Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 585 Banquet

"Boom!" The magic wings spread out, Wangfeng was surrounded by black energy, his long hair was flying, like a demon returning from hell, and the spear in his hand seemed to be able to tear everything apart.

His eyes were blood-colored, like those of a wild beast. They faded a bit when he saw Chu Yan. The magic feather behind his back retracted into his body, and he smiled cleanly.


"Does it hurt?" Chu Yan stepped forward and touched Wangfeng's shoulder. Wangfeng smiled and shook his head: "It was quite uncomfortable at first, but now I'm used to it. This power is very strong, but now I can't fully understand it." I can’t control it, but don’t worry, senior brother, I will definitely do it as soon as possible, and then I can help senior brother.”

"Let's go to the heaven-capture banquet together." Chu Yan took a deep breath. Although Wangfeng looked indifferent, he had once been possessed by a demon and attracted thousands of demon spirits into his body. He knew that feeling, uncomfortable and strong backlash, every time. Every pore feels like it's bursting.

"Yeah!" Wangfeng's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

On this day, there was a cliff inside the All Saints Gate. The warm wind blew by, and there were two figures here. One of them was wearing white clothes and holding a wine bottle in his hand. He was sitting on the edge of the cliff with one knee bent, and the other was sitting on the cliff. One foot was rippling down, his aura was restrained, but he was full of energy. It was Chu Yan.

Another person, dressed in the same white clothes, with his arms folded and an iron-headed dragon spear leaning behind him, also showed an extraordinary temperament, was Ye Xun.

The two of them stayed like this, but very calmly. After a long time, Chu Yan drank a sip of strong wine and threw the flask to Ye Xun. Ye Xun took it and drank a few big gulps before shouting: "It's so good."

"Yeah, how long have you been drinking together like this?" Chu Yan stood up with a smile and looked down at the thousands of stars: "The sea of ​​​​stars is so vast."

"It's very vast, but one day you will conquer it. When the time comes, climb up, stand on the highest place, and issue an order to make all living beings surrender." Ye Xun said firmly.

"It's not me, it's us!" Chu Yan smiled, Ye Xun also smiled and nodded: "It's us!"

"Time flies so fast." Chu Yan sighed again. The two brothers reunited here, which made him sigh even more about how time flies. After more than ten years of practice and playing in the command room, he still remembers that in Tianyong City, the two Mortal teenagers, drinking and carousing, a young and frivolous promise.

"Yes, many years have passed in a blink of an eye. Until today, I have wandered between life and death so many times. That year we looked up at the sky and aimed at the wilderness of the world. You traveled thousands of miles to reach the top of the tower, flattened the mountains and seas, and destroyed the Tianshan Mountains. In one battle, You were granted the title of Young King, and then you went to the Star River to seize the Sky Monument. Now, you are a big shot in the land of Star Sea," Ye Xun said with a smile.

"Aren't you the same? The Heavenly Emperor's Sect is looking for the Heavenly Emperor, but he is much more majestic than me. Unlike me, everyone is shouting to beat him." Chu Yan joked.

The two looked at each other and laughed again. If they had agreed that year, if they were frivolous, now they are so close.

In the rivers and lakes, they have never been together, but they are each working towards the same goal, because they all firmly believe that one day, their souls will let them meet again. By then, who in this world can stop such a pair of young people? Woolen cloth?

"I'll go to the Heaven Seizing Banquet too." Ye Xun hesitated and said suddenly.

"I'm going to watch the ceremony with Senior Mutian, and I'm not participating in the competition. What are you going to do?" Chu Yan rolled his eyes at Ye Xun.

"Here I am to cheer you up." Ye Xun blinked and smiled, very casually, but Chu Yan shook his head. He naturally understood that Ye Xun was worried that Tianbei Mountain would be detrimental to him.

"Forget it, if you go, the people from the Tiandi Sect will definitely follow. That is Tianbei Mountain, the overlord of the entire star sea. Even if they want to deal with me, is it possible that you will still be an enemy of Tianbei Mountain?"

"Yes!" Ye Xun nodded seriously. Chu Yan believed that if Tianbei Mountain really attacked him, Ye Xun would probably kill Tianbei Mountain at all costs.

If it were Ye Xun, he would do the same.

"Let's talk!" Chu Yan changed the topic. It was enough to have Mu Tian at the Duotian Banquet. But if they really wanted to deal with him, it would be useless for Ye Xun to go. He didn't want Ye Xun to fall into danger because of him.

"Are you now the top Heavenly Emperor? Do you have any understanding? Can you become the emperor before the Heaven Seizing Banquet?" Ye Xun asked again.

"Do you really think I'm a monster? In the remaining few months, let alone the emperor, it will be difficult to break the emperor." Chu Yan sighed and shook his head: "The emperor is too ethereal, embracing the sun, the moon, and the stars. It's not easy to understand the light of the sky."

"I think it's okay. With your talent, as long as the opportunity comes, everything will fall into place." Ye Xun was extremely confident in Chu Yan and said: "Even if you can't join the emperor, with your current strength, if you fight against the emperor, you should be able to do it." Is there a chance of winning? It has been said since ancient times that if the emperor is superior and the emperor is humble, you will be invincible in front of the powerful emperor. I would like to see how one day you can be the emperor in this sea of ​​stars. With great power, I will kill several kings."

"Although the emperor and the king are at the same stage, it seems normal, but in fact there are several major differences. The king can create a king's plan and attack with power. How difficult is it to kill the king." Chu Yan shook his head with a wry smile. He shook his head, but there was a sharp look in his eyes.

Ye Xun smiled and said nothing. He took a few steps back. The spear in his hand danced, and a gap appeared in the void. The next moment he pointed the spear: "Try it?"

"Okay." Chu Yan smiled calmly, and the next moment, a terrifying sword intention emerged from behind him.

"Boom!" Both of them unleashed the power of the top Heavenly Emperor. In an instant, the cliff valley became heavy. Ye Xun was the first to take action. Now that he has great blood in space and understands the true meaning, his spear can pierce the void and turn into a huge sky. The shadow of the gun slashed towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan stood with his hands behind his back, took several steps forward, and killed with each step. With his sword intent, he slashed out wildly, constantly colliding with Ye Xun's power.

The two of them fought with all their strength. Of course, Chu Yan only fought with his true self and did not switch to his true self. This battle caused an extremely terrifying storm. Many people from the Saint Sect came to watch and were shocked. .

"So strong..." The corners of countless people's mouths twitched. Many of them were top-level Heavenly Emperors, but in this battle before them, they didn't even have the slightest bit of passion.

The saint was speechless for a while: "When I first heard his name when I was an emperor, he was only at the sixth level of the emperor and had not yet entered the heavenly emperor. At that time, he was invincible and could fight Beiming Shatian. Now How terrifying is his combat power, the top emperor."

God Xian'er smiled: "In the world, there are always some people who have been extraordinary since birth. They are unparalleled and invincible. They throw away the arrogant ones and always walk at the forefront of an era. They seem to be just like them." Destined to be the master of destiny.”

The Saint cannot deny that he is also a genius and was once proud, but now, he is very clear that he is far behind compared to Chu Yan.

"Haha, not bad, you can barely win." There was another strong collision in the sky, and Ye Xun stepped back and smiled.

"If you lose, you lose. It's just barely." Chu Yan pouted, but he was in a very good mood. He forgot how long it had been since he felt like this.

"After the Heaven Seizing Banquet, shall we go back to the mortal world together?" Ye Xun looked at Chu Yan again.

Chu Yan's eyes flashed sharply, and he knew that the implication of Ye Xun's words was to tell him that he must come back alive from the Heaven Seizing Banquet.

But the words that followed brought back some memories in his heart. In the blink of an eye, it had been many years since he came to Xinghai, and his realm had reached the top level of Heavenly Emperor. It seemed that it was time to go back.

"Okay, let's go back together after the Heaven Seizing Banquet." Chu Yan smiled brightly. When he left, the world had been crowned the King of the Star Territory, but some things had not been settled yet. It was time to draw a line for him. It's over, there are still people in the mortal world who miss me a little.


The Heaven Seizing Banquet, which happens once every thirty years, attracts geniuses from all over the world.

Thirty years seems to be a long time, but to some practitioners, it is just a blink of an eye. Some terrifying existences, they retreat for a few years at a time.

Therefore, the so-called Heaven Seizing Banquet is just a competition for the younger generations, but even so, it will still attract great attention.

Whether a force's descendants are strong or not is related to future development and bottlenecks.

The same is true for Tianbei Mountain. The reason why he has been able to rule the sea of ​​stars for hundreds of thousands of years, control hundreds of millions of creatures in the world, respond to hundreds of responses, and travel around the world leisurely, no one dares to disobey, is not relying on the power of one person, but on the geniuses who have emerged from it generation after generation. , only then can we have today.

Therefore, the Seizing Heaven Banquet is when they select candidates. This is how the so-called Taiyi generation is obtained. Those saint-level elders are all the outstanding ones who emerged from the Seizing Heaven Banquet.

Now that the Heaven Seizing Banquet is coming, people from all walks of life are going there in person, and at the foot of Tianbei Mountain, the mountains are already like flags.

On this day, many powerful people gathered in the Saint Sect, including saints and saints, including many elders at the level of heavenly kings. They were rarely seen in the past, but today, they all appeared.

There are countless artifacts, wooden boats and carts in the void.

There were many young people in the crowd who had been practicing for less than fifty years. They were all disciples fighting for the Holy Sect this time, and their eyes were shining with blazing light.

The Heaven Seizing Banquet is their opportunity.

Chu Yan and Ye Xun were also there. Because Wangfeng would fight for the Demon Sect this time, they rushed back to the Demon Sect early, but they still met at the Duotian Banquet.

"Are everyone here?" The eyes of an elder from the All Saints Sect's top Heavenly Lord lit up and he said calmly: "All the Saints Sect, let's go!"

With a roar, the huge team flew away on the wind, with the roar of the blue dragon pulling the cart, and the wooden boat driven by the top heavenly monarch, soaring up and flying towards the center of the starry sea.

The All Saints Gate is several states away from Tianbei Mountain. However, with the speed of Long Chu and the wooden boat, everyone arrived at the foot of Tianbei Mountain in just seven days.

Tianbei Mountain towers into the sky, as if it never has a top. Chu Yan was sitting on a wooden boat and had to look up.

"What do you think?" Ye Xun asked with a smile.

"I'm thinking, back then, we also went to Tianbei Mountain to fight in the galaxy, but we were both in Tianbei Mountain. The ones in the galaxy were really small, and there is a higher place on Tianbei Mountain. And we will definitely stand at the highest place." Chu Yan's voice was calm. Today, he is no longer the boy he used to be. Even if he stands at the foot of Tianbei Mountain, letting the strong wind beat on him, his long hair is flying, but the wind is calm. light.

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