Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 579 Reunion

Shangcang Xian'er smiled, but her delicate face was already covered with tears. She almost ran out uncontrollably and threw herself into Chu Yan's arms.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene. The fairy in their hearts, the noble saint of the Saint Sect, actually threw herself into a man's arms?

"Isn't this true?" Someone rubbed his eyes hard, still in disbelief.

As long as you are not a fool, you can see that Chu Yan and Shangcang Xian'er have known each other for a long time, and the relationship between the two is extraordinary.

The disciples of the Saint Sect frowned slightly. In recent days, some people did say that the saint had a loved one. They even speculated about what kind of person the saint loved.

In their opinion, the only ones who could match the saint were the eleven top geniuses in Xinghai. However, now, the saint threw herself into the arms of a man whose name was not known or circulated.

At this time, Qingyang also followed him out. After seeing this scene, his face became gloomy. He had just been rejected by Shangcang Xian'er, but now, Shangcang Xian'er threw herself into the arms of another man.

The funny thing is that Chu Yan is just a top-level emperor. He is not as good as him in terms of realm or origin. This is undoubtedly a shame for him.

As for the people of the Yun family and Zhou Tingqiu, they were all stunned at this time. Zhou Yu blinked and smiled: "Brother Mo, you are so powerful."

"I thought... I would never see him again." Shangcang Xian'er sobbed softly. After the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch, her memory awakened, and she could never forget the boy again. She was even so angry that she fainted several times and vowed to take revenge in person, but she never dreamed that she would see him again.

"Me too!" Chu Yan nodded heavily. How could he not be? He was more intimate than Shangcang Xian'er. In the battle that year, he witnessed Shangcang Xian'er being shattered in front of him.

The two of them just hugged each other, which stunned everyone.

"Ahem, you two, should you pay attention?" At this time, Tianyang also flew out. After seeing Chu Yan, he felt a little unreal. He was present at the scene that day and saw Chu Yan rushing towards the blood light barrier with his own eyes.

Chu Yan saw Tianyang and slowly let go of Shangcang Xian'er, but the two of them still held hands together and said softly: "It's all over. Nothing will separate us in the future."

"Yeah!" Shangcang Xian'er nodded lightly, looking very well-behaved, which stunned many people again. Is this still their saint?

"Come with me!" Shangcang Xian'er ignored thousands of eyes and led Chu Yan to the Saint's Palace. Tianyang watched from the side and his mouth twitched: "This guy... really doesn't care about the impact at all."

Chu Yan came to the Saint's Palace with Shangcang Xian'er. Many maids were surprised. This was the first time their saint brought people here.

But the Saint brought people with them, and they were just servants, so naturally they couldn't say much. They were just a little disappointed to see that Chu Yan only had the strength of a top-level Heavenly Emperor.

After all, Qingyang's strength was that of a broken emperor, and he was also a disciple of Tianbei Mountain. Chu Yan was far behind him.

"What happened after that year? Why are you in the Saint Gate?" In the Saint Palace, Chu Yan was full of confusion. Shangcang Xian'er shook his head gently: "I don't know either, but I know that I lost my memory after that battle, and then appeared in the Saint Gate and was named a Saint. It was not until I heard your name after the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch that I recovered my memory."

Chu Yan frowned. He also had a lot of confusion about the battle that year. He remembered that he turned into an evil demon, but was defeated in the end. He thought he would die, but when he woke up, he was in the mirror world.

So he always thought that it was the mirror old man who saved him, but now seeing Shangcang Xian'er, he couldn't help but ponder.

"It seems that there are many things I don't know about the battle that year." Chu Yan couldn't help thinking, but he didn't struggle. What is better than Shangcang Xian'er being alive?

"Don't think of abandoning me this time." Shangcang Xian'er said with a playful smile, Chu Yan also smiled and rubbed Shangcang Xian'er's head: "Silly girl."

"You two, that's enough." The Saint returned at this time and saw the two of them stuck together and was speechless: "You really don't care about any impact at all."

"I am a saint, why should I worry?" Shangcang Xian'er showed a unique aura at this moment, as if she was the Lord.

"Forget it, but now Brother Chu has a special identity, so he still needs to hide a little." The Saint said, Shangcang Xian'er hesitated, and then nodded. She could not care about other things, but Chu Yan's safety, but not.

"Xian'er, Tianyang!" At this time, a voice came from outside the Saint's Palace. Several people looked for the voice and saw Qingyang. He stood there with a bit of pride in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Shangcang Xian'er frowned, Qingyang smiled calmly: "What are you talking about, Junior Sister Xian'er? Since I am your senior brother, I am here to see you."

After that, Qingyang turned and looked at Chu Yan, and said calmly: "Are you the beloved person that Sister Xian'er said? I wonder which lineage of Tianbei you are from? Who is your master?"

Chu Yan could naturally see that Qingyang had bad intentions, and said calmly: "Ordinary people have never worshipped in any lineage of Tianbei."

"Oh? Ordinary people? Brother, you are really joking. Xian'er is a saint girl of my family. How can someone she values ​​be mediocre? Why not say it directly? It can also stop some rumors from the outside world." Qingyang smiled calmly, but there was a bit of coercion in his words.

"Do you need to introduce yourself when you go to other places?" Chu Yan frowned and said lightly.

"This is natural. After all, a truly noble place cannot be entered by lowly people. Otherwise, if ordinary people can enter and exit the palace at will, wouldn't it mean that the world will be in chaos? Identity is also a representation. For example, I am a member of Tianbei Mountain Disciple, it is precisely because of this that he is respected by all parties when he goes out." Qingyang said, showing a hint of pride. Being a disciple of Tianbei Mountain makes him proud enough.

"So that's it." Chu Yan nodded as if he suddenly realized it, and smiled: "That means that Tianbei Mountain gave you such an identity, so you are superior to others? Then I and Xian'er, why, it's you who It seems that Xian’er’s position is not enough?”

Qingyang frowned slightly, not expecting Chu Yan to respond like this, but immediately smiled: "Xian'er is a saint of our sect, so she is naturally qualified, but I just want to tell you that Xian'er is a saint of my generation. If you are not from the Tianbei lineage, how would you know each other?"

"Xian'er and I were born in the same place as the Galaxy. We were childhood sweethearts. We are not from the lineage of any Heavenly Monument." Chu Yan said flatly. He was not wrong. Now that he has quit the Demon Sect, he is indeed not from the lineage of the Heavenly Monument.

"Xinghe?" After hearing this, the contempt in Qingyan's eyes became even stronger. Just as he had guessed, he immediately turned away from Chu Yan and looked at Xian'er, sighing: "Xian'er, you are a saint. You represent the future of our sect, how can you be so contemptuous of yourself?"

Qingxian'er's autumn eyes turned cold. If Qingyang's previous question was already very impolite, his next words were even more unceremonious.

"Do you still know that I am a saint?" Xian'er said coldly, her voice was extremely evil. In her opinion, Qingyang was deliberately looking for trouble.

Qingyang smiled calmly and didn't care. Then he looked at Chu Yan and said, "In this case, I won't say more. It's just that you are a saint and represent the lineage of our saints. Your partner, at least not He should be a waste, but I would like to learn a lesson."

After saying that, Qingyang looked at Chu Yan: "Since you can make Xian'er like you, you won't be timid, right?"

"Is this your original intention?" Chu Yan's eyes turned cold. He had been provoking Qingyang since he appeared, and now he is directly asking for a fight.

"That's enough, Qingyang, if you fight, I will accompany you."

God Xian'er frowned and said, there was a terrifying vitality blooming in his body, turning into God's will.

"Hiding behind a woman?" Sensing this scene, Qingyang looked at Chu Yan sadly.

"Idiot." Chu Yan snorted coldly and ignored it.

"I think highly of you, farewell!" Qingyang took back the sword in his hand, nodded, and then turned around and left.

"I'm sorry..." Qingyang left. Goddess Xian'er lowered her head with some remorse. Chu Yan rubbed her head: "Silly girl, it has nothing to do with you."

After Qingyang left, Tianyang said a few words and left, not to disturb the two of them. For the next three days, Chu Yan stayed alone in the Palace of the Saint.

In the past three days, the Holy City was in a state of commotion, with all the voices surrounding Chu Yan and Shang Cang Xian'er, but so far, no one knew Chu Yan's identity.

It was like he appeared out of nowhere.

In addition, Chu Yan has never left the Holy Lady's Palace. He is alone and alone, which is unavoidable for people to think about it.

On this day, Qingyang was in the palace with an extremely ugly face. In the past three days, he had heard countless news, and some people were even talking about her. He raised his arm, and a huge stone suddenly cracked in front of him: "Bitch! Pretend! He looks so innocent, I didn’t expect him to be so sexy!”

"Come here!" Qingyang roared, and several figures immediately appeared outside his palace. Qingyan ordered: "I shouldn't need to say more about the saint's recent condition, right?"

Several people were speechless, and Qingyang continued: "The day of worship will be in three days. I want to discredit her so that she can no longer be a saint!"

"Yes!" Several figures agreed and retreated one after another, and then Qingyang's eyes became even colder: "God's fairy, you actually gave up me for a lowly person from the galaxy. In this case, don't blame me for being rude. Sooner or later I will make you my plaything!"

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of worship for all the holy sects, and the city was full of people. The powerful people in the holy state came one after another to carry out the customs. However, on this day, the worship caused quite a stir.

The Holy Sects are different from other generations. Each generation will select three geniuses to serve as saints, saints, and holy sons. They will lead the generation of the Holy Sects in the future, accept the faith of all living beings, and must respect the holy images.

However, on this day, when Zhu Qiang arrived here, there was no one under the sacred image of Cang Xian'er. No one worshiped her. Instead, people graffitied and desecrated the saint.

When this news came out, it immediately aroused the anger of all the saints. Chu Yan frowned slightly after knowing it, but God Xianer calmly smiled and expressed that he didn't care.

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