Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5778: Selflessness Begins

Chu Yan failed in his sneak attack and was caught by the ancestors of the Huo family. He was actually a little panicked at first. After all, the ancestors of the Huo family were stronger than the ancestors of the Lu family. Once he was caught by the ancestors of the Huo family, he would most likely be defeated. .

But when he saw the bloodline of the ancestors of the Huo family and the solitary space...

He suddenly stopped panicking.

"Ah this..."

Chu Yan's mouth opened wide.

I was still thinking that I couldn't beat you...but you gave me resources like this...

I'm a little embarrassed.

However, to the ancestors of the Huo family, his expression meant fear and shock.

The ancestor of the Huo family breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

It's finally over.

Boy, do you know you are annoyed?

I will keep sneaking up on you, and when you die, I will get the universe, and the ancestors of the Liu family will not be my opponent.

After all, I would like to thank you. If it weren't for you, among the four ancient saint families, my Huo family is really not that strong. It cannot be compared to the Chen family and the Liu family. Even if it is a little stronger than the Lu family, it is still only half a pound.

Now...you help me clear all these obstacles.

Thinking of this, the ancestor of the Huo family smiled even more. He compressed all the space and blood into the palm of his hand, gathered a force that destroyed the world, and quickly grabbed Chu Yan's head.


Suddenly, the whole world was shaking, as if it was about to collapse!

it's over!

The ancestors of the Huo family became more and more excited.

"Chu Yan!!!"

In the distance, the faces of the Liu family changed drastically when they saw this.


The ancestors of the Liu family and Liu Changge also cursed in low voices, a little angry and a little helpless!

Why are you rushing forward like that!

Damn it!

Nothing can happen to Chu Yan!

Others may not know it, but something happened to the Liu family many years ago.

At that time, the Saint of the Liu family had just been born, and a crazy woman came. At that time, that person almost wiped out their family.

Once Chu Yan died, they did not dare to imagine the consequences.

The ancestor of the Liu family rushed out with all his strength, but no matter how fast he went, it was too late.

The ancestors of the Huo family had already grabbed Chu Yan, and the two of them were together, holding him tightly.

At this distance, it is useless even if he is level ten.

Because the ancestors of the Huo family are also at level ten!




The next second, there was a loud noise.

The world saw with their own eyes that the Huo family ancestor's fist finally fell.

The Huo family was immediately ecstatic.

Did you win?

"No!!!" The Liu family all roared, their eyes red.

It’s over!


At this distance, there is no chance.

However, just when everyone thought Chu Yan was dead... a vision suddenly appeared.


The Huo family punched Chu Yan first, but instead of hurting Chu Yan, the power was suddenly absorbed into Chu Yan's body.

The Huo family ancestor's eyes shrank and he stared at Chu Yan: "How is this possible?"

Chu Yan absorbed all the power, thought for a moment and then spoke.


Before Chu Yan could say a word, he suddenly burped.

Ancestor of the Huo family: "..."

There was no way, I was pushed.

The next second, Chu Yan suddenly pulled out the Divine Sword of Heaven Refining from his arms, and then aimed it at the heart of the Huo family ancestor.


The ancestor of the Huo family suddenly widened his eyes, filled with disbelief: "Are you... okay?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Surprise? Unexpected?"


The ancestor of the Huo family retreated thousands of feet. When he stopped, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

A huge bloody hole in the heart was shocking.


The ancestors of the Huo family didn't understand.

Chu Yan was too lazy to explain. Instead, he was anxious: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I to hold me so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so to so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so to so to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to To Tossuse and sw balance with suffuse Sensu Senjou slaughot Sensu Sensu Sensu Sensuudi's wrists."

At this moment, his body swelled several times, and his skin was full of cracks.

There was nothing he could do. The tenth-level solitary space and the bloodline of the ancient saint were all sucked into his body. The shock of the moment almost exploded him.

not only that……


As soon as he absorbed those blood lines, his eyes suddenly turned red...

The bloodline of the Ancient Saint was too tempting to Xuetanzi.

It made his sanity a little abnormal.

His only thought now is to use up these powers quickly.

"Ahhhh!!! Kill, kill, kill!"


In an instant, Chu Yan rushed out with a single stride. Almost instantly, his figure became ethereal, leaving a series of afterimages in the sky and earth.


At this moment, he was reaching the extreme.

The expression of the ancestor of the Huo family changed.

So fast!

In the blink of an eye, Chu Yan rushed in front of him and punched him.

This time, Chu Yan did not use a sword, but directly used fists, because only fists could quickly release the power in the body.

The ancestor of the Huo family shrank his eyes and immediately punched to meet the attack.


The fists clashed, and then there was a click. The ancestor of the Huo family showed pain on his face, and cracks appeared directly on his arms.

Looking at Chu Yan again, he didn't move at all.

But it wasn't over yet. Chu Yan finished with one punch and immediately swept out with a kick.

The ancestors of the Huo family were shocked and immediately closed their hands and arms to resist.


With a huge roar, the ancestors of the Huo family flew backwards. This retreat actually flew nearly 10,000 meters away!

The ancestor of the Huo family stopped behind him, and he was stunned.

So strong!


It only took half a minute, but Chu Yan's strength had improved a lot.

The Huo family ancestor had a hunch that Chu Yan was now... even stronger than an ordinary level 10.

Soon, the Huo family ancestor narrowed his eyes: "Boy, can you turn other people's blood and my space into your own use?"

Chu Yan didn't say anything and continued to attack!

There was no way, he was anxious, he didn't dare to speak now...

He was afraid that he would lose his temper as soon as he opened his mouth.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, Chu Yan rushed to the Huo family ancestor and punched hundreds of times.

Each punch was the kind that left no room for maneuver. He didn't worry about consumption at all now, because the power in his body was so much that it could explode.

The result was...

The Huo family ancestor suffered.


In a moment, a crisp sound rang out from the Huo family ancestor's body, and his strong body was suddenly covered with cracks.

This made the Huo family ancestor's face suddenly gloomy to the extreme.

In the distance, the Liu family ancestor saw that Chu Yan was fine, and wanted to come to support him, but he just took two steps... and suddenly stopped.

Because he found something, it seems that he is no longer needed?

At this moment, Chu Yan was completely suppressing the ancestor of the Huo family.

He became a supporting role instead.

"Ahhh!!! Hold on, so strong!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Chu Yan roared and rushed out again.

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Huo family's eyes turned cold, and his heart was full of powerlessness.

This did not kill Chu Yan, but made the opponent stronger.

But soon, the ancestor of the Huo family condensed his eyes, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and roared: "Forget myself!"

At this moment, the ancestor of the Huo family decisively chose to turn on selflessness!

This is also his last trump card as a level 10!


The next second, a force that shook the world rushed out of the ancestor of the Huo family, and the space around him suddenly collapsed.

Then, his eyes turned golden.

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