortal soldier said coldly: "A cultivator appeared in the mortal world. We came to pick him up, but he killed many of us."

The middle-aged man's eyes turned cold and he turned to look at Chu Yan: "Boy, did you kill him?"

Chu Yan said awkwardly: "That... This is a misunderstanding. I didn't know you were here to pick me up. Besides... I apologized."

The middle-aged man said coldly: "They are all dead. Since you want to apologize, go to hell and apologize to them in person."

Chu Yan was stunned and hesitated and said: "That... Actually I don't have to die. There is another way for them to hear my apology."

The middle-aged man was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Shh-suddenly, a sword energy shot out.

The middle-aged man's eyes widened, because the sword energy had passed through his eyebrows.

Chu Yan said faintly: "I killed you, you can take my apology and tell them, right?"

The middle-aged emperor: "..."

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