Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5867: Men and women work together, work is not tiring

any solution?


Seize the way!

Don’t forget, God’s Punishment can kill people and become stronger, Chu Yan can do the same!

Chu Yan opened up the universe, which is even more exaggerated than God's Punishment.

He kills people and seizes the law, expands the universe, and can also integrate some of the power of the era of gods and demons.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan looked at the people on both sides of the gods and demons, and a coldness suddenly flashed in his eyes!

Do you want to do this?

The person who killed Shenshan was his target.

Chu Yan, what are you still hesitating about?

As for the Magic Mountain, if you kill, you will kill. Just like God's Punishment said, as long as you kill everyone, who will know the truth?

When the time comes, I will hand over the ore veins of Shura Field to the Demon Palace, so what if the Demon Palace doubts me?

Will the Demon Palace break up?

Will not!

There are hundreds of mineral veins, and compared with the group of people in Shura Field Demon Mountain, it is obvious which one is more important.

At this moment, Chu Yan was really moved.

Below, the people on both sides of the gods and demons were startled, and were suddenly enveloped by an icy feeling.

People on both sides felt a change in their hearts.

However, the chill was fleeting and disappeared immediately.

Chu Yan shook his head slightly and quickly suppressed his thoughts.

In addition, he also glanced at the pool of blood in his body intentionally or unintentionally.

Just a moment ago, he really had a murderous intention, and his blood even boiled a little, all caused by this pool of blood.

Blood pool, emotions expand.

Xiao Jiu said: "Boy...this is actually the best way at the moment."

Chu Yan laughed: "Is it okay to do whatever it takes to win? If it was possible, then I would no longer be Chu Yan, and I would not be worthy of being the emperor of the universe."

"I want to win, but I want to win in an honest way, not by any means like this."

Xiaojiu was silent for a while and smiled slightly.

Chu Yan looked at Divine Punishment.

Divine Punishment seemed to understand Chu Yan's thoughts, and said with a ferocious smile: "Boy, you missed your only chance to win against me."


Chu Yan sneered: "Who told you that you would definitely win?"

Divine Punishment was startled and said sarcastically: "If you had just killed them and turned them into your power, I might still be afraid, but with this group of loose sand... do you think they can threaten me?"

Chu Yan turned around and looked at the gods and demons behind him, and suddenly laughed; "Scattered sand? If it was just the magic mountain side, or the sacred mountain side, I might not be sure! But now, both gods and demons are here! Divine Punishment, I think there is still some hope.”

God Punishment narrowed his eyes slightly: "Boy, what do you mean?"

Chu Yan smiled softly, and suddenly shouted to both the gods and demons: "Take action! This time, don't fight alone, unite both, but not with your own tribe, both gods and demons take action together! One god and one demon will form a team. !”

As soon as these words came out, everyone on both sides of the gods and demons were startled.

Let them both cooperate?

It was okay to join forces before, but now they are allowed to form a team alone?


People on both sides are very divided.

At this time, Chu Yan shouted coldly: "What? You don't want to win, do you? In that case, I will kill you first, it is better than letting God's Punishment become stronger."

The expressions of both parties changed, and then they stopped saying anything.

But they were full of puzzlement. They just formed a team. Why did they have to cooperate with gods and demons?

Gods and demons are old enemies. There is only hatred between them, but there is no tacit understanding.

If you ask them to cooperate, isn't this just asking for death?

But now Chu Yan is the backbone of this group of people, so he can only agree.

Chu Yan continued: "Yinshan, Corpse Soul, you two form a team and attack together."

Yinshan and Corpse Soul frowned. The two of them could be said to be the strongest people on both sides of the gods and demons, except for Divine Punishment and Chu Yan.

So both of them have pride in their hearts.

Now, Chu Yan asked the two to join forces.

Yinshan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Emperor Chu, can I change my partner?"

Chu Yan frowned: "Then Lie Yang."

Yinshan said helplessly: "Can't the demons do it?"

"No!" Chu Yan said coldly.

Yinshan clenched his fist slightly and finally sighed: "Okay, I understand."

At this time, Corpse Soul glanced at Yinshan and said calmly: "Don't hold me back!"

"It's not certain who will drag whom down." Yinshan said calmly: "After all, God's Punishment is in internal strife, and the people he wants to kill most are you Shenshan people."

The corner of Corpse Soul's mouth twitched, but he was about to speak.


Chu Yan turned around and punched the two of them, knocking them away. He said coldly: "Can we join forces? How about you fight on your own?"

The two men immediately lowered their heads: "Yes!"

"Do it!"


In an instant, the two of them took to the air together.

Upon seeing this, Divine Punishment smiled sarcastically: "Chu Yan, you are too naive. Just these two people want to deal with me?"

Chu Yan smiled mysteriously: "Just try it. How will you know if you don't try it."

God Punishment shook his head slightly and said nothing more.

Because at this time, Yinshan and Corpse Soul had already rushed to his left and right.

God Punishment looked contemptuous and punched out. Yin Shan also roared angrily and received the punch.


In an instant, Yinshan let out a muffled groan and retreated a thousand meters.

God Punishment laughed: "That's it?"

After saying that, he turned around and kicked the corpse again.

The corpse soul narrowed its eyes, clasped its hands together suddenly, and a huge totem seal appeared on its chest, and then attacked God's Punishment.

The God Punishment didn't take it seriously at all. In his opinion, if he kicked it out, the seal would be crushed into powder.

However, as soon as he kicked it, his face suddenly changed.

The not-so-strong seal suddenly burst out with power.


The next second, the corpse soul flew backwards a thousand meters, and then vomited blood.

But a shocking scene appeared.


Above, the God Punishment actually retreated several steps under the attack of the seal.

"How is it possible?"

Just these few steps shocked the God Punishment.

After stopping, the corpse soul frowned, a little unbelievable.

He had fought with the God Punishment before, so he knew the gap between the two sides.

His strength should not be able to shake the God Punishment at all.

Not to mention repelling it.

Shenfa stared at the corpse soul: "Corpse soul, how did you do it? Or have you been hiding your strength? No, this is impossible. If you have hidden it, I should have discovered it long ago."

The corpse soul was silent when he heard it, and turned to look at Chu Yan.

He also wanted to know how he did it now.

However, although he didn't know the truth, he had a hunch that all this must be related to Chu Yan.

Shenfa felt the corpse soul's gaze and looked at Chu Yan, saying in a low voice: "Boy... is it you?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Aren't you confident? How did you get repelled by the two of them?"

Shenfa narrowed his eyes slightly and asked: "Why?"

Chu Yan raised the corner of his mouth: "You don't understand this? Haven't you heard a saying?"


"Men and women work together, and work is not tiring!"

Shenfa: "..."

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