Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5825: Loyalty

The corners of Xingjun's mouth twitched slightly.

Suddenly, he looked towards the God of War, hesitated and said: "War...are you really not the one who killed the three devils?"

God of War: "..."

No wonder Xingjun is suspicious, Chu Yan has really made up his mind.

Xingjun took a deep breath and suddenly said: "Chu Yan, if you cooperate with the Demon Palace, you are seeking skin from a tiger. The Demon Palace is no less enthusiastic about the mysteries of the universe than I am at the Divine Court. If you are over there, you are also falling into a trap. "

Chu Yan sneered: "So what? Even if I die, I will die in the Demon Palace. Before I die, I will hand over the mystery of the universe to the Demon Palace, so that your divine palace will be destroyed by the Demon Palace."

Jiuyou was moved again.

Look at this realization.

Xingjun narrowed his eyes slightly and was speechless.

He suppressed the anger in his heart because he now had the same thoughts as the God of War...

It's a decisive battle.

I can’t talk any more.

But he knew it wouldn't work.

Suddenly, Xingjun took a deep breath: "Chu Yan, you asked for this!"


After saying this, Xingjun held his hand and a wisp of starlight entered the sky.



This time, the world really changed color.

Surrounded by golden light.

A figure slowly descended.

There is a divine ring wrapped around the man's back.

Chu Yan's body sank suddenly, and he was immediately locked by a huge pressure. His whole body fell to the ground, and he struggled to stand.

He raised his head and looked at the person, shocked in his heart.

So strong!

The man in front of him surpassed all the opponents he had ever encountered.

At least level five!

"One of the Supreme Gods, God Shura!" The demon boy was shocked in his heart. He did not expect that even a Supreme God would be attracted by this battle.

Jiuyou was shocked when he saw Shura God, and said in a low voice: "Xingjun...you...had plans in advance?"

Xingjun looked at Chu Yan and sneered: "Boy, you underestimate my determination to kill you."

The corners of Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and he also felt a little regretful.

If I had known this...he would have stopped making noise just now.

But things were already like this. Chu Yan suddenly looked at the Shura God and took a deep breath: "Supreme Donima! I will avenge the three devils today!"


The next second, Chu Yan stepped on the sole of his foot and rushed out in one stride.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.


Do you even dare to fight the Supreme God?

God Shura was also slightly startled.

Suddenly, he looked towards the God of War again.

God of War: "..."

The Nine Nether Demon King also twitched the corner of his mouth, and suddenly couldn't help asking questions in his soul...

I don't seem to be worthy of being a father anymore.

Not as good as Chu Yan.

But if you ask him to fight God Shura, he really doesn't have the courage...

After all, if your son dies, he will die. At worst, he will have another one, but if he dies... he will have no choice but to be someone else's son in his next life.

Not so!

When God Shura saw Chu Yan coming to kill him, he shook his head slightly: "Boy, you are too naive."

After saying this, he clapped it with one palm.


Suddenly, the void exploded.


Chu Yan spat out a mouthful of blood and flew thousands of feet away.


The next second, a large mountain in the distance collapsed directly and was smashed into powder. It even left a huge five-fingerprint on the ground, and wind and sand were everywhere.

Everyone leaned over to look, and there was a hint of worry in the eyes of Jiuyou and Motong.

Because the palm just now was too strong, so powerful that even if Jiuyou felt that he was hit by a palm, he would probably die or be disabled.

In this situation, if it were Chu Yan, wouldn't he be slapped to death directly?

However, just when some people speculated that Chu Yan was dead.


A slight cough suddenly sounded among the ashes, and soon a figure slowly climbed up from it, shook his body and stood there.

Everyone's eyes were fixed.

Including Shura God is also slightly different.

"What a powerful body."

God Shura is very aware of how powerful his palm is, even in some small worlds, it is only a matter of one palm.

In the end, Chu Yan was fine?

The point is, it doesn't matter if the body explodes, but there are only some cracks.

God Shura sneered: "Boy, that's interesting. No wonder Xing Jun is defeated in your hands."

However, at this moment, everyone thought that even if Chu Yan survived, he would not dare to take the initiative, and might even choose to escape.

But suddenly, Chu Yan looked at God Shura and roared: "You bitch, pay for your life for His Highness!!!"


The next second, Chu Yan rushed out again.

This time, it really shocked some people.

Still dare to fight?


Sanmozi is your son, right?

Xingjun also frowned slightly, wondering a little bit.

In his memory, Chu Yan didn't have this kind of character. He would really run away if he couldn't be beaten, just like the last time in Shenting.

But he doesn't have it now.


Are you really not afraid of death?

Chu Yan ignored this and struck out with his sword again.


The starry sky cracks.

Chu Yan's idea was very simple. He knew that Shura God was very strong, but why did he come to the Era of Gods and Demons?

Beating the weak?


Didn’t he just come to fight with strong men?

Only in this way can we continue to become stronger.

Besides, he had another reason for doing this!

Show loyalty!

Although Chu Yan has now come to the Era of Gods and Demons and is ready to cooperate with the Demon Palace, does he really trust the Demon Palace?

of course not.

Will the Demon Palace really treat him as one of their own?

Definitely not.

Both sides are using each other!

But the Demon Palace can afford the loss, but Chu Yan can't.

He is really helpless in the God and Demon Era. Once the God Court insists on his death, he will only have the Demon Palace. The Demon Palace doesn't care about him, and he can't beat the God Court.

And once he gets stronger, he can't go back to the universe.

Otherwise, it will lead to the breakdown of the era barrier.

In this case, Chu Yan must find a thigh to hold on to.

And the Demon Palace is his best and only choice now. As for what will happen to both sides in the future, that is also a matter for the future.

Chu Yan now has a hunch that the people of the Demon Palace are watching nearby. This place is very close to the Demon Palace. It is impossible for them not to take action when the fight here is like this.

But until now, no one from the Demon Palace has come, which can only mean one thing.

The Demon Palace is also weighing the pros and cons.

I have to give the Demon Palace people enough attitude.


The next second, Chu Yan was knocked out again, but Chu Yan just rolled on the ground and rushed out again without saying a word.

Not only that, he flew out and roared: "Shen Ting, I will never stop fighting with you in this life!"

The Nine Nether Demon King watched silently.

Suddenly, a sound transmission stone appeared in his hand, and then he whispered: "I think it's almost done, this boy can be used!"

"At least for the time being, it is a good choice for my Demon Palace."

After saying that, he put away the sound transmission stone.

At the same time, the demon boy watched silently, and his heart was also in turmoil.

Because except for him, no one knew the truth about the three demons.

The demon boy turned and looked at the Demon Palace. At this time, he also guessed some of Chu Yan's intentions, but he was very curious. Will the Demon Palace really send someone?

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