Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5802: A life-and-death struggle


Xingjun felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his whole face suddenly looked bad.

Suddenly, he looked at Chu Yan ferociously.

At this time, Chu Yan also heard this sentence, and he was stunned.


All the people who went to the universe from Shenting were wiped out?

So...the universe wins?

What are you doing?

Suddenly, Chu Yan felt a little regretful.

He raised his head and looked at Xingjun opposite.

"Chu Yan!!!"

Xingjun roared fiercely, his eyes so red that he was about to bleed.

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched involuntarily, and he laughed dryly: "Ha, haha! Well, if I told you that this was actually a misunderstanding, would you believe it?"

Xingjun's face was gloomy, and without saying a word, he suddenly said to the phantoms in the sky: "Kill him!"

He still doesn't know what happened in the universe, and he doesn't understand why the universe will lose.

In his opinion, this makes no sense.

The universe belongs to the current era, and the path to self-reliance has been cut off. How can it be possible to defeat their Shenting Army?

However, he no longer cares about this. Although the universe side lost, as long as they can kill Chu Yan, they still have a chance of winning today.

After all, why are they attacking the universe?

Isn't it just for the mystery of Heaven Refining? Isn't there a way for the Master of Refining Heaven to break through the Ancient Saint?

But now, Chu Yan is in Shenting!

Chu Yan must know these secrets, and Chu Yan still has his own universe, so as long as they can kill Chu Yan, they will still win today.

This is also the only way to make up for today's losses.


Xingjun ordered.

In the sky above, those phantoms were still a little confused. Many of them were not in the palace, but in the battlefield of gods and demons thousands of miles away.

It was just a spiritual thought here, but now that Xingjun gave the order, they looked at each other and attacked Chu Yan without saying a word.


Suddenly, the sky exploded.

The world seems to have collapsed.

The corners of Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, turned around and ran away!

Nonsense, why don’t you run away and stay to die?


I'm convinced. If I had known that the other side of the universe would win, why would I come to the Divine Court?

Throw yourself into a trap?

However, while Chu Yan was running, he was also confused, how did he win?

He couldn't understand it, it didn't make sense, but anyway, it would be good if he won.

He has no time to worry about the universe now, what he should really worry about is himself.


At this time, those phantoms came to kill, any one of them was level ten, and Chu Yan suddenly felt a lot of pressure.


As soon as they met, Chu Yan was knocked away and vomited blood. He said with a black face: "Xingjun, Shenting, don't be so shameless. I told you, this is a misunderstanding... I won't fight, I want to fight now." gone."

Xingjun Jiejie sneered: "Leave? Chu Yan, do you think you can still leave? Although I don't know how the universe won, but since you have come to Shenting, don't even think about leaving today."

Just now, he still hoped that Chu Yan would leave, because in his opinion, the universe was a sure winner.

But now, he regretted it. He had only one idea: to keep Chu Yan no matter what.


Chu Yan cursed loudly, regretting that his intestines were blue.

The universe is the same...it can survive without sending a message.

Of course, he also knew that the universe was not to blame. At that time, he went to the Ancient Saint Family. There was a time and space difference between the two parties, and ordinary sound transmission was useless.

Chu Yan fled at full speed.


From behind, a dozen figures kept chasing after him.

The twelve main gods, except for the God of Death, are almost all here at this moment. It's just that because of the shadows, Chu Yan can't recognize who is who.

Xing Jun said again: "Pursue him with all your strength, don't let him run away. He carries his own universe and the mystery of heaven refining. As long as we capture him, we will be able to find the mystery of the ancient saints, including the Demon Palace." There is no one to rival us.”

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the twelve main gods lit up.

The mystery of the ancient saint!

This is a huge temptation for them.

Chu Yan twitched the corner of his mouth and cursed: "Fart! I don't know the mystery of the ancient saints at all."

Xingjun smiled and said: "Don't you admit it? It doesn't matter, Chu Yan, even if you really don't know, you are still a waste. The Lord of Heaven Refining broke through the Ancient Sage, and you have mastered his universe, so there must be a way to break through." If you can’t find it from the Ancient Sage, it’s because you don’t have the ability.”

Chu Yan: "..."

Chu Yan didn't know how to refute what he said.

Because he thinks it makes sense.


At this time, the main god Jie smiled: "Chu Yan, right? Can you run away? This is the divine court."

Chu Yan had a dark face and suddenly cursed: "Shen Ting, don't be so shameless. You are not the original body. Do you really think you will win? I'm really desperate. The worst is to start a war now. How many deaths do you want? people?"

"Let me tell you, I don't want to fight with you because I don't want to take advantage of others!"

"After all, my opponents are not only you, the Demon Palace, but also the Ancient Saint Family, including the Ancient Era. Do you insist on defeating everyone today and then taking advantage of others?"

As soon as these words came out, many powerful men in the Divine Court frowned slightly.

Because this is also true!

In the void...it's not just the Divine Court and the universe.

To put it bluntly, if there were really just the two of them, the universe would have been destroyed long ago.

The universe... is really weak, at least it was weak before. Even now, they don't think the universe is very strong.

Don’t think that Yinjia and his men were defeated. The strongest of Yinjia’s men… was only level 5. In the Divine Court, they were cannon fodder, and they were really nothing.

People like that… the Divine Court could have as many as they wanted.

They were surprised before, but they just thought that the universe couldn’t even beat level 5 Weiwo, but it didn’t mean that they felt sorry for level 5 Weiwo.

The reason why the universe can survive until now is because of the restraint of all parties.

The universe is involved in too many things, and all parties are watching, and no one wants to give the other party an advantage.

Suddenly, some main gods turned around and looked at Xingjun.

Someone sent a voice message: "Xingjun, Chu Yan is right, do you really want to fight to the death?"

Xingjun narrowed his eyes and suddenly sneered: "Fight to the death? Chu Yan, do you really have the qualifications to do so?"

"In the final analysis, you are the only one!"

As soon as these words came out.

Chu Yan's eyes suddenly turned cold.


Suddenly, Chu Yan made a very bold move. He was still running, but he suddenly turned around, stepped on his feet, and rushed towards a main god.

His speed was as fast as thunder.


He directly smashed the space.

The next second, Chu Yan rushed directly in front of the main god. He spread his palms, and the Refining Heaven Sword appeared. Then his eyes condensed, and the blood sword flew out. Then his eyebrows flashed, and the puppet also appeared.

Then without a word of nonsense, all the attacks were concentrated and hit directly at the main god.

The main god's face changed, obviously he didn't expect Chu Yan to really dare to turn back.

But it was too late for him to resist.


There was a loud noise.

The main god flew backwards.

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