Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5766: Didn’t say I couldn’t win


Chu Yan plunged into the Abyss.

The whirlpool at the entrance of the Abyss caused a ripple, and Chu Yan disappeared from everyone's sight.

The strong men of the Ancient Saint Clan were all stunned when they saw this, and then their faces became gloomy: "Damn, I forgot about the Abyss..."

When they saw Chu Yan running away at first, no one took it seriously, because they knew that the ancestor of the Lu family was faster and Chu Yan had nowhere to run.

But they ignored where this was.

The Abyss!

Chu Yan ran into the Abyss.

This made all the strong men of the Ancient Saint curse.

But at this time, suddenly someone said weakly: "No... Is the forbidden day of the Abyss tomorrow? No... It's almost dawn, and it will be the forbidden day of the Abyss in an hour."

As soon as these words came out, the strong men of the Ancient Saint Clan were all stunned, and then they became excited.


"Tomorrow is the forbidden day of the Abyss!"

They all forgot.

Why were they in the Abyss?

Isn't it because the forbidden day of Tianyuan is coming soon, and all non-Tianyuan people will have to come out at that time, so they are here to block Chu Yan?

Although Chu Yan has run into Tianyuan now, the forbidden day of Tianyuan will come in at most one hour. At that time, Chu Yan will not come out?

Unless... Chu Yan doesn't want to live anymore and is ready to die in the forbidden day of Tianyuan.

But that is obviously impossible.

The elder of the Chen family sneered: "Idiot, running into Tianyuan is completely seeking death!"

"If you run to other places, there is at least a glimmer of hope, but you can enter the forbidden day of Tianyuan and must come out after one hour."

At this time, the elder of the Lu family respectfully said to the ancestor of the Lu family: "Ancestor, the forbidden day of Tianyuan is coming soon. After one hour, Chu Yan will definitely come out."

The ancestor of the Lu family nodded slightly, and then said: "In this case, then seal off all here, and we will wait for him for one hour."


In an instant, the ancient saints re-formed a defensive posture and surrounded all directions of Tianyuan.

Waiting silently.

An hour later, Chu Yan will die.


Chu Yan rushed in.


As soon as he entered, he crashed into a mountain in Tianyuan. With a crack, the mountain was smashed into powder.

This movement immediately attracted many Tianyuan strongmen, who flew over quickly.

When they saw Chu Yan's miserable condition, their faces were all shocked.

"Emperor Chu?"

"What happened?"

Phoenix Girl and others were all shocked.

Not long ago, Chu Yan showed them his invincible posture.

He could even fight against a half-step level nine, but now he is injured like this?


Chen Meng quickly stepped forward, helped Chu Yan up and said, "What happened?"

Chu Yan spit out a mouthful of blood after getting up, grinning and said, "Little Chen, I fought with a level ten, isn't it cool?"

Chen Meng: "..."

Everyone in Tianyuan was shocked.

"Level 10? Emperor Chu, you... you mean that level 10 hurt you like this?"

Chu Yan rolled his eyes: "Nonsense, is level 9 qualified?"


All the people in Tianyuan were petrified.

Phoenix Girl couldn't help but ask: "Emperor Chu, there is a level 10 outside Tianyuan?"

Chu Yan nodded, and then snorted coldly: "Ancestor of the Lu family... wait for me."

The people in Tianyuan were suddenly a little scared...

Level 10, that was a legendary existence in the ancient era.

In this world... does level 10 really exist?

They don't know.

But level 10 is outside Tianyuan...Originally, these Tianyuan strongmen wanted to leave, but now they are a little hesitant.

They want to go out, but that's because they want freedom.

It doesn't mean they want to go out and die!

That's level 10...

Chu Yan glanced at the crowd and sneered: "Don't worry, you don't have to fight with me! Those who don't want to die, get out of the way, this Tianyuan can't hold on for much longer."

When these words came out, countless people were shocked: "Emperor Chu... what are you saying..."

Chu Yan said lightly: "Do you really think this Tianyuan can stop level 10?"

The eyes of the Tianyuan strongman shrank: "Could it be..."

Chu Yan nodded: "Level 10... If I guess correctly, it should be able to break in soon. This Tianyuan can't stop it. Now I give you a chance. The farther away from me, the better. Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope."

The strong men in Tianyuan were immediately moved.

Level 10 can break into Tianyuan?

If it's true, they stay here and wait for death.

After Chu Yan finished speaking, he has been observing this group of people.

After a while, a Tianyuan strongman walked out, bowed slightly to Chu Yan, and bowed his head and said: "Emperor Chu... I'm sorry."

After speaking, they turned around and flew away.

They longed for freedom, but they wanted to live more.

If the price of leaving here is death, then they would rather not leave.

Chu Yan watched silently, without stopping.

Soon, more and more people walked out.


In the blink of an eye, there were only less than a hundred Tianyuan strongmen left out of hundreds of people.

Finally, they stopped when there were more than thirty people.

Chu Yan was stunned when he saw the remaining thirty people, including the Phoenix Girl. He chuckled and said, "Why don't you leave?"

The thirty people trembled, and the Phoenix Girl said, "Emperor Chu, we don't want to leave... We have been prisoners here for hundreds of millions of years, and we have had enough!"

"We want freedom, we want to live an upright life... we don't want to live in a place where death is worse than death."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Is this what you mean too?"

The rest of the people nodded together: "Yes! If I don't leave, the worst possible outcome is death. Even if I die, I still want to see the outside world again."


"What's the difference between these hundreds of millions of years and death?"

"If you continue, you might as well die."

Chu Yan nodded with satisfaction and suddenly said: "From today on, the thirty-seven of you will follow me. From now on, you will be the people of my universe!"

The thirty or so people couldn't help but be startled. Phoenix Girl suddenly realized something and said in a deep voice: "Emperor Chu, you... are you... deliberately testing us? In fact, there are no level 10 experts outside?"

Chu Yan rolled his eyes: "I'm not that interested. There are really level ten outside."

Phoenix Girl said strangely: "Huh? Then, what you just said was..."

Chu Yan said calmly: "There are indeed Level 10s out there, but I didn't say I couldn't beat them."

Everyone's pupils shrank: "Emperor Chu, you mean..."

Chu Yan said calmly: "Let's give it a try. I'm not sure yet, but there is a chance after all."


Everyone gasped.

Completely stunned.

That's level ten!

Chu Yan said he had a chance?

How evil is this?

In particular, many people in Tianyuan know that just a month or two ago, Chu Yan had just become solipsistic. Is this really a normal person?

Chen Meng looked at Chu Yan at this time, but there was more color in his eyes than the others.

Because he just heard it.

Chu Yan is talking about the ancestors of the Lu family...

What about the Chen family?

He knew that when Chu Yan left Tianyuan this time, the first person he went to was the Chen family.

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