Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5793 is a mess


Yin Jia died, and the world trembled.

The universe turned blood red.

The next second, Renzhu and others looked at each other and laughed.

"It's so cool."

Because the universe has been closed for many years, the universe has been suppressed since the moment it was connected to the void.

Renzhu and others have been protected by Chu Yan.

They are a little fed up.

Today, it is the first shot they fired for the counterattack.

Renzhu smiled and said, "Okay, clean up the spoils and continue to practice. Now that the upper limit has been raised, we have not touched the upper limit again, which proves that we still have room for improvement."

"Before, the upper limit of the era was there, and everyone was eager to practice. Now that the upper limit is open, don't be lazy."

Everyone nodded slightly and soon began to clean up the battlefield.

This time, many strong men came to the God and Demon Era, and the spoils were still very rich.



At the same time.

There was a blood-colored beam of light in the void that kept breaking through the air, and wherever it passed, a crack was left in the space.

The bloody light was Chu Yan who rushed back from Tianyuan.

However, the closer he was to the universe, the more obvious the murderous intent in his eyes was.

Because he had already felt the shock and fluctuation near the universe.

A strong man fell!

Not just one or two.

The blood had already drifted to his side.

This meant that the two sides had already started fighting.

The murderous intent in his eyes became stronger.

"Damn it, gods and demons, you are looking for death!"

Chu Yan's anger was getting stronger, but he was still some distance away from the universe.

The two sides had already started fighting, and even if he rushed back at the fastest speed, it would still take half a day.

And the universe did not have Weiwo, and half a day was enough for the God Court to destroy the universe.

"What to do!"

Chu Yan was anxious.

Suddenly, a very bold idea came to Chu Yan's mind!

"Xiao Jiu, can you find the entrance to the God and Demon Era?"

After hearing this, Xiao Jiu was slightly stunned: "What do you want to do?"

Chu Yan said in a low voice: "The universe has already started a war, and it is obviously too late for me to rush back now. The best way... is to go to the gods and demons! I can only attack the Divine Court to contain the other side and make the other side withdraw the troops sent to the universe!"

Xiao Jiu was shocked: "You want to attack the Divine Court? Are you crazy? Do you know how many strong people there are in the Divine Court?"

Chu Yan said heavily: "I have no choice! At this speed, if I return to the universe, it may have become a ruin."

He believed that even if the Divine Court attacked, the cosmic people would definitely hold on for a while.

Like the last time, he went to attack the Wandao Tree, the universe was attacked by surprise, and he held on until he came back.

But last time there was Qingcheng and Qing'er...

However, he couldn't pin his hopes on miracles every time.

What if there is no miracle this time?

If there hadn't been a miracle last time, and the people behind Qingcheng and Qingyi hadn't taken action, the universe would have been destroyed for several reincarnations.

Of course, there might be a miracle this time. After all, based on Chu Yan's understanding of himself... he is full of miracles all the time...

Some miracles and trump cards, even he himself doesn't know.

God knows when they will appear.

But... he can't pin everything on miracles!

This is an irresponsible behavior!

Then attacking the gods and demons is the best way!

Xiaojiu fell silent.

He naturally understood Chu Yan's worries.

"But even if you go to the Gods and Demons Era... you may not be able to force the other side to withdraw its troops."

"You have to try it."

Chu Yan said in a low voice: "The premise is that I can reach the God Court faster than the universe!"

Otherwise, it will lose its meaning.

Xiao Jiu hesitated and said helplessly: "The Age of Gods and Demons...is not far from you."

Chu Yan was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said: "The Age of Gods and Demons...is not limited to a certain direction, or it is actually everywhere..."

Chu Yan became more and more confused as he listened: "Where exactly is it?"

Xiao Jiu was silent and pointed to the top of his head.

"Above?" Chu Yan was stunned.

Xiao Jiu nodded slightly: "Yes! Or it should be said...outside the sky, each era is actually a layer of sky, and the Age of Gods and Demons is in the sky outside the sky of this era!"

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Layered world?"

Xiao Jiu said: "You can also understand it this way. The sky of this era is actually the continent of the Age of Gods and Demons."

Chu Yan took a deep breath and understood a little.

Suddenly, he looked up at the sky.

The sky...

He forgot how many times he had seen the sky since he was a child.

He even forgot how many layers of the sky he had broken!

The world of dust, the six realms, the galaxy, the fairy world and the gods...too many.

But the sky seemed to have no end, and he peeled off layer after layer.

Of course, he never gave up, and he always believed that he would reach the end of the sky one day.

"Outside the sky?"

Chu Yan calculated whether it would be faster to return to the universe or to go to the era of gods and demons.

Soon, he had the answer in his mind.

The era of gods and demons!

The sky is high, but it is only because of the limitation of the barriers. If he can break the barriers, it will obviously be faster to go to the era of gods and demons!

Thinking of this, Chu Yan took a deep breath and suddenly changed direction. He no longer flew towards the universe, but stepped on his feet and rushed directly to the sky with a bang.

Like an arrow piercing the clouds.

Tsk - In an instant, holes were pierced through the sky.

After a while, he came to the limit of the sky, which was the barrier of this era.

It was a thin film, but this film was very strong, blocking the existence of two eras.

And this membrane seems to be two-way, with the other layer suppressing even more.

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "This is the Era Barrier! As long as you break it, you can enter the Era of Gods and Demons! But don't blame me for not reminding you, your damage to this barrier will also speed up the arrival of the powerful ones in the Era of Gods and Demons. ”

Chu Yan was shocked.

He doesn't care about going to the Era of Gods and Demons, but he doesn't want to quickly merge the two eras into one because of himself.

On the other side of the universe, it still needs time.

Xiaojiu continued: "Also, this barrier is very strong... you may not be able to break it."

Chu Yan hesitated.

Tsk—suddenly drew his sword.


The next second, Chu Yan's face changed slightly, and he was shaken back a thousand meters. When he stopped, there was a click, and cracks appeared on his body?

Chu Yan was suddenly shocked.

So strong!

You know, now that he has cultivated a five-element hegemonic body, he can fight even a tenth-level strongman, but in the end, he just cut down the barrier with a sword, and cracks appeared in his body?

Xiao Jiu said: "This barrier is a kind of restriction. The stronger the person, the harder it is to break through."

Chu Yan fell into silence.

He guessed something based on the sword strike just now. With his current strength, if he attacked forcefully, he would most likely be able to break through the barrier.

But the price is too high, and it is likely that the era of gods and demons will come early.

At this time, Chu Yan seemed to have thought of something and sneered: "Who said I have to break through this barrier to enter the era of gods and demons?"

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