Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 586: Heaven-stealing Banquet Begins

Seven days later, the vast army of the Saints arrived at the foot of Tianbei Mountain. It was surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland. Sixteen Tianbei overlapped each other, revealing a thick holy light, radiating the entire starry sea.

"Stop!" At this time, several people took off and stopped everyone.

The disciples of the Saints looked up and were slightly surprised: "These people are all top-level Tianjun?"

"Is this Tianbei Mountain? People of this realm are all Emperors and Star Kings in the starry sea. They are usually unattainable, but in Tianbei Mountain, they can be seen everywhere."

Chu Yan was a little calm. It was not surprising that Tianbei Mountain could be the overlord of one side and had such strength.

"Shenzhu Mountain also has such power." Ye Xun said on the side.

"But that is not our power after all." Chu Yan sighed. When he entered the emperor realm, he thought he was very strong, but now he found that he was nothing in this practice.

He is still too weak now. If it weren't for Mu Tian, ​​any branch of the Heavenly Monument would kill him like an ant.

"Who is coming?" Several Tianjun-level guards asked. An elder of the Saints stepped forward and said, "The Heaven-stealing Banquet is coming soon. The Saints have come here to watch the ceremony."

"The Saints?" The guard looked at Mu Tian and showed great respect: "Junior greets Senior Mu Tian. Your palace has been arranged. Please follow me."

Mu Tian is a saint after all. Except in front of Chu Yan, he is extremely arrogant, so he just nodded and didn't say anything.

The other party was not displeased. He turned around and led the way for him. Soon, the Saints came to a palace in the mountain. Mu Tian was in one palace. Although the rest of the Saints were a little worse, they still had the top-level guest rooms.

There are sixteen palaces on Tianbei Mountain. Each one is extremely magnificent, like an imperial dynasty, representing the sixteen branches of Tianbei.

In addition, there is a suspended palace in the center of the sixteen palaces. The palace occupies a star alone, like the moon surrounded by stars, extremely dazzling, and level with the sky.

"That is the direct lineage of Tianbei Mountain, and the real ruler of this sea of ​​stars." Mu Tian said to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan nodded. Although the galaxy is jointly controlled by the sixteen veins of Tianbei, there is actually only one real master of this sea of ​​stars, that is, the direct lineage of Tianbei Mountain.

The direct lineage is the emperor of this sea of ​​stars, and the so-called sixteen veins are just ministers in front of them.

"The feast of taking over the sky will be held in three days. The young master will come with me. The several veins of Tianbei will be a little afraid and should not take the initiative to attack, but the young master should still be careful. It is inevitable that some people will attack secretly." Mu Tian transmitted the voice again, and Chu Yan nodded. He naturally understood this truth.

"In addition, the Heaven-stealing Banquet is different from ordinary competitions. They do not look at realms. Anyone who has practiced for 50 years can participate. There will inevitably be half-hundred monarchs. Young master, you come with me as a spectator. You don't need to participate. Just watch." Mu Tian reminded.

Chu Yan smiled and did not respond.

The people of the Saint Sect stayed in the palace, but Tianbei Mountain was already boiling. Three days later, the Heaven-stealing Banquet will be held once every thirty years. At that time, there will be heroes who will come out and become the peerless prodigies of the star sea in the near future.

How many people have prepared for today's battle for too long, just hoping to be favored by Tianbei Mountain and transform into dragons in one day.

In addition to the Saint Sect, the strong men of all the branches of Tianbei have arrived. There is a nine-headed demon dragon pulling a carriage on the sky, as well as a purple thunder-winged dragon, a starlight road, and fairies protecting it, which is amazing.

For three days, Chu Yan has been practicing on Tianbei Mountain.

Recently, he has focused his practice on the true self of the devil. Because his realm has reached the top level of the Heavenly Emperor, he does not need to comprehend to break through. He only needs to accumulate vitality to achieve success.

Three days later, at Chu Yan's residence, a terrible explosion sounded in his body, as if a terrifying giant demon was roaring.

The next moment, when he opened his eyes, they flashed with a sharp light. The blood and soul of the true self of the devil collided crazily and uncontrollably, and there was a sense of soaring into the sky.

"Has the fourth True Self become a top Heavenly Emperor?"

Mu Tian felt the strangeness of Chu Yan and smiled kindly. Then he raised his head and looked at the sky. There were tears in his old eyes: "Princess, did you see that? The young master did not disappoint you. He has cultivated four True Selves in the Emperor Realm. One day in the future, he will go to the Palace of Gods and make my Palace see the light of day again. He will kill the gods and make the gods and demons tremble."

The Heaven-stealing Banquet will be held today, so early in the morning, people from all sides went to the top of Tianbei Mountain.

Mu Tian's status is special, so he will be invited to the highest level place, but Chu Yan and others cannot. They need to stay in some places below.

So Mu Tian set off first.

Outside Chu Yan's palace, Ye Xun has been there, and there are several Lords of the Heavenly Emperor Gate guarding him. Among them, Kun is also there. Since the ruins of the Heavenly Lord, he has been using the name of Chu Yan in the Heavenly Emperor Gate to cheat people. Although he is still a Earth Lord now, his status is higher than some top Heavenly Lords.

Chu Yan also smiled bitterly and said nothing. He acquiesced. In the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch, Kun had fought with the Heavenly Monarch for him. That was a favor and he had to remember it.

Not long after, the demonic flames in the room finally subsided, and Chu Yan pushed the door open and walked out.

"Come out of retreat?" Ye Xun looked at Chu Yan.

"Today is the Heaven-stealing Feast, right?" Chu Yan smiled mysteriously and didn't explain anything.

"Wang Feng has already set off with the Demon Sect." Ye Xun nodded, and Chu Yan's eyes flashed. Then he looked up at the towering peak and said, "Let's set off too."

The Heaven-Snatching Banquet is held every thirty years, and a special battlefield will be opened. After all, there will be half a hundred monarchs. Their fight will be extremely terrifying, and ordinary battle platforms cannot withstand the remaining power.

A battle platform rose into the air, and there were stone statues on all four sides to suppress it. Each stone statue was actually an extraordinary divine weapon, which was used to eliminate the remaining power.

At this time, there were more than ten thousand seats outside the battle platform. There was a highest position in the center, and above it was an old man in his seventies, with skin as white as jade, without any sign of aging.

Seeing this person, countless people showed piety. He was the saint of the direct lineage of Tianbei Mountain. There were more than a dozen people beside him, and Chu Yan had seen several of them before. Tai Yan and Tai Chu were all there, and Mu Tian was also among them. He was the elder of the Tai generation of Tianbei Mountain.

Below them were the royal families of the sixteen veins of the Heavenly Monument. The Emperor Jiuyou, the Emperor Zilei and others were all present at this time, guarding various places. Some ancient clans and special forces also came, such as the Donghuang clan, the Sword Sect of Qingfeng Sword City, and the Craftsmanship Chamber of Craftsmanship City. People came today.

Chu Yan and Ye Xun came together and walked.

"Is that Chu Yan?" Someone noticed this: "Is he really not dead as rumored?"

"Beside him is the Emperor Xuntian of Shenzhu Mountain, right? He has been very famous for more than a year." Someone else said, with differences, anger, and a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

"Mr. Chu!" At this time, a voice of space suddenly came from a distance. Chu Yan looked up and saw the Fairy Wangyue and Li Xian'er coming side by side. The two of them were wearing light makeup today, and they were extremely beautiful.

"Does Qingcheng know?" Ye Xun said beside him.

"Ahem!" Chu Yan glared at Ye Xun, and then he looked at the two women: "Two fairies, how are you?"

After knowing Chu Yan's identity, Wang Yue smiled much more calmly. Although he still admired her in his heart, he admired her more. He smiled and said: "In the imperial road, you made me suffer so much. When the Jiuyou Dynasty attacked Wangxian Tower, I thought you did it for me, but it turned out to be for Sister Xian'er. I was too sentimental."

As he said this, Wang Yue was a little sad, and Chu Yan was also helpless. On that day, someone said that Li Xian'er was in trouble, and he turned into the Lord of the Heavenly Emperor to take action. It was originally out of gratitude, but a series of subsequent events happened unexpectedly.

"Will you still turn into the Lord of the Heavenly Emperor?" Wang Yue asked. Chu Yan was speechless for a while. After a while, Wang Yue smiled and said: "Just kidding, you are actually more handsome like this."

"Are you Chu Yan?" At this time, a majestic voice suddenly came from the void, with pressure, making Chu Yan frown and look up.

In the void, there was a young man standing with his hands behind his back. Those who were here today were either rich or noble, and their status was extraordinary, so they would restrain themselves a little to avoid offending others.

But the young man in front of him did not. He was arrogant everywhere, as if he was still the best one even if there were thousands of Tianjiao here.

At this time, many people looked up at the young man, and their eyes fixed in an instant. Obviously, they all knew him.

Like Chu Yan, the appearance of this person immediately became the focus, but the difference was that there seemed to be some curiosity and doubt in the eyes of everyone looking at Chu Yan. After all, the Tianjun ruins were said to be strange, but only a few people had seen them.

But this person was different. Under the huge Tianbei Mountain, thousands of Tianjiao looked at the young man with respect. As Tianjiao, they all seemed to think that they were not as good as each other.

Ye Xun frowned slightly on the side. This person was very rude when he appeared. He glanced at the Tianjuns beside him.

"I advise you not to let them move, otherwise, they will die." The young man said calmly, still proud.

"Try?" Ye Xun's eyes condensed, and the corners of his mouth rose. Threatening him?

"Ye Xun." Chu Yan suddenly shouted, and Ye Xun snorted coldly.

Judging from the strangeness around him, this person is not simple. Although Shenzhu Mountain is not weaker than Tianbei Mountain, this is someone else's territory after all. A strong dragon will not suppress a local snake. There is no need to make a fearless sacrifice.

"Who are you?" Chu Yan asked, looking up at the young man.

"I heard that you are the number one in the Emperor Road. When you first entered the Heavenly Emperor, you were able to defeat the emperor in one battle, claiming that you are invincible under the king." The young man did not respond to Chu Yan, as if he was disdainful, and continued to speak calmly, his words full of arrogance: "Listening to this record, it is indeed good. You may really have some strength, but you remember, the people you defeated, in my opinion, are just as weak as ants. If I want to kill them, it is easy, easier than you, so you should understand that it is also easy for me to kill you."

In an instant, the temperature around dropped to the extreme, and many people looked here with interest.

Did a conflict occur before the Heaven-stealing Feast started?

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the young man, frowning. He had never seen this person before, but the other party was full of hostility towards him, so it was not difficult for him to guess the other party's identity. He should be from the hostile forces such as the Dynasty and Jian Wuya.

"Maybe, but what are you going to say?" Chu Yan finally spoke, without contradicting the other party, just speaking casually.

"Here, put away your arrogance, otherwise, I will kill you personally."

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