Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5864 Simulation Avenue

Chu Yan's face darkened after hearing Xiaojiu's words.

Universal Avenue?

In his long life, this was the first time he heard of such a thing.

You know, he himself opened up the universe, and he is also the new emperor of Liantian Universe.

Therefore, he has always studied the avenue very deeply.

Not to mention the Era of Gods and Demons, even many people in the Ancient Era, if they don't consider combat effectiveness, just talk about it, there is a high probability that they will not be Chu Yan's opponent.

As the saying goes, there are always some gaps between theory and practice.

Just talking about theory, Chu Yan is really strong.

However, even so, he had never seen the Omnipotent Avenue.

How to master this divine punishment?

But suddenly, Chu Yan's pupils shrank.


"Universal Avenue..."

Chu Yan's eyes changed slightly and he remembered something.

I seem to have seen the Universal Avenue!


The blood in the pool of blood!

Chu Yan remembered that when he first entered the real world, there was a period of strength. What did he rely on?


It is the so-called omnipotent avenue.

Chu Yan's expression changed and he stared at the power summoned by Divine Punishment.

"Is this... blood?"

Chu Yan stared at it for a while, but then shook his head slightly: "No... these are not blood!"

So far, Chu Yan has not understood the function and origin of Xuetanzi.

Chu Yan discovered that Xuetanzi was even more mysterious than Jiutian Xuan Pagoda.

Chu Yan originally thought that the most powerful golden finger Qin Ruomeng left to him was the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, so he complained many times.

But as he grew up, he discovered that this was not the case.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda is very powerful, but what Qin Ruomeng really wanted to leave to him was never the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda!

The Jiutian Xuan Pagoda... was just to suppress the blood pool in Chu Yan's body.

So Xuetanzi is the key.

Blood pool...

Even now, Chu Yan doesn't dare to fully activate it, because once it breaks out, he may still lose control.

This pool of blood... is so evil.

Chu Yan had never seen a more evil force than Xuetanzi.

What God uses for punishment... is not the blood in the pool of blood.


But at this moment, Chu Yan was slightly startled, because when the power of God's Punishment rose into the sky, Xuetanzi did emit some resonance.

Chu Yan frowned: "Did Xuetanzi react? But no, this power is not Xuetanzi's power."

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said in a deep voice: "No, I was wrong. He was not using the Universal Avenue, but the Simulation Avenue!"

Chu Yan was startled: "Simulated Avenue? Doesn't that mean the same thing as the Universal Avenue?"

Xiaojiu shook his head and said, "No! It's different!"

"The omnipotent avenue refers to the purest power in the world, which can be transformed into any kind of avenue."

"But the simulated avenue is itself a kind of avenue, and the ability of this avenue is to imitate, and it can be imitated into other avenues!"

After saying that, Xiaojiu continued: "Let me tell you this, the biggest difference between the two is... the omnipotent avenue, he can really become any path, but the simulated avenue, in the final analysis, is just imitation, not a real person. real."

After pondering for a while, Xiaojiu said again: "You can also understand it as... false Taoism?"

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he understood.

Very simple, one true and one false.

At this time, Chu Yan frowned slightly: "You can simulate the avenue, but you can only simulate one kind of power at most, right?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "Yes, this is also what I am curious about! Simulating the Avenue can only simulate one kind of power at a time, just like the disguise you used to go to the Holy Mountain before. You are just one person, you can only pretend to be one person, but You can’t pretend to be many people at the same time.”

"After all, there is only one simulation avenue."

Hearing this, Chu Yan raised his head and frowned.

At this time, God Punishment controlled the simulated avenue in his body to merge into the puzzle, but it was constantly pieced together into various avenues.

The large puzzle piece above God's Punishment was originally only about half, and the remaining areas were still in a blank period, which was the power that God's Punishment did not have control over.

The main avenues are in the Demon Palace.

But now, Simulation Avenue is quickly filling in the puzzle pieces.

Gradually form a complete picture.


Chu Yan said in a low voice: "How can his simulated avenue be able to simulate so many powers at the same time?"

This is not logical.

At this moment, Xiao Jiu's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly said: "Boy, you just said... your blood pool fluctuated, right?"

Chu Yan was startled and nodded slightly: "Yes, it was shaken, so I thought it was the resonance of Xuetanzi."


Suddenly, Xiaojiu took a breath of air: "I... can probably guess the reason for this."

Chu Yan immediately said: "What's going on?"

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "Under normal circumstances, the simulated avenue can only simulate one kind of power at a time. There will never be a situation where multiple avenues are completely integrated like God's Punishment is now."

"But now God's Punishment uses a simulated avenue to disguise thousands of ways!"

"Then there is only one possibility!"

Chu Yan stared at Xiaojiu.

Xiaojiu said solemnly: "God's punishment used his simulated avenue to simulate the omnipotent avenue, or in other words, simulated it to become the blood in your pool of blood!"

Chu Yan was startled, and then his expression changed.

"You mean... this simulated avenue is now simulating the blood in the pool of blood?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "Yes, otherwise, how do you explain the reason for the resonance of the blood pool?"

Chu Yan was silent for a moment.

Because he knew that Xiao Jiu's guess was most likely correct.

But this was not the point that shocked him.

What really shocked him was...Since the God Punishment could use the simulated avenue to simulate the blood pool...there was a special premise!

The God Punishment...had seen the blood in the blood pool!

However, Chu Yan was more certain that he had never seen the God Punishment before he walked out of the mortal world, and the God Punishment could not have seen the blood from him!

Then how did the God Punishment...simulate the blood?




Suddenly, Chu Yan's heart began to beat wildly.

Because anything related to the blood pool is most likely related to Qin Ruoming.

Chu Yan looked up at the God Punishment.


At this time, the God Punishment controlled his simulated avenue and had completed all the puzzles above his head.

This also led to something.


A terrifying aura suddenly burst out of Shen Fa's body, changing his whole aura.

"So strong!"

Yin Shan and the others all became nervous.

"Oh my God, how did he do it? He has improved so much in just a short while?"

"Did he break through?"

There were constant discussions.

Including the sons of God in the Divine Court, although they were angry, they still admired him in their hearts.

Shen Fa looked down at Chu Yan. At this time, he was radiating light all over his body, as if the real son of the Nine Heavens had descended to the world, and grinned: "Boy, are you ready?"

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