Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5841 I ask you to believe

I don’t understand God’s Punishment at all.

But he didn't say much, and suddenly walked towards a disciple of Yunxi Palace.


However, it’s okay that God’s Punishment doesn’t move around.

As soon as he arrived in front of the disciple, the disciple suddenly showed endless fear and knelt on the ground.

Divine Punishment frowned when he saw this: "Are you... afraid of me?"

After hearing this, the disciple immediately begged: "Son of God, have mercy on me... Son of God, have mercy on me... I didn't see anything, I don't know anything."

Divine Penalty was stunned and said in confusion: "Why do you want to beg me for mercy? I am the son of the ancestor of the gods. Shouldn't you feel safe when you see me? I can protect you."

The disciple clenched his fist and said tremblingly: "But...but didn't you just kill Princess Yunxi?"

"What did you say?"

Divine Punishment's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "You said I killed Yunxi?"

The City Emperor and others were also stunned: "Isn't it a corpse soul? Why did it become a divine punishment again?"

Divine Punishment stared at the disciple and said, "Don't be nervous, tell me the whole process."

The disciple's body was still trembling. It could be seen that God's punishment had not killed him, so he relaxed a little. He said weakly: "Son of God... didn't you just come to see Princess Yunxi, and then suddenly killed Princess Yunxi with a sword?"

Divine Punishment narrowed his eyes: "Are you sure the person you saw at that time was me?"

The disciple nodded repeatedly: "It's absolutely true. It's not just me, everyone in Yunxi Palace has seen it. This is the princess's palace. Ordinary people can't get close to it, not even other gods. Princess Yunxi specially There are some explanations.”

"But Your Highness God Punishment, the princess said that if you come, there is no need to stop you, just let you in."

The City Emperor and others curled their lips for a while.

They are all dead, and they still disgust us.

At this time, God Punishment looked at the God of Death behind him, and the God of Death immediately understood and went to investigate.

After a while, he got the result, walked up to God Punishment's ear and said, "It's you! Everyone in Yunxi Palace saw it."

God Punishment's face darkened again.

"Chu Yan!!!"

He growled lowly, but felt a little unclear in his heart.

How can this be?

It’s understandable if Chu Yan imitates others, but how can he imitate himself?

At this time, Divine Punishment recalled it carefully, but just couldn't figure it out.

The City Emperor said: "God's Punishment, have you lost some of your strength?"

Divine Punishment checked and shook his head: "No, this is also the thing I can't understand the most! If my power is lost, even a little bit, I can detect it! But I can be sure now that my power has not disappeared."

"This is evil."

"Can he imitate it out of thin air?"

Everyone's eyes shrank.

If that were to happen, it would be a bit scary.

"But even if he imitated divine punishment this time, why did he kill Yun Xi?" the God of Death asked in confusion.

God Punishment's eyes turned cold: "He is deliberately disgusting me..."

Everyone was startled.

The next second, his face suddenly darkened.


In an instant, the City Emperor and others quickly moved closer to Divine Punishment.

Afraid of losing track.

If it was God's Punishment that asked them to follow in the beginning, now they have taken the initiative.

Because they dare not let God Punishment leave alone. Once they leave, the next time they see God Punishment, it may not be who it is!

God Punishment was squeezed by the crowd, and his face was gloomy: "This can't go on!"

"But he can switch identities at any time, and we have no other option."

Divine Punishment fell into silence and suddenly said: "Let's pass on the message first and let the others be careful. Unless they see my royal oracle, don't be careless even if they see me."

"Also, continue to make people careful about corpse souls."

At this time, the God of Death suddenly said: "Your Highness, God Punishment, didn't you discover something?"

Divine Punishment looked at the God of Death.

The God of Death said: "Chu Yan can only kill people when he imitates you. This is obviously to attract hatred for you, but if he imitates other people, he will not kill because he needs the identities of more people. In this way If so, we can do it.”

Divine Punishment narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean?"

The God of Death said: "We can give an order. If we see you, run away immediately, because you will die. But if we see a corpse, don't expose it immediately, delay it first. Anyway, Chu Yan will not kill people, at most It’s just a serious injury. In this case, we can wait until we go there.”

Divine Punishment was stunned for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully.

"The God of Death is right!"

"Chu Yan will only kill people when he is pretending to be me. If he is pretending to be someone else, don't expose it yet and delay it as long as possible."

God Punishment nodded and immediately said: "Quickly, pass this instruction on."

The Death God's opinion was adopted and he nodded excitedly: "Okay!"

Soon, a very special message covered the sacred mountain.

The general content is that Chu Yan has sneaked into the Holy Mountain and is likely to disguise himself as someone from within the Holy Court.

Once you see divine punishment, don't resist, run away immediately.

If it is someone else, such as a corpse soul, etc., don't expose it on the spot, try to delay the time, the Son of God of Punishment will arrive soon.


After the news came out.

The remaining Sons of God in Shenshan are a little nervous.

at the same time.

Chu Yan has changed his appearance and arrived at another temple.

He was now disguised as a corpse, leaning down and looking down.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "Boy, are you still using the identity of Corpse Soul? Now Shenting already knows that you are pretending."

Chu Yan grinned: "Xiaojiu, do you understand what reverse prediction is?"

Xiao Jiuyi was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "Don't worry about it, you will know when you get in."


The next second, Chu Yan came to the palace.

A rugged, strong man appeared.

This man is none other than the son of the God of War: Batuo!

Because he inherited the bloodline of the God of War, this person's combat power is quite strong.

When Chu Yan came here, before he could speak, Ba Tuo's eyes shrank first, but it was only fleeting, and he immediately smiled and said: "Ah, isn't this Brother Soul Soul? What kind of wind blows you away? Come to me."

Xiaojiu: "..."

Chu Yan didn't say anything, and just looked at Ba Tuo with a smile.

Ba Tuo was a little embarrassed by Chu Yan's gaze, so he laughed dryly and said: "Brother Zhunhun, you are talking! Come on, come on, sit inside first, I just made some good wine, let's try it together."

Chu Yan hesitated, then became polite and walked in with Ba Tuo. After sitting down, he started to taste the wine.

The whole audience stared at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan suddenly raised his head after taking a sip. Then he looked at Ba Tuo and smiled: "You know I am Chu Yan, right?"

Ba Tuo: "???"

Ba Tuo was stunned. Why did he reveal his identity?

But then, Ba Tuo laughed hastily: "Brother Zhunhun is really good at joking. How could you be Chu Yan? I don't believe it anyway..."


The next second, Chu Yan thrust out a long sword.

Ba Tuo's eyes suddenly widened.

Chu Yan smiled brightly: "It's okay, I'll let you believe it."

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