Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 588: Lookout Stage

On the battlefield, the figures of the Imperial Realm stood. They had fought with the Demon Sword for thirty years for today, and were full of pride. They were full of confidence in the next battle.

"Haha, are you ready for the Imperial War?" the old man in the first seat said with a calm smile.

"With today's battle, Prince Zifeng will definitely become famous in the Xinghai Sea." The people of the Zilei Dynasty were all looking forward to it in their hearts.

"One-armed, it's up to you." Jian Wuya, the top Tianjun swordsman, looked at the one-armed swordsman.

"For today, you have been dormant for many years. It's time to shine. Go." People from all walks of life told their descendants, and they seemed to be looking forward to it.

At this moment, Wangfeng walked out with a gun and stepped onto the sword platform. He looked in the direction of Chu Yan and smiled brightly, like a clean big boy.

"Wangfeng, after today's battle, you will definitely become famous in the sea of ​​stars." Chu Yan also hoped in his heart. Another reason why he has not taken action until now is because of Wangfeng.

At that time, the Demon Sect focused on training, but fate played a trick on him. Now he has withdrawn from the Demon Sect, but the inextricable relationship has not been broken. His junior brother Wangfeng now fights on behalf of the Demon Sect.

Today will definitely be Wangfeng’s battle to become famous.

Chu Yan has enough confidence in Wangfeng. His junior brother seems to be invincible and always smiles, but in terms of cultivation, his talent is no weaker than anyone else. Now that he has understood the true meaning of the devil, he deserves to have this battle. to fuck him.

"Let's begin." The old man in the first seat said softly. With these three words, there was a sudden roar on the battlefield, and was buried by the terrifying power.

Even in the Imperial War, there are levels. The battle platform is divided into ten to separate people of different realms.

The most dazzling one among them is naturally the Po-Emperor Battle Platform. Zifeng, Ji Longyu, and the one-armed swordsman are all there. Wangfeng is only a seventh-level emperor now, so he is assigned to the seventh battle platform.

The Imperial War started, and everyone was watching. In the direction of Chilian Sect, Feng Lin and You Yu were both there. You Yu had been practicing for more than fifty years, so he did not participate.

Looking at the ten battle platforms, Feng Lin nodded calmly: "There are many geniuses in this year's Heaven Seizing Banquet."

You Yu did not respond, but turned his autumn eyes and looked at Chu Yan. Feng Lin seemed to have noticed this scene and sneered: "His fate is really great. He did not die in such a desperate situation. But it seems that today he seems Not ready to take action."

After a pause, Feng Lin sneered again: "But that's right, this is not the ruins of the Heavenly Lord, but the Heaven-Seizing Banquet, gathering thousands of geniuses in the galaxy. With those few here, he may not dare to do it, right?"

You Yu glanced at Feng Lin, shook her head and said nothing, but felt a little disappointed in her heart. She originally thought that she would be able to see Chu Yan's style today.

But it seems that Chu Yan is not ready to compete.

A shocking collision occurred among the ten battle platforms. Soon, someone stood out on the first battle platform. He was a master from Jingxin Temple. He was wearing cassocks and had a graceful demeanor. Someone was bound to lose, but he didn't. Killing one person meant that in the end, no one on the first stage dared to challenge him again.

After the first stage, the monk looked towards the second stage. He was qualified to continue the challenge. He jumped up to the second stage and fought with the genius of the second level of the emperor.

In the end, he stopped at the third stage, but such a record was already very dazzling, attracting the attention of many elders of Tianbei Mountain.

"Look at the seventh battle stage."

At this moment, someone suddenly roared, and the seventh battle platform was extremely strange. As soon as it started, several people joined forces to surround a person in the center.

"It's Demon Sect Wangfeng, people from Purple Thunder Dynasty, Jiuyou Dynasty, Xiyu Xinghe, Jian Wuya, and Beast King Palace who are targeting him." Someone else said.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of the Demon Sect were slightly worried. Zi Yin said angrily from the side: "Assholes, these shameless people."

After saying that, she looked at Chu Yan not far away, and saw Chu Yan smiling calmly, which made her complain a little bit and said: "Hey, thank you for being able to smile, Wangfeng is your junior brother! Those people Their strength is extraordinary, and if they were not born at the wrong time, they would be top-notch geniuses.”

"So what?" Chu Yan smiled calmly.

Wangfeng grew up very quickly. If he was just one person, he would not be defeated in the same territory, but now the other party has joined forces, and there are more than a dozen people.

"Don't worry, do they think that having more people is an advantage?" Chu Yan shook his head, his eyes flashed coldly, and he was actually excited: "No matter how many people there are today, they will only become a stepping stone to fame."

Zi Yin frowned, wondering where Chu Yan's confidence came from, but she didn't say anything and looked at the battle platform quietly.

On the seventh battle stage, headed by a prince from the Purple Thunder Dynasty, people from several major factions joined forces to surround Wangfeng. Any one of them was extraordinary and had the ability to hit the top 100 of the Heavenly Banquet.

"Chu Yan, you don't dare to go up on stage, but I pity your junior brother. The person on that stage is Prince Ziyun of our dynasty, an extraordinary genius. If he hadn't been born a few years later, he would have even competed with the most powerful person at the Heaven-Seizing Banquet. If a top-notch person fights against him, Wang Feng will die," someone from the Zi Lei Dynasty said proudly.

"Idiot!" Chu Yan looked at the other person and shook his head with a sneer.

The opponent's eyes turned cold, but he didn't care. Instead, he turned to look at the fighting platform, his murderous intention getting stronger.

Ziyun sneered: "Wangfeng, it's really unfortunate. You and I have no hatred at all, but since you are fighting for the Demon Sect, today, I will take your life."

Wangfeng looked at the other party, and terrifying demonic flames rose behind him. His spear danced and turned into a dark dragon: "You will all die!"

"Do it!" People from all factions began to use their magical powers. The roar of the big monster in the Beast King Hall turned into a terrifying iceberg crocodile, covered with dragon scales. The cold breath froze the air, forming sharp barbed ice cones, turning to face Wangfeng.

Ziyun attracted the thunder and killed it.

In an instant, the starry sky broke, and the terrible power seemed to be able to tear everything apart. It came from all directions and blocked Wangfeng. The dozen terrible powers were ferocious, as if they could bury Wangfeng at any time.

Seeing this, many people in the stands were worried, and the people of the Demon Sect were worried about him.

"What did he do?"

However, at this time, facing more than a dozen terrible powers, Wangfeng stood still. He didn't even hide. He stepped into the air, and a fierce demon shadow descended behind him.

Wangfeng overlapped with the demon shadow. At this moment, Wangfeng looked like a peerless demon king. Then he looked up, his eyes were red, and behind him there were terrible demon wings that broke out from his shoulder blades. In an instant, he looked even more ferocious, and Ziyun's thunder was pierced by a shot.

"So weak." Wangfeng looked up and looked at the other party. Then he ran madly, and his demon wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun.

"How is it possible?" Ziyun was full of shock and rushed to make a move. Immediately, lightning gathered and blasted out madly. However, facing these, Wangfeng was indifferent, like a humanoid monster, trampling madly. In an instant, he rushed in front of the other party and grasped the void. Ziyun only felt that his throat was tightened and his eyes widened.

Unfortunately, he didn't even have the chance to scream. Wangfeng's demon spear pierced out, and a blood hole appeared directly in the prince's chest, and he fell just like that.

"This..." Everyone was stunned for a while. Did a prince fall just like that?

At this moment, the air was quiet.

A peerless prince of the Purple Thunder Dynasty, who didn't make a single move in the hands of Wang Feng?

"Born at the wrong time, otherwise how could he fight against the top genius?

"Isn't it very arrogant? Now, why are you all dumb?"

Chu Yan's voice sounded faintly at this time, but it was particularly harsh. The people of the Purple Thunder Dynasty were ferocious and speechless.

After the battle, Wang Feng did not stop. His bloody eyes turned and looked at the giant crocodile monster in the Beast King Hall. With just one look, the giant crocodile was terrified, as if the whole person was dragged into hell.

"No!" He took a step back, but Wang Feng's magic spear hit him, and the dragon scales broke and were shattered alive.

"So strong! "Someone murmured, the seventh battle stage, at this moment, it seemed that it belonged to Wang Feng alone.

The faces of the people from all branches became gloomy. They had just been very proud and confident in their descendants, but at this moment, they were flattened by one person.

"It's your turn!" Wang Feng turned his eyes and looked at the Tianjiao of Jiuyou Dynasty, then walked out, dragging the magic spear on the battle stage, and there were sparks of fire. The man's heart was cold and he said directly: "I admit defeat."

Wang Feng's footsteps stopped for a moment, and then he sneered: "You are such a waste, and you are worthy of being the enemy of my senior brother?"

"Get out!" After saying that, Wang Feng took a step forward, and the Tianjiao of Jiuyou Dynasty changed suddenly. A terrible demonic power rushed towards him and shook his body directly. Then, his body was no longer under control, and he really rolled down from the battle stage.

It was a bit embarrassing for the prodigy to fall off the stage, but compared to death, he would rather live.

"Who else? "Wang Feng held a gun, at this moment he was like a demon god descending to the earth, roaring loudly, and the seventh battlefield was shaking wildly.

Three consecutive shots, killing two people and defeating one person, he now asked, who else!

Jian Wuya and the people of the Western Region Galaxy froze, they stared at the terrible body, but no one stood up.

They are not fools, are Ziyun and the iceberg giant crocodile weak? The top existence of the Tianbei lineage, their strength is unquestionable, but they can't get out of the hands of Wang Feng.

How can they fight against such people?

"Several major lineages?" Wang Feng sneered, then he ignored everyone and raised his head slightly. Some people noticed his gaze and were stunned.

"He is going to the eighth battlefield? ”

The eighth battle stage means that there are all the eighth-level emperors there, and the people on top are stronger.

Is this guy crazy?

On the eighth battle stage, people from several major clans also saw this scene and sneered. They were not primary emperors, but intermediate ones. There was a gap in realm, which made them confident enough.

"I advise you not to step on it. The battle stage is irreversible at the Tianzhao Banquet, but if you step on it, you will die ugly." On the eighth battle stage, a cold and arrogant Tianjiao spoke. He was a sword cultivator of Jian Wuya, named Yang Xiaotian.

Wangfeng looked up at Yang Xiaotian and did not respond. However, the demon wings behind him vibrated, soared into the air, and then rushed towards Yang Xiaotian with the force of thunder.

"Looking for death!" Yang Xiaotian's eyes turned cold. As an eighth-level emperor, he had enough confidence. When he raised his hand, countless sword shadows appeared, as if he could tear the world apart.

"So strong!"

Countless people raised their heads and looked at Wangfeng. This time, could he still block it?

"Boom! "At this time, everyone saw that the devil flame in Wang Feng's body burned even more and turned into a hundred feet. He no longer used the gun, but allowed the devil shadow to enter his body, making his skin black all over, just like a real devil. Facing the thousands of sword shadows, he punched the air.

Seeing Wang Feng's movements, Yang Xiaotian's smile deepened. However, the next moment, his face froze. The moment the magic fist collided with the sword shadow, a terrifying dragon appeared, ferociously appearing. The sword shadow was broken, and the fist light approached. With a bang, it hit him without any warning, breaking his bones one by one, and spurting blood.

The next moment, Wang Feng rushed out and grabbed Yang Tianxiao in one hand. He was so proud. He raised his head slightly and looked at the Tianbei veins: "My name is Wang Feng! A disciple of the Demon Sect, Wang Feng, the Six Realms Galaxy, the King of the Dust World Chu Yan, is my senior brother. Who else is there today?"

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