Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5780 A sudden punch


The war continues.

At this time, the world seemed to be at a standstill.

Only Chu Yan and the ancestors of the Huo family were left fighting madly, and everyone else became the background of this battle.

In the sky, lightning flashes.

Chu Yan kept drawing out his sword. Although he was still suppressed and at a disadvantage, his eyes were shining with joy.

On the opposite side, the ancestor of the Huo family punched him.


There was a huge roar, and a hole was punched out in the huge starry sky.


Chu Yan suffered a heavy blow and flew backwards for a thousand meters. As soon as he stopped, his body had turned into a spider web.

But he didn't care. Instead, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

The Huo family ancestor's eyes shrank when he saw this: "Boy, you can still laugh?"

Chu Yan raised his head and said, "Yeah, why don't you smile? It's really fun to fight against the strong."

"Humph, I don't know whether to live or die."

The ancestor of the Huo family snorted coldly, then stopped talking nonsense and disappeared from the place with a quick step.

The next second, click click!

Lightning flashes continue to fly between heaven and earth.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed and he immediately slashed forward with a sword.


Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out again. This flight was a full ten thousand feet away.

When he stopped, there was a click, and his body almost shattered.

The ancestors of the Liu family were shocked when they saw this from afar, and subconsciously wanted to take action.

But suddenly, Chu Yan raised his hand and signaled the Liu family ancestor not to step forward.

"Don't worry about me! I can still do it." Chu Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

The ancestor of the Liu family frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "Boy, are you crazy? If you continue like this, will you lose your body?"

Of course, the ancestors of the Liu family didn't know that Chu Yan had no soul, otherwise they would be even more shocked.

Now it seems to him that Chu Yan is using his body to hold on, but his body is dead, but his soul is still there, at least he will not die, but a solitary body... is not so easy to cultivate.

Even at this level, severed arms and legs can be easily reshaped, and the reshaped body is naturally different from the original body.

For a person, the original physical body is naturally the best, because this physical body has been cultivated layer by layer with oneself, and the foundation is solid enough.

Once reshaped, it is a shell.

This not only affects strength, but is also critical to future prospects.

Imagine that Chu Yan is currently at the eighth level. If he wants to break through to the ninth level, he needs at least one level of physical body and soul.

If the physical body is broken and reshaped, the physical body will definitely be degraded.

Once the physical body is not strong enough, it will not be able to reach the breakthrough standard.

No matter how strong the soul is, it is of no use.

Then there’s the fit.

The reshaped body is not your own after all, so there will definitely be some strange feeling.

Combat effectiveness will also decrease accordingly.

Therefore, in the eyes of the ancestors of the Liu family, it was not worth it for Chu Yan to trade his own body for a chance to fight!

Too stupid!

However, what he didn't know was... Chu Yan had no soul at all.

Now he is not fighting with his body, but with his own life.

But just as the ancestor of the Liu family finished speaking.

The corners of Chu Yan's mouth raised slightly: "Break my body? Senior, you have overthought it. It's not that simple."

The next second, he clasped his hands in front of his chest.


Suddenly, blue lines appeared on Chu Yan's skin.

These Dao patterns continued to gather together, and finally formed a totem. When these blue Dao patterns appeared, the shattered body was repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the Liu family ancestors and others all shrank.


"What a terrifying self-healing ability!"

Countless people all gasped.

The expression of the ancestor of the Huo family also changed drastically.


You know, although he turns on selflessness, it also consumes a huge amount of energy on himself.

After fighting for so long, Chu Yan suddenly repaired it?

At this time, Xiao Jiu also showed a look of doubt in Chu Yan's body.

"Boy, how did you do that?"

You know, Chu Yan couldn't repair the tenth level scar at first.

Although the Five Elements Hegemony is very strong, it has no effect on the tenth level Solisa Holy Power.

Otherwise, it would not have been so difficult to defeat the ancestors of the Lu family.

Chu Yan chuckled: "Xiaojiu, have you forgotten that I have killed a level ten person?"

Xiaojiu was slightly startled and asked curiously: "You mean... the ancestor of the Lu family? But what does this have to do with your ability to restore the holy power?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "When I fought with the ancestors of the Lu family, I discovered that the reason why I couldn't repair the tenth-level wounds was because these wounds could only be repaired with the holy way."

"But I don't have the Holy Way, so I can't do it."

"But after the death of the ancestors of the Lu family...many holy paths spilled out!"

"All those powers are hidden in the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda."

Xiaojiu suddenly realized.

He got it.

At this time, Chu Yan looked at the ancestor of the Huo family again, with a provocative look in his eyes and smiled: "Come on, keep going! Let's see if you beat me to death first, or you will be exhausted to death first."

The ancestor of the Huo family narrowed his eyes, and then he snorted coldly and stepped out with a thud.

Punch again.

Bang bang bang!

The two sides kept colliding.

Chu Yan was still at a disadvantage, and his body had been blown away countless times.

But every time he explodes, the blue lines on his skin will be repaired.

Chu Yan was not hurt at all.

This also made the Huo family ancestor's face extremely gloomy.

If this goes on, he can't kill Chu Yan at all.

And once it is delayed, it will only become more and more disadvantageous to him.

After a moment of silence, the Huo family ancestor suddenly stopped. He was not going to waste time on Chu Yan, and turned to look at the Liu family ancestor.


Suddenly, a punch was thrown.

The Liu family ancestor: "???"

The Liu family ancestor had been watching the excitement, and then a sudden punch, and a punch that opened the selfless state, caught the Liu family ancestor off guard.

At the critical moment, the Liu family ancestor immediately blocked it with his arms.


There was a loud bang.

The Liu family ancestor flew backwards, this time flying more than a thousand meters.

As soon as he stopped, a burst of anger gushed out: "Old ghost Huo, are you sick?"


I didn't do it.

I was just watching the excitement.

You two can fight if you want, but why do you suddenly punch me?

The ancestor of the Huo family didn't say anything, and he was full of murderous intent.

If he couldn't kill Chu Yan, he would first find a way to kill the ancestor of the Liu family.

One of these two people must die, otherwise he will be the one who dies today.

On the other side, the corner of the ancestor of the Liu family's mouth twitched slightly, and he was furious for a moment!


Who did I offend?

In an instant, the ancestor of the Liu family was also angry, and rolled up his sleeves to meet the ancestor of the Huo family.

"Come on, come on!"

However, just as the ancestor of the Liu family was about to take action, Chu Yan suddenly shouted: "Senior, don't worry, I'll do it!"

Ancestor of the Liu family: "..."

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