Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5897 Wrong direction

Micah nodded immediately after hearing this, and then he took a step into the air, and six angel wings appeared behind him.

As a descendant of the angels and the current son of God of the angels, he was in charge of divine punishment, so he was very proficient in the study of formations.

So when he took off, there was already a huge punishment formation behind him.

Yinshan narrowed his eyes and waved his arm.


The Demon Mountain trembled violently, and then a large formation was born.

Yinshan herself was not good at formations, she was better at recklessness!

However, this is the Demon Mountain, the gathering place of the Demon Palace, so there has always been a protective formation of the Demon Palace here.

As the helmsman of the Demon Palace Shura Field, Yinshan naturally controls this formation.


When a formation is started, the power is not that great.

Even the protective formation of the Demon Palace is actually just that.

This can be seen from the great array of the sacred mountain. It can only be said to be stronger than the general array, but it is actually very difficult to fight against the absolute strong.

After all, the array is dead, and the people are alive.

If you know the underlying logic of this world, you will understand.

In this world, the most powerful is always people, not arrays and weapons.


When the two arrays were launched together, especially under the control of Mika and Yinshan, the two arrays did not collide with each other. Instead, after a little fusion, the two arrays suddenly burst out with super power.


Shenfa pointed a finger.

The next second, a sword energy was cut out from the array.


Directly shattered the finger light of Shenfa.


Shenfa retreated several steps and squinted slightly: "Haha, it's interesting. The array can also complement yin and yang?"

Yinshan and Mika were both happy when they saw that the array was useful.


"Go on!"

After Yin Shan finished speaking, he shouted at the others, "Don't just stand there, let's reinforce the formation together. Do you really want to die?"

As soon as these words came out, the people of the gods and demons came back to their senses instantly.


Who wants to die.


Suddenly, everyone worked together to reinforce the two formations.

Some people who knew the formations themselves simply carved the formations on the spot, and the true hair of the gods and demons continued to merge.

Seeing this, Shen Fa narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted coldly: "Chu Yan... is really good. He has already run away, can he continue to cause trouble for me?"

But soon, Shen Fa said disdainfully: "Then let me see how long your formation can last."


After speaking, Shen Fa immediately punched, and various attacks continued to fall.

Bang bang bang!

All the methods were like rain, and the bombardment of the formation continued to shake.

All the gods and demons did not dare to be careless and resisted with all their strength.

They didn't know how long they could hold on, but who in this world wants to die? As long as they can live one more second, it would be good.

Just like that, the Demon Mountain fell into a stage of bombardment.

Yin Shan looked up, her face gloomy.

Because she knew that she couldn't hold on for long.

The divine punishment would sooner or later break the formation.

She suddenly looked into the distance, muttering in her heart: "Are you...really gone? Do you really ignore us? Or did you encounter something? When are you going to come back?"

She didn't know, she could only wait.

But she knew one thing, if Chu Yan left, then today would probably be their death anniversary.



At the same time.

Deep in the Shura Palace, in the world of rules behind the Ring Turtle.

A jungle.

Chu Yan didn't know what was happening in the outside world.

At this moment, he... was a little moisturized.

At this time, he was riding a huge tiger under his crotch, lying alone on the tiger's body, with a straw in his mouth.

The tiger was tamed by him.

And the moment he tamed the tiger, it also meant that he was the king of the jungle.

In addition to the savages he had subdued.

Chu Yan is now very comfortable in the world of rules. There are people to do his work and fight for him.

As Chu Yan entered the world of rules for a longer time, he also discovered something.

That is... what exactly does this world of rules want to test him.

Soon, Chu Yan had an idea.

Just like Wusun and the others.

"What Jiegui wants to see is that I conquer this world?"

Chu Yan had an idea and began to expand his territory little by little.

The savages cut down trees in the jungle and built houses one after another. In the end, they even transformed the jungle into a small city.

That's not all.

As Chu Yan expanded his territory, he fought from this jungle to other areas. On the way, he also encountered different savage tribes.

This time, Chu Yan did not choose to coax, but directly rode on a tiger and led the savage troops behind him to fight.

After Chu Yan subdued those savages, he has now taught them the basic use of tools and iron forging. These savages use iron knives, and some even make bows and arrows.

In this situation, if he met the savages from other tribes, who were still in the Stone Age, he would be crushed.

Soon, Chu Yan conquered three tribes in succession.

His territory was expanding.

He had several cities, and he built roads and basic transportation in each city. Some of the savages who followed him earlier even learned basic communication.

In this way, Chu Yan became more and more powerful in the world of rules. In the end, he ruled almost half of the world of rules.

All the savage tribes were conquered by him.

Some jungles and deserts, these places with harsh environments, where no savages survived and were full of wild beasts, Chu Yan also changed with wisdom.

Finally, after a month in the world of rules...

Chu Yan completed the control of the entire world.

An empire dynasty belonging to him was born.

This day.

Chu Yan sat on his throne, and below him were countless savages from tribes worshiping him. Chu Yan completed his coronation ceremony and was called the god of this world by the savages.

Chu Yan wore a pure gold imperial crown, but he suddenly fell silent when he looked at the savages below.

"I did it."

Chu Yan murmured in his heart.

"This world... I have unified it, but I am still in this world."

What Chu Yan wanted to do was never to unify this world, and unifying this world was useless to him.

The purpose of doing all this was to leave this world.

But now, he is already the king in this world, why hasn't he left?

Xiao Jiu also frowned at this time: "You have become the first person in this world, everyone in this world is worshipping you, and you have conquered all the territories in this world, but you still haven't left, which can only mean one thing."

Chu Yan said in a low voice: "From the beginning... my direction was wrong? Jie Gui wanted to test me, not to let me conquer this world?"

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