Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5816 Demon Palace Invitation


The demon boy suddenly fell silent.

Don't know what to say.

Because Konjac died in front of him.

The demon boy hesitated and said: "Emperor Chu already knows that Konjac has betrayed the Demon Palace, and his words cannot represent our Demon Palace."

Chu Yan shook his head: "This explanation won't pass the test for me. He betrayed, but if the Demon Palace can't even control its own people, I don't think there is any possibility of cooperation with your Demon Palace."

The devil boy was speechless for a moment.

When he came this time, he came under orders, and he did have the intention to win over Chu Yan.

Now that the universe and the Divine Court are at war, as long as the Demon Palace can bring Chu Yan here, it will be equivalent to having a powerful comrade.

But Chu Yan's worries are not unreasonable.

They can't even control their own people.

Who dares to cooperate with such a person?

Chu Yan said calmly: "Let's talk about something else first. What is the purpose of your visit this time?"

The Demon Boy thought for a moment and said: "Back to Emperor Chu, the Demon Palace asked me to take the message. The Demon Palace wants to establish a friendship with Emperor Chu."

Chu Yan looked at the demon boy: "Then how to establish this friendship? What benefits can I get?"

The demon boy said truthfully: "As long as we reach cooperation, the Demon Palace can help Emperor Chu contain Shenting."

Chu Yan said with a meaningful smile: "Demon Palace... this cooperation is not very sincere. Now that there is an era barrier, even if Shenting wants to beat me, at most it will send some weak chickens. The strong ones can't pass through the era barrier at all. Even if there is no Demon Palace, I am not afraid of the Divine Palace now.”

The demon boy nodded and said: "It is true that there is an era barrier now, so Universe does not have to worry, but Emperor Chu, what if the era barrier disappears? With the current strength of Universe, it is definitely not the opponent of Shenting."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is the truth.

There are still many strong people in Shenting.

There are dozens of people in the tenth level.

At least the twelve main gods are all at level ten, and this does not include those supreme gods and their divine ancestors.

Chu Yan said: "As far as I know, the era barrier will not disappear easily."

The demon boy admitted: "Indeed, if it were before, the epochal barrier would not disappear, but now...it's hard to say."

Chu Yan frowned: "You want to say that Shenting has found a way to break the era barrier?"

The demon boy shook his head: "That's not true. The epochal barrier is very strong, but it is transformed into a rule in the void, and the rule...as one of the main ways, even the Divine Court cannot ignore it."

Chu Yan wondered: "Then what did you mean by what you just said?"

The demon boy looked at Chu Yan strangely, and suddenly said: "Shenting does not have the ability to make the era barrier disappear...but Emperor Chu can."

Chu Yan frowned slightly: "Me? How do I make the barrier disappear? Besides, why should I make the barrier disappear?"

The demon boy took a deep breath: "Emperor Chu, you should have discovered that with your return this time, the epochal barrier has become much weaker. Otherwise, those who were in the Shining Armor of Shenting before would not be able to come."

Chu Yan was stunned and nodded slightly.


Before he went to the Ancient Saint Family, the Era Barrier was very strong. People from the Era of Gods and Demons had to pay a huge price if they wanted to come, and it was only one or two people at most.

But not this time. Shining Armor brought an army before!

That army is all self-centered.

This means that the barriers are not as strong as before.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and said, "You mean...the barrier became weaker because of me?"

The devil boy nodded and said: "Yes."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"The Era Barrier is a rule of nothingness and a self-protection mechanism! Its purpose is to give some weak people room to survive. Otherwise, the strong will be unrestrained and the weak will not be able to survive at all."

Chu Yan nodded.

This is the truth.

If there were no epochal barriers and gods and demons continued to run rampant, people in the new era would probably have died long ago.

If you don't die, you will be enslaved by gods and demons.

The demon boy said: "The nothingness is for the heaven and earth to move on their own, so there is a protection method like the era barrier, but this method is not infinite. He has a self-judgment. For example, if some top powerful people appear in this era, the barrier will change. Weak or even disappear.”

"Because in the judgment of nothingness, this era no longer needs it to protect."

"The original universe was very weak, so the void has been protecting it, but now Emperor Chu has killed ten levels, and even many gods and demons have been killed. The void thinks that Emperor Chu is already very powerful and has the power to protect himself in this era. , so he no longer needs his protection.”

Chu Yan: "..."

"Cao! Is this still possible?"

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped slightly.

What's the point?

Just because I'm strong, you won't protect me?

Well, it makes sense when you think about it.

Chu Yan said in a low voice: "You mean, as long as I continue to become stronger, this epochal barrier will become weaker and weaker? Or even disappear completely?"

The demon boy nodded: "Yes, unless Emperor Chu can give up on becoming stronger."

The corners of Chu Yan's mouth twitched, and he suddenly wanted to curse.

What a... paradox.

When I become stronger and the barriers disappear, the gods and demons will attack me.

If I don’t get stronger, the universe will continue to be weak, and I will still have to be beaten passively in the future.

This means that it doesn't matter whether you become stronger or not.

"Silly than the Era Barrier!" Suddenly, Chu Yan cursed.

The demon boy continued: "Emperor Chu, you don't have to worry. As long as you cooperate with my demon palace, even if the barrier disappears for a moment, my demon palace will hold back Shenting for you."

Chu Yan chuckled: "The moment the epochal barrier disappears, it's good that I don't guard against you. How can I still count on you? What nonsense?"

Is it possible to cooperate with the Demon Palace?

Yes, but the premise is that the epochal barrier is always there.

One day, when the Era Barrier disappears, Chu Yan can guarantee that the Demon Palace will not necessarily come later than the Divine Court, and will definitely be the first to take action against the universe.

This side of the universe... there are mysteries of the universe, and there are too many involved.

The demon boy was silent for a while and did not speak.

Because he actually understood... Chu Yan was right.

When that day comes, there is a high probability that the Demon Palace will take action against the universe.

Chu Yan rubbed his eyebrows: "This really stumps me."

At this time, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Is it true that if I don't become stronger in this era, the era barrier will not disappear?"

The demon boy couldn't help but was startled and nodded slightly: "Yes, as long as the era barrier cannot capture Emperor Chu's strength, this barrier will not disappear."

Chu Yan nodded slightly and sighed: "Looking at it like this, I can't help but leave."

Immediately, he looked at the demon boy: "Your demon temple is asking me to cooperate. What do you need me to do?"

The demon boy said directly: "Here at the Demon Palace, I would like to invite Emperor Chu to be a guest at the Demon Palace."

The faces of the host and others changed slightly, and they hurriedly sent a message: "No, Emperor Chu!"

"This is too dangerous!"

Xiao Jiu also said secretly: "The Demon Palace has been at war with the Divine Court for hundreds of millions of years, and its foundation and strength are not much worse than the Divine Court. There are at least a dozen Level 10 people over there. If you go there, it's like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth."

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