Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5783 Two Eras

Chu Yan watched silently and did not stop him.

He fought with the ancestors of the Huo family not for hatred, but just to polish his own realm.

Now he has accomplished his goal.

In addition, he also realized selflessness in advance.

Pretty good.

In the end, there was no need to provoke the Huo family ancestors.

After all, he was a Level 10 person. He really forced the opponent to self-destruct...

Everyone will be unable to eat and walk around.

Now the result is pretty good.

Of course, he had no sympathy.

As I said...

The ancestors of the Huo family have found their own way.

I am at level 10 and there is no way ahead, so why can’t I carve one out by myself?

Why do we have to follow the path of our ancestors?

Besides, is the path followed by the predecessors necessarily the right one?

Because of this, the other party is targeting the universe, and there is nothing to sympathize with.

I have won today. If I lose, the universe will suffer accordingly.


The next second, the world trembled.

The sky is blood red.

The blood rain continued.

Falling at the tenth level still had too great an impact on nothingness.

The ancestor of the Liu family has been watching silently, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Have a good journey!"

The good friend from back then...now there is one less.

There is nothing we can do about it.

The ancestors of the Huo family died.

Chu Yan lowered his head and looked towards the Huo family world.

All the strong men of the Huo family were in despair.

The ancestors died, and they must also die.

Huo Yun stared at Liu Changge and suddenly said: "Liu Changge... I can die. Can you leave my Huo family a way to live..."

Liu Changge sighed: "What do you think?"

"What would you do if you were me?"

Huo Yun was silent.

Because he knows that if it were him...


At this time, Liu Changge suddenly said: "Of course, your Huo family's bloodline will not be broken."

Huo Yun looked at Liu Changge doubtfully.

Liu Changge said lightly: "Chu Yan said that he would spare the life of a girl from your Huo family. That is his promise to a person."

Huo Yun was startled for a moment, then suddenly understood and started laughing.

"Haha... I didn't expect that the last one left... turned out to be her."

Immediately, he said nothing more and slowly raised the giant ax in his hand.


He committed suicide on the spot.

As the head of the family, Huo Yun also has his own pride and does not want to die without dignity.

Liu Changge didn't stop him.

When the rest of the Huo family saw this, they clenched their fists.

Tsk tsk tsk!

In the end, one by one committed suicide and died.

The Liu family watched with mixed emotions.

The Ancient Saint Huo family, which was on the same level as them not long ago... was destroyed.

And the person who destroyed it turned out to be a descendant that they all looked down upon.

"it's over."

Liu Changge flew to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan nodded slightly and said calmly: "Senior Liu, from now on, the Liu family will be the head of the Ancient Saints."

Liu Changge nodded bitterly.

To be honest, when Chu Yan went to Liu's house, he really didn't expect this result.

At this time, Liu Changge said: "Boy, what are your plans next?"

Chu Yan thought for a while and chuckled: "Of course I am going to the Age of Gods and Demons. I promised Senior Liu that the Liu family will support me only if I destroy the Age of Gods and Demons, right?"

Liu Changge was stunned.

It seems like this happened for a while.

But to be honest, he almost forgot.

He originally proposed to let Chu Yan go to the age of gods and demons, just to test Chu Yan.

In his opinion, if Chu Yan couldn't even win the era of gods and demons, then he didn't deserve the support of the Liu family.

But now...the age of gods and demons has not yet been destroyed, but the three ancient saint families have been defeated.

Is this test still necessary?

At this time, Liu Mingxun flew over and said: "The age of gods and demons... is not simple."

Liu Changge and Chu Yan looked towards Liu Mingxun together.

Liu Mingxun said calmly: "Not only the era of gods and demons, but also the ancient era, it should not be underestimated."

Chu Yan said: "Senior, what do you know?"

Liu Mingxun hesitated and suddenly said: "I don't know much, but I can be sure that there are ten levels in these two eras!"

Chu Yan's pupils shrank: "Is there ten levels?"

You know, each of the four ancient holy families only has one level ten.

Liu Mingxun said calmly: "Little guy, in your eyes, is the Ancient Saint Family definitely stronger than the ancient times and the era of gods and demons?"

Chu Yan nodded: "I think so myself."

Liu Mingxun laughed at himself: "Then let me ask you, since the Ancient Saint family is so powerful, why did you destroy three families in a row?"

Chu Yan was startled, then smiled bitterly and said: "Senior, what you said...I can't even answer it. Couldn't it be because I'm more powerful?"

Liu Mingxun thought for a while and said: "I admit that you are indeed very strong, but if I don't remind you that you have gone to the age of gods and demons... you will probably suffer a big loss."

Chu Yan looked at Liu Mingxun doubtfully: "What do you mean?"

Liu Mingxun said: "You think the Ancient Sages are powerful because we are not affected by the era, right?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes!"

The Ancient Saint Family is the only one not affected by the era.

This alone is an exaggeration.

Liu Mingxun sighed: "We are indeed not affected by the era, but because our ancestors are in the dark! But little guy, you should know that being a family ancestor who is too strong may not be a good thing for future generations."

Chu Yan was startled: "What do you mean?"

Liu Mingxun said: "The ancient saint family has ancient saints in their ancestors, and because of this, the blood of the ancient saints will always affect us. Therefore, our path of cultivation is actually very narrow. We are affected by the blood, and we can't practice as we want."

"Moreover, the ancestors are too strong, which is also a kind of suppression for us in a sense."

"But the people in the ancient times and the era of gods and demons are different. They are the most talented part of each era. They rely on their real ability to kill their way out."

"Of course, excluding the part of Tianyuan."

Phoenix girl: "..."

Liu Mingxun continued: "That group of people should have died as early as when the era disaster came! It's just because of the existence of Tianyuan that they are protected."

"But because of this, they are the same as the ancient saint family. They are also affected by Tianyuan."

"I refer to the real strong people in the ancient era and the era of gods and demons. They are the ones who survived the era disaster by their own ability."

"This group of people should not be underestimated."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly understood.


In fact, up to now, he has not seen the real strong men of the Ancient Era and the God and Demon Era.

The people he met in the two eras were all opportunistic or survived by luck.

But the real strong men of the two eras.

They should be those who can withstand the great catastrophe with their own strength.

At this time, Liu Mingxun suddenly said: "Let me tell you this, I have seen the catastrophes of the two eras. The horror of the catastrophe... Even I dare not say that I can survive it! But many people survived in the two eras."

Chu Yan's pupils shrank sharply when he heard this.

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