Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5810 Old Friends

As soon as this was said, everyone's eyes turned strange.

Lower your realm to fight with the demon old man?

Is this... comparable?

Xue Zu couldn't help but said: "Emperor Chu... are you serious?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, aren't you dissatisfied? Then let your strength speak. You lower your realm and fight with the demon old man. If you win, it proves that your foundation is strong and you don't need the demon old man to teach you. But if you lose, then you have to listen to me obediently from now on."

Xue Zu and others looked at each other.

This group of people... includes the Four Emperors, as well as Phoenix Girl and others.

The old Taoist, the Lord of Man, and the Emperor are not among them. They have followed Chu Yan for a long time, and Chu Yan taught them the lower realm a long time ago.

So there is no need to take this class.

"What do you say?" Xue Zu asked.

Among the four emperors, the ancient emperor thought for a while and said helplessly: "Emperor Chu, we are not trying to avoid class. Even if we really have class, we don't care. As the saying goes, there must be a teacher among three people... The main thing is that you let us fight, what if..."

He didn't say the rest.

But the meaning is very clear.

This is your senior. What if we beat him to death, wouldn't it be troublesome?

After all, in their eyes... Yao Lao is really weak, so weak... They feel that they can blow him to death with a breath.

This is also the fact.

However, this time, before Chu Yan could speak, Yao Lao suddenly said: "If you beat me to death in the same realm, it is my own incompetence, and the young master will never say anything."

The four emperors didn't listen to this at all.

Stared at Chu Yan.

They knew how protective Chu Yan was.

Not to mention Yao Lao, if it was them, if they were bullied in the void, Chu Yan would rush to the person and beat him up.

So Chu Yan must admit this in person.

Chu Yan chuckled: "Don't worry, if you can really win and beat them to death, I won't care... Besides, I'm still here. Do you think you have a chance to beat them to death? I won't stop you." Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

That's right.

Chu Yan is still here. If they really can't stop, Chu Yan will stop them.

"Then fight."

Xue Zu was the first to speak, and said unconvinced: "I still don't believe it. I have practiced for so many years and dominated this era. Can I be worse than a junior?"

Yes, a junior.

In their eyes, the old demon is no different from a child.

Just a few hundred years old.

Any one of them has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and then he thought about it, and suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I'll find a few more people."

There is only one old demon, and he feels that it is not enough.

There are too many people in the universe, and the old demon can't teach them.

Soon, he found a few old friends from the creation world.

This time they are real old friends.

Fatty, Li Xiaoyao!

After the two came out, they saw that Chu Yan had changed a lot.

Although they had only not seen each other for a few hundred years, in the eyes of Xue Zu and others, it was just a matter of a blink of an eye, but they were only a few hundred years old in total.

A few hundred years was already half of their lives for them.

Chu Yan was also moved when he looked at Fatty and Li Xiaoyao.

Thinking back to the past, they had fought together in the world, but now things have changed.

Fatty and Li Xiaoyao looked at Chu Yan and smiled with emotion.

In a blink of an eye, Chu Yan had become the emperor of the universe.

Chu Yan said: "Fatty, Li Xiaoyao, come and help me and give them a basic lesson. I will make the whole universe soar next."

However, Fatty and Li Xiaoyao did not agree immediately.

Li Xiaoyao listened to Chu Yan and suddenly smiled: "Want us to help? Sure, but there is a request."

After this, Xue Zu and others frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

It's been many years since we last met. Do you want to blackmail Chu Yan after knowing that he has become rich?

Chu Yan didn't care and asked, "What's your request?"

Li Xiaoyao said directly, "Don't abandon us this time. We will stay here and fight for you!"

Xue Zu and others were stunned.

This... is Li Xiaoyao's request.

Chu Yan also frowned slightly. He actually hoped that Li Xiaoyao would mention some realistic and material conditions.

But there was none.

Chu Yan said in a low voice, "Xiaoyao, Fatty, you two are different from me... You are all fathers, and the universe... is very dangerous."

Li Xiaoyao rolled his eyes, "Stop talking nonsense, my daughter is over a hundred years old... I am still a shitty father, and she takes care of me now."

Chu Yan was stunned.

It seems to be true.

They haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, and their children are also over a hundred years old.

They are not the little girls they were back then.

Chu Yan laughed, but still said helplessly: "But you have fallen behind too much..." Li Xiaoyao said: "So what? We just need to work hard. Didn't you say that we should give the whole universe a chance to ascend? Aren't we cosmic people? Why, you have the resources but you are not willing to give them to us?" Chu Yan shook his head: "Of course not." "Then it's settled." Chu Yan rubbed his head: "This is not just a problem of resources... You know nothing about the cultivation system in the universe." The highest level of the world creation is the emperor level, which is too far away. Apart from other things, Li Xiaoyao and his friends don't know what a realm master is, what a dimension realm is, what an origin is, and what a giant is!

Li Xiaoyao said indifferently: "What are you afraid of? I can teach them, and they can teach us as well."

"We teach them the way down, and they teach us the way up! Isn't that what a group should be like?"

Mutual help.

Chu Yan fell into silence.

In the distance, Xue Zu and others were stunned and shocked.

Because in their opinion, the words of Li Xiaoyao and others were like a group of ants clamoring to help the universe fight.

The question is... aren't you afraid?

At this time, the Lord said lightly: "You don't understand, this group of people are the original close friends of the Chu Emperor, and they walked out of obscurity together."

"It's just that the Chu Emperor's speed was too fast, and these people all got married, so the Chu Emperor settled them down."

"But this group of people have always wanted to help the Chu Emperor, even if they don't have to live."

When saying this, the Lord couldn't help but think of the King.

That one who could endure endless pain for Chu Yan.

When the Lord first met the King, the King's strength was really average, but for Chu Yan, what he could endure was far beyond his own limit.

The Lord sighed: "Let's put it this way, this group of people... are the real trump card of the King of Chu, and also the biggest weakness of the King of Chu!"

After that, the Lord sighed: "It's a pity... I missed the most wonderful period of the King of Chu's life."

The Emperor smiled and said: "It's okay, there may not be us in his past, but there will definitely be our stories in the future."

The Lord nodded slightly.

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