Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5891 God's Punishment Restoration

Chu Yan almost cursed.

How about playing?

Rules, rules, rules!

It's all rules!

Rules make you hungry, and rules make you unable to jump high or fly!

What the hell is this?

Just starve yourself to death?


However, as his stomach kept growling, Chu Yan realized one thing: he had to eat, otherwise this time it would not be a test, but death.

This world of rules...could kill itself.

Chu Yan took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Soon he stopped showing off and walked obediently to an ancient tree. This time he did not jump directly, but used the most ancient method...

Climb a tree!

Although Chu Yan couldn't fly, he couldn't jump either.

But with his extraordinary physical strength and skills, he quickly picked some fruits from the ancient tree.

This allowed him to temporarily fill his stomach and his hunger disappeared.

But finally I’m not hungry anymore…


Chu Yan suddenly yawned.

Then he was confused again.


This time, Chu Yan directly cursed.

Are you... sleepy?

No need to think about it, this is also the rule.

But how long has it been since you slept?

First, my state and strength do not require sleep at all.

Second... I don't dare to sleep.

How many people in this world want to kill themselves?

If you sleep once, you may sleep forever.

Chu Yan's heart was haggard.

But the sleepiness came over him, and soon his eyelids were fighting, and his tiredness became stronger and stronger.

Finally, Chu Yan sighed: "It seems that I can't survive without sleeping... Xiaojiu, help me protect my path."


As soon as Chu Yan finished speaking, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Because Xiaojiu's snoring sounded in his body.

He was immediately stunned and cursed: "Brother... you are a spirit. Aren't you a ray of spirit in the universe? Why don't you sleep!"

But then he felt helpless, Xiaojiu fell asleep, what's the use of saying this?

Of course, this also gave Chu Yan some small expectations.

The stronger Jie Gui's world is, the stronger Jie Gui's laws and techniques will be.

Even Xiao Jiu was affected by this rule, which shows that this technique must not be simple.

Chu Yan sighed, and as a last resort, he chose to climb onto the branch of an ancient tree and lie down.

He didn't dare to sleep directly in the oasis.

Who knows what other weird rules there are in this world.

If he fell asleep, he would be gone the next day, and he would not even have anyone to reason with.

Just like that, Chu Yan closed his eyes little by little on the branch.

At the last moment, Chu Yan felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation and comfort.

Also...how long has it been since you had a good night's sleep?

Today, I was forced to sleep with my head pressed down for once in the world of rules.

It’s also quite interesting.

Chu Yan laughed and shook his head, falling asleep.

at the same time.

Shura Hall.

Jiutian Xuan Pagoda was left outside.

Therefore, Wushu, Educated Youth, and Wucai were also here. They all floated out and looked at the turtle shell world behind Jie Gui in their soul bodies.

When they saw Chu Yan sleeping, they were all speechless.

After a while, Wushui said: "Jie Gui, what kind of game is this world of yours?"

Jie Gui said calmly: "I said, it is a world of rules. He wants to get out of it unless he finds the rules of this world."

Wushui sighed: "Do you have to be like this?"

Jie Gui glanced at Wu Shui and said quietly: "Wu Shui, I don't want to experience despair again! We were driven out from that place back then, like dogs that had lost their home."

"When I came to this world, I was attacked by his parents one after another. I really had enough."

"I also understand that you want me to take a position to help him and fight back."

"But Wu Hua, if he really isn't that good, I would rather spend my whole life here than waste any more time."

Wushu was silent for a while, and finally said with determination, "You will see a miracle from him."

Jie Gui said lightly: "I hope...but to be honest, it is not easy for him to get out of this world..."

Wu Hua was not talking.

Wu Huan is the fastest one following Chu Yan.

A true wallflower.

Why does Wushui follow Chu Yan?

Because of Qin Ruomeng!

He had seen how powerful Qin Ruomeng was, so he chose Chu Yan just to hug him.

But later, as they got along a little bit, Wu Shui realized that Chu Yan and Qin Ruomeng were two different people.

Chu Yan is Chu Yan, and Qin Ruomeng is Qin Ruomeng.

Chu Yan...has a more special charm.

The current Chu Yan may not be as powerful as Qin Ruomeng, but he can give people an inexplicable sense of comfort.

Make people willing to follow.

If Wushui followed Chu Yan at first, he just wanted to hug Chu Yan, but later he really saw hope in Chu Yan and followed him willingly.

The educated youth and Wucai watched silently without speaking.

Now it depends on whether Chu Yan can get out of this world of rules.

at the same time.

A mysterious palace in Shura Field.

In the palace, if anyone were here at this time, they would definitely be shocked.

Because in the center of the palace, there was a headless corpse sitting cross-legged.

To be precise...it's not a headless corpse.

Has a head.

But the head is in the state of the soul.

The body is below the neck, and the soul is above the neck.

This person... is Shen Fa!

In the battle that day, Shen Fa suffered great damage, resulting in only a head left of his soul, but now he has completed the reconstruction of his body, and only a head is left to fully recover.


At this time, he was still swallowing and spitting out madly, and the whole person was like a huge vacuum cleaner.

Countless forces in the Shura Field quickly rushed into his body.

After a while, flesh and blood began to grow on his neck.

A brand new head grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the process looked as weird as it could be.

Just like that, Shen Fa's head recovered.

The next second, his eyes opened.


Suddenly, a strong breath burst out from his body, and even the dust on the ground flew up, forming a terrible vortex around him.

His eyes were dazzling, and there was also endless hostility and ferocity.

"Chu Yan! I'm recovered."

Shen Fa slowly stood up.

At this time, a voice sounded again in his body: "Your father asked me to tell you not to make any mistakes this time. Not long ago, the corpse souls tried to leave the Shura Field, but he arranged people to stop them. But the Shura Field cannot be sealed forever."

"Now because Chu Yan is inside, the Divine Court can use some special means, but the Demon Palace is also watching."

The Divine Punishment nodded slightly and said fiercely: "Don't worry, tell my father, I will soon bring Chu Yan's head back to see him. By then, the universe will belong to my Divine Court, and the ancient saint's road will no longer be something we look up to!"

The mysterious man nodded and said nothing more.

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