Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5854 The End of the Giant

Under the sacred mountain.

Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes.

After a long time, he finally broke through again, and this breakthrough was meaningful to him, because he had reached the first-level giant. Although he had not yet reached the peak of the giant, he had reached the end of the giant realm in terms of realm.

In this era, there is actually another realm above the first-level giant, that is, the peak giant.

But that is because in this era, the giant is already the limit, and the giant cannot break through the self, so after hundreds of millions of years, those top giants are unwilling to be lonely and forcefully open up another realm.

But this realm is actually not qualitatively changed.

It is just because it cannot break through, too much power is precipitated and compressed, so this realm has evolved.

Chu Yan's words...

There may not be a chance to break through again.

So he knows very well that he may not have a way to improve in a short time.

If he can't beat the divine punishment now, it will be really difficult to win.

Of course, Chu Yan doesn't care about these, he has always been very open-minded.

If it really doesn't work, think of another way.


At this time, Chu Yan clenched his fist slightly.


Instantly, the endless power around gathered, and the space in all directions collapsed.

This made his eyes focus: "I have made great progress this time."

Xiaojiu nodded: "It's normal. The first-level giant is also a summary of the giant realm, so two to one is the most difficult step in any realm."

Chu Yan laughed: "Not necessarily, after all, some realms are from one to nine."

The self-realm is from level one to level nine.

No, it's level ten.

Level one is the weakest, and level ten is the strongest.

Giants are a relatively special realm, because in addition to being a realm, giants themselves also represent an identity in this era.

When Chu Yan first entered the void, the giants themselves were a manifestation of identity. At that time, it was not a realm, but later the Bailing Hall emerged and divided all the giants into a level.

This is the arrangement from big to small.

Level nine is the lowest, and level one is the strongest.

Xiao Jiu rolled his eyes: "What do you know? Whether this realm starts from level one or level nine, level one itself is a very difficult realm."

Chu Yan frowned: "Why? If it starts from level one, isn't that level one the weakest?"

Xiao Jiu said lightly: "It has been said since ancient times that everything returns to one, so level one is the largest, and nine to the extreme is one. Second, what is Tao? Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things. One is an extreme in any number."

Chu Yan was slightly enlightened and nodded: "That's the fact."

Then he waved his hands and said: "This is not important, anyway, I have broken through."

After speaking, he showed a helpless look in his eyes again: "But my breakthrough this time also means another thing, the universe... or the current era, I probably can't go back easily."

Chu Yan has never forgotten that the strength of the barrier of this era is determined by him.

The last time he returned to the universe, the barrier of the universe was loosened, which gave the God Court the opportunity to attack.

Now, he has reached the first-level giant. Once he returns to the universe, it means that the barrier of the universe will only become looser.

Xiao Jiu nodded: "This is the truth. You really can't return to the universe in a short time."

After that, Xiao Jiu said: "In fact, if you want to win, there is another way."

Chu Yan looked at Xiao Jiu: "What?"

"Let the universe break through."

Xiao Jiu said lightly: "The reason why the universe and this era are weak is because the path of egoism is broken, but you can open the mystery of the universe, which is that small box!"

"That small box is the broken path of egoism. Once you open it, people in this era can break through egoism. At that time, you can quickly narrow the gap between the two sides."

Chu Yan was silent.

This is indeed a way.

Now, many people in the gods, demons and ancient times have been staring at themselves because they think there is a way to break through the ancient saints in the universe.

However, Chu Yan doesn't know whether there is a way to break through the ancient saints in the universe.

But he knows one thing, that is, there is a way to break through egoism in the universe.

The small box contains the broken path of egoism.

Of course, Chu Yan knew very well that the small box... was not the real mystery of the universe.

The golden box was just a trick given to him by the spirit of the universe.

Chu Yan fell into silence.

Open it?

Once the golden box is opened, this era can break through the ego. With the upper limit and height of the universe today, if Xue Zu and others break through the ego, it will indeed quickly narrow the gap with the era of gods and demons.

But soon, Chu Yan shook his head slightly.

"No need for now."

Xiao Jiu frowned: "Why?"

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "You and I know very well that the path of egoism is wrong! If I open it now, it will indeed allow the universe to catch up quickly, but it will put the universe on a wrong path."

"Once it is wrong, is there any chance to turn back?"

Chu Yan knew very early that egoism... itself is a wrong path.

Above the real giants, it should be 'idealism'!

Chu Yan said seriously: "It's like a clock. Even if it stops in place, it will be right at least once a day, but once it is wrong... it will always be wrong!"

"I can't lead the entire universe down a wrong path just for the sake of quick success!"

"I can't bear this responsibility!"

Xiaojiu frowned: "But if you don't do this, it means that you have to fight for the universe alone."

"At least it will be like this for a short period of time. There are not enough resources in the universe. Even if you increase the upper limit infinitely, they still won't be able to fight against Level 10."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "So what? I am the emperor of the universe, isn't it just to take responsibility for them? I am not afraid of responsibility, but I am afraid of going against my will."

Xiaojiu was speechless for a while.

Sometimes, he didn't know what to say to Chu Yan.

Silly and cute, but also heart-wrenching.

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Besides, I'm still alive. I'm not dead yet, so I can resist. When I really can't bear it anymore, we will all go down the wrong road together."

"Alas." Xiao Jiu sighed.

At this time, Chu Yan stopped talking. He raised his head and looked outside the mine vein: "It's time to go back. I have disappeared for so long, so as not to let the people in Shenting doubt me."

Xiao Jiu nodded slightly.


The next second, Chu Yan disappeared in a flash and appeared from the treasure house of the sacred mountain.

As soon as he appeared, Shenxian had been waiting outside. He couldn't help but be startled when he saw Chu Yan.

Because for just such a short moment, he clearly felt something different from Chu Yan.

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