Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5838 is a mess

Shenfa cursed, and then he wanted to fly into the air.

However, he didn't fly out yet.


Suddenly, a terrifying explosion sounded in the sacred mountain. Everyone looked up and saw a dazzling fire in the distance.

Shenfa and others changed their faces.

But before they could fly out, they saw a fierce figure flying along the fire.

Lieyang was slightly startled when he saw the person coming.

"Corpse Soul?"

The son of the God of Evil, Corpse Soul!

This person has a very high status, because the God of Evil is also one of the five supreme gods, and has always been on an equal footing with the God of Kindness.

The point is that Corpse Soul is very powerful, far above the City Emperor.

Of course, this is not strange, after all, it sounds like... evil is more powerful than kind people.

Lieyang just opened his mouth.


Corpse Soul flashed, directly twisted the space, appeared in front of Lieyang in one step, and punched.


The punch of the corpse soul directly penetrated the space, and Lieyang's face changed. His arms quickly burned with flames and rushed forward fiercely.


The two fists collided, and the whole Temple of the Dead God was shaken.


The next second, Lieyang retreated a hundred meters.

Of course, the corpse soul also retreated a lot, about seventy or eighty meters.

As soon as Lieyang stood firm, his eyes suddenly spewed fire: "Damn, corpse soul, are you crazy?"

The corpse soul said lightly: "Chu Yan, are you going to continue pretending?"

Lieyang was stunned and said coldly: "Chu your grandmother's leg! I am Lieyang, the son of the God of Fire!"

The corpse soul looked calm: "It seems that you won't cry until you see the coffin."

Swish-instantly, a sharp long knife appeared in the hands of the corpse soul, and it stabbed straight at Lieyang.

Seeing this, Lieyang was also furious. He saw his hands clasped in front of his chest, and suddenly, his whole body was burning with raging fire.

The point is that those flames are not ordinary flames, but all of them are golden flames.

"Three Golden Divine Fires!"

Cheng Huang and others all looked at each other with a frown: "I never thought that Lie Yang would inherit the Dao Fire of the God of Fire. No wonder the God of Fire loves him so much."

The Three Golden Divine Fires are the exclusive flames of the God of Fire. This fire... it is no exaggeration to say that this fire can burn the sky and boil the sea.

However, the corpse soul did not care. Instead, he condensed his palms, and with a hiss, the long sword in his hand also burned.

It's just that the flames on the long sword are more special. If the flames of Lie Yang are the kind of masculine that makes people feel the burning of the fire, the flames on the long sword of the corpse soul are more like a kind of feminine.

When the flames came out, the temperature around them dropped suddenly.


Suddenly, the two flames collided with each other and began to roll wildly.

The next second, Lie Yang and the corpse soul attacked wildly.

The dead god watched from the side and sneered.

"You deserve it, let you also taste the feeling of being framed." The God of Death sneered in his heart. He was just knocked away by Lieyang with a punch, and he was already unhappy.

But he couldn't beat Lieyang.

Now, the corpse soul can vent his anger for him.

However, just after the two fought for a while, the face of the God of Death was a little uneasy.

His smile froze.

Because there was a click!


The next second, the whole temple collapsed under the residual power of the two people!

The God of Death was stunned at first, but then he was anxious: "No! This is my temple! Your Highness Shenfa, stop them quickly."

Shenfa had a headache and immediately used his hand as a sword.

Swish - a touch of sword energy swept out.

The faces of the two people who were fighting changed.


In an instant, the two stalemate flames were separated by the sword energy. The two figures were also shocked and retreated quickly.

When the two stopped, their faces all changed slightly.

Because just that sword, they all felt the threat of death.

Lieyang and Shihun looked at Shenfa, and they looked more solemn.

It turned out that everyone respected Shenfa only because of his identity, the son of the God Ancestor, and was destined to be superior.

But now it is different.

Shenfa... is very strong.

Of course, they also knew that Shenfa had good talent and strong strength, but they did not expect there would be such a gap.

You know, if calculated by age, Shenfa is still younger than them.

Shihun said: "Shenfa, just arrest him, Lieyang is Chu Yan pretending to be him."

Lieyang's mouth twitched: "Impersonate! Do you still want to get a fight?"

Shihun sneered: "Do you think you can beat me?"

Lieyang cultivated fire, and his temper was irritable. A fire dragon suddenly surged out, and he wanted to attack again.


At this time, Shenfa said coldly, and as his voice fell, the temperature of the entire palace... no, the entire ruins suddenly dropped.

The two stopped immediately because they knew that Shenfa was really angry.

When the two stopped, Shenfa said coldly: "Corpse Soul, you misunderstood Lieyang."

Corpse Soul frowned: "How could it be? I just saw him attack my Corpse Soul Palace with my own eyes."

Lieyang snorted: "I also saw the God of Death attack my Lieyang Palace! What's the use? We were all fooled."

"What's going on?" Corpse Soul frowned.

Shenfa rubbed his eyebrows and said: "It was Chu Yan! He was indeed in Shenshan. At first, he pretended to be the King of the City and attacked the God of Death. Later, he attacked Lieyang as the God of Death..."

At this point, Corpse Soul had understood and frowned slightly: "So, the Lieyang I saw just now... was also fake."

"Nonsense!" Lieyang said angrily: "When your Corpse Soul Palace was attacked, I was beating the God of Death here!"

The God of Death was immediately displeased and said: "Lieyang, what do you mean?"

Lieyang snorted coldly: "I said I'd beat you, why didn't you accept it? If you weren't a loser and someone had your identity stolen, how could you have done so many things later?"

The eyelids of the God of Death twitched slightly. He was about to retort, but when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them back.

The reason is simple, he can't beat the blazing sun.

Suddenly, the God of Death felt a little regretful... He had known that he would have worked harder when practicing.

I really didn’t expect that one day I would try hard to practice, but it would be due to internal strife among my own people.

Divine Punishment interrupted: "Okay! Now is not the time to argue about these useless things! What we have to worry about now is the identity of the corpse soul! If Chu Yan goes over there, the identity of the corpse soul may also be stolen!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked embarrassed.

"Damn it, when others assume their identities, they are all pretending to be the same person, or pretending to be the same person... This guy, no one is pretending, right?"

When others impersonate or pretend, they are only choosing one person. You have pretended and pretended. You must not want to be discovered?

This Chu Yan is so good... He doesn't care at all, he is just messing around.

The City Emperor frowned and said, "But I don't understand, what's the point of him doing this? He keeps pretending like this, and now we all know it's a lie."

The God of Death and Lieyang were also a little confused.

This is not in line with the behavior of pretenders.

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