Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5830: Divine Court's Determination

The Era of Gods and Demons.

Divine Court.

Xingjun quickly summoned all the countless devils according to the request of God Shura, including a very special person...

Divine punishment!

The son of the contemporary divine ancestor.

If this status were placed in some mortal empires, it would already be the crown prince.

The fact is that Divine Punishment usually has a very high status in the Divine Court. Even when encountering some main gods, they have to be polite and take the initiative to salute.

Of course, there is no need for the five supreme gods, because no matter how powerful the divine punishment is, they are not yet strong enough to fight against the supreme gods. This is why he will come when God Shura summons them.

If it were any other god, he might not even come.

Lord Xing brought all the gods here and said, "Asura, everyone is here."

God Shura looked up.

Not too many, more than a dozen people, but each one of them is a top powerhouse, and all of them have reached the tenth level.

Of course, there are actually more Sons of God in the Divine Court. The reason why there are only a dozen or so is because these dozen people are all the most talented. As for some of the dandy Sons of God, Xing Jun did not call out, and it was useless to call. Those people thrown into the Shura field were not enough to gain experience points for Chu Yan.

God Shura looked at the dozen or so sons of gods and suddenly said: "You should know why I called you here, right?"

One of the Sons of God said directly: "Lord Shura, is it for the new emperor of the universe, Chu Yan?"

God Shura nodded: "Chu Yan has now joined the Demon Palace, which will be very disadvantageous for us, but Chu Yan is now protected by the Demon Palace. I cannot kill him directly, but based on my understanding of the Demon Palace, he will definitely Send Chu Yan to the Shura Field to disgust us!"

"The rules of the Shura Field are special. Only those who are strong within ten thousand years can enter, so I called you here."

The son of God smiled and said: "This is not easy, I just go in and kill him."

As soon as these words came out, Xingjun sighed.

That's what worries him the most.

These sons of gods are all very talented, but because of this, they are all arrogant and ruthless, and their hearts are as high as the sky. If they are allowed to go to the Shura field, they will definitely be careless and underestimate the enemy.

But once you do this, you are not killing Chu Yan, but helping Chu Yan.

However, just when Xingjun wanted to ask God Shura what to do.

God Shura raised his head and looked at the son of God who had just spoken.

"The son of the good god, the city emperor, right?"

The Son of God nodded slightly: "It's me."


Suddenly, God Shura struck out with a palm without any warning.

The City Emperor's expression changed drastically. The pressure from the Supreme God's palm was still very strong. He hurriedly crossed his arms to block it.


The next second, the City Emperor screamed, and his whole body was blown away, and then embedded in the wall next to him.

Beating someone is like hanging a painting.

The eyes of the other gods shrank.

Because when the City Emperor flowed down the wall... yes, it flowed down, God Shura directly smashed the City Emperor's bones into powder with a palm, making him look like liquid.

Of course, the City Emperor was also at the tenth level. He quickly reshaped his body and looked at Shura God in a low voice: "Sir, what do you mean?"

God Shura said calmly: "I only used 50% of my strength just now."

The City Emperor's eyes shrank.

God Shura continued: "Do you think if I had used all my strength, you would still be alive now?"

The City Emperor clenched his fist fiercely and was speechless.

Because he knows that he can't.

The city emperor was unconvinced and said: "What does that count? You have lived for hundreds of millions of years, you are the five supreme gods, and I am not even ten thousand years old... If you give me time, I will surpass you sooner or later."

God Shura nodded slightly: "Indeed, I admit that you will all be very strong in the future, which is why Shenting spares no resources to train you! However, you need time, and Chu Yan is no longer needed."

The city emperor was shocked: "What do you mean?"

God Shura said calmly: "Not long ago, I fought against Chu Yan. With all my strength, I couldn't kill him within ten palms! And I couldn't even destroy his physical body."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked: "How is that possible?"

"Lord Shura, you personally took action and didn't destroy his body in ten moves? Did he use any special means?"

God Shura shook his head: "No, I just endured it."

Hiss - everyone took a breath of air.

If God Shura hadn't taken action just now, they might not have taken it seriously.

But just now, the City Emperor was almost slapped to death by God Shura, but that was only 50% of God Shura's power.

What is this concept?

At this time, Divine Punishment suddenly spoke: "Is Chu Yan really so powerful?"

God Shura looked at God Punishment, nodded and said: "He is naturally the master of the universe, which is unusual. You also know that for hundreds of millions of years and three epochs, only the Master of Heaven Refining has become a saint."

"And Chu Yan is his descendant!"

"In terms of status, he is actually more noble than you. You have nothing to be proud of in front of him."

"After all, he is still a saint, but you are not."

This is very hurtful, but it is true.

The eyes of many sons of gods suddenly became serious.

Shura Shendao: "I didn't let you go directly to the Shura field because I was worried that you would be careless and underestimate the enemy. That Chu Yan is very strong, and I have investigated this person. He has many methods. He is immune to divine patterns and can even absorb them. Others’ solitary space can still activate the state of selflessness if it has not reached level ten.”

Speaking of this, Shura God couldn't help but curse: "It's really unreasonable! He is obviously not level 10, but he knows everything that level 10 can do!"

"Then Chu Yan is not level 10?"

This statement once again shocked all the sons of God.

"So, he has been fighting against level 10? Is this... possible?"

Killing people above their level is nothing. As sons of God, all of them have done it before.

Some of them have even been able to kill enemies across a realm, and giants have fought against me, but that was in the past.

After reaching level 10, none of them could do it.

Because level 10... the gap is too big.

This level is like a chasm.

But now, someone can fight against level 10 without being at level 10?

God Punishment suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Interesting! I am getting more and more interested in him! Lord Shura, is he sure he will go to Shura Field?"

Shura God looked at Xingjun, Xingjun nodded slightly: "You guessed right, I have received news that the Demon Palace Nine Nether Demon King personally escorted him to Shura Field."

Shura God narrowed his eyes slightly: "Sure enough!"

Anyway, it's normal. If Chu Yan is captured by the Divine Court, he will definitely be sent to the Shura Field.

God Punishment said at this time: "Lord Shura, don't worry, we will not be careless, and we will definitely go all out."

Shura God nodded slightly: "Go, I'll wait for your triumphant return! If you can really kill this boy, my Divine Court will definitely go one step further! At that time, we can even surpass the three epochs and reach a whole new height!"

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