Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5852 Commanding the Demon Mountain

Divine Punishment displayed a fusion of gods and demons on the magic mountain, which immediately stunned the people below.

God Punishment then slowly stopped his hand and said calmly: "I said I am Chu Yan, do you believe it now?"

Many powerful men from the Demon Palace looked towards Yinshan.

Yin Shan fell into silence.

Although she had received a lot of news, this was the first time she saw Chu Yan today, and she didn't know whether it was true or false.

But for that fusion of gods and demons, besides Chu Yan, she couldn't think of anyone else.

Yinshan stared at God's Punishment for a while, nodded and said, "We believe it."

The corners of Shenpu's mouth raised slightly and he smiled.

Chu Yan, you didn't expect that if you occupied my divine palace, then I would come to manage the demon palace for you.

At this time, God Punishment said: "Since you believe it, from now on, this magic mountain is under my control."

The people in the Demon Palace were startled at first, and then their eyes burst into flames with anger.


Someone immediately retorted.

"That's right, who do you think you are? Are you from my Demon Palace? Are you here to take care of us?"

Everyone in the Demon Palace snorted coldly.

Divine Punishment: "..."

Why isn't this style of painting right?

I said it's Chu Yan, shouldn't you obey me?

Why do they seem to want to hit me?

Divine Punishment is a little confused.

However, Divine Punishment ignores one thing.

That is the identity issue of both parties.

The people in Magic Mountain believe that the person in front of them is Chu Yan, but that doesn't mean they are willing to obey.

Chu Yan is not a divine punishment.

Divine Punishment can take over the sacred mountain when he enters the Shura Field. This is because of his identity as the son of the divine ancestor.

What is Chu Yan?

An outsider.

Not even from this era.

The Demon Mountain Man snorted coldly: "How crazy, an outsider still wants to control us? Brothers, let's teach him a lesson together and teach him how to behave."

In an instant, terrifying auras erupted in the magic mountain.

There were also some relatively calm people who did not participate at first, but after taking a look at Yinshan, they found that Yinshan did not stop them, and they immediately understood the meaning.


All of them suddenly broke out.


Divine Punishment was surrounded in the center, and he suddenly felt a wave of coercion coming down.

Dozens of level 10 people locked onto him at the same time.

The corner of God Punishment's mouth didn't twitch, and he immediately wanted to curse.

Cao, what the hell is this?

I was kicked out of the sacred mountain, and now I want to take action on the magic mountain?

But Divine Punishment quickly calmed down and smiled sarcastically: "Are you not convinced? Do you want to take action? Then come and do it."


The next second, God Punishment also waved his arms, a long sword appeared, and a monstrous force soared into the sky.

Standing alone in the center, he seemed to be able to conquer the world with his own strength.

I am going to the sky with one sword.

Who in the world doesn’t know you!

That kingly aura was vividly displayed by him.

"Cao, pretend to be thirteen and kill him!"

But suddenly, a strong man from the Demon Palace roared and struck down with a red battle axe.

With someone taking the lead, the rest of the group rushed out.

Divine Punishment: "..."

But he didn't pay attention. He ducked backwards, easily dodged the incoming axe, and then swiped the sword lightly in his hand.



A scream sounded.

A strong man from the Demon Palace vomited blood and flew out.


As soon as the man stopped, his body cracked.

The whole audience was shocked.

"So strong!"

one move!

Although the people who were repelled were not demons, they were all at level ten.

This means that Chu Yan is not only at the tenth level, but has also gone a long way in the tenth level.

Yinshan is also much more serious.

They all heard about Chu Yanqiang, but they didn't know how strong he was.

I finally saw it today.

With the first, there is the second and the third.

Divine Punishment kept drawing out his sword in the middle, and wherever his sword pointed, someone immediately flew out.

The screams continued.

At this time, God's Punishment truly made one person invincible and suppressed the entire Magic Mountain.

Of course, Yinshan never took action.

But this is shocking enough.

God's punishment didn't bother him.

In today's Shura Field, the Magic Mountain is not as good as the Holy Mountain, because the Holy Mountain has sent many divine sons, while the Magic Mountain is still in its original state.

So it's normal that you can't beat him.

He was forced to run away on the sacred mountain because there were countless sons of gods there.

Lieyang, Corpse Soul and others are all here.

There is none here in Magic Mountain.

If you still can't beat him, you won't be able to talk anymore.

Bang bang bang!

After a while, there was a group of people scattered in the main hall, holding their heads and wailing. Only one person was still standing in the center.

That is divine punishment.

Yinshan kept watching from the seat, his eyes slightly condensed.

Total defeat.

Those people from the Magic Mountain were in great pain and screamed: "Master Yinshan, take action! Kill him."

Yinshan ignored the group of defeated people and kept staring at God's Punishment for a while.

At this time, Yinshan stood up slowly. She looked at God Punishment from above: "Do you want to command the Magic Mountain?"

Divine Punishment said calmly: "Don't I have this qualification?"

Yinshan was silent for a while.

Tsk - Suddenly, Yinshan drew out a long sword, pointed the blade at God's Punishment, and said calmly: "If you win against me, the Demon Mountain will listen to you. On the contrary, if you lose, even if the Demon Lord tells you, the Demon Mountain will obey you." The mountain will not let you squander it.”

Hearing this, Divine Punishment suddenly became interested: "Okay."

Yinshan said calmly: "Let's do it."


The next second, the divine punishment disappeared, and he rushed towards Yinshan in one step.

It is worth mentioning that Yinshan was able to become the leader of the Demon Mountain, so he still had strength.

When Chu Yan entered the Shura Field, the demon boy explained that there was a demon child in the Shura Field.

The second demon child was in the Demon Mountain, but in the Shura Field, the second demon child was not the strongest, nor the leader here, but this Yinshan.

A disciple of ordinary status in the Demon Palace, but he fought his way out in the Shura Field and created his own legendary road.

He is a real rebel.

It is precisely because of this that Yinshan has been admired by many people in the Demon Palace.

Especially for some people with ordinary backgrounds, Yinshan has always been their idol, because when they see Yinshan, they know that even if they don’t have a good background, as long as they work hard, they can still stand out.

The demon boy also said that Yinshan will even become one of the new twelve demon kings.

Yinshan will be nominated in the next election.

At this moment, Yinshan and the divine punishment fight.


As soon as both sides make a move, they will know whether they have it or not.

Shenfa slashed out with a sword, but Yinshan dodged it easily, which surprised Shenfa.

Shenfa was very strong, and he was even much ahead of people in the same realm, but Yinshan gave him a feeling that he was not weak.

But Shenfa didn't care. One sword missed, and the other hand punched fiercely.

Yinshan was prepared, and a sharp dagger stabbed out from his waist.

Just as Shenfa's fist was about to fall, the dagger was already against Shenfa's waist.

Shenfa frowned slightly, and could only quickly retract his fist and change direction.

But almost in an instant, Yinshan kicked out.

Shenfa also swept his foot.


Both sides retreated violently.

Shenfa stood firm and narrowed his eyes slightly, smiling: "Little girl, it's interesting!"

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