Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5764: Watching the fun to death

Outside the abyss, the world suddenly became extremely quiet.

It was so quiet that even everyone's breathing could be heard clearly.

All the strong men of the ancient saints clenched their fists, breathing rapidly, and their eyes were full of impossibility and inexplicability!

They tied!

Chu Yan's sword pushed the ancestor back a thousand meters!

Even if Chu Yan himself retreated a thousand meters, this was too incredible!

You know, Chu Yan is only "only me level seven"!

He hasn't even reached level eight!

What if Chu Yan breaks through to level eight?

Normally, above level seven, each level is very different.

Because above level eight, you need the heart of Tao, but Chu Yan has just realized the heart of Tao.

The ancestor of the Lu family stood firm and his face was extremely gloomy.

Under his feet, there was the sound of blood dripping.

As an old strong man, he was tied by Chu Yan. This is simply a lifelong shame!

Of course, he couldn't care less about the shame now. Under the current situation, it's still uncertain who will be the final winner today.

Suddenly, endless regret rose in the heart of the Lu family ancestor!

If he had known this would happen, he should have been careless at the beginning, and he shouldn't have let Chu Yan go, but should have directly given Chu Yan a thunderbolt when he just landed!

However, it's no use to regret now.

The Lu family ancestor stared at Chu Yan and took a deep breath: "Boy, I finally understand why you can become the new emperor of the universe, why you can destroy the Chen family, and why you can let the Liu family take action for you! All this is not a coincidence! I... was careless, and I underestimated you."

Chu Yan sneered: "Is it a little late to know now?"

The Lu family ancestor nodded: "It's a little late, but it should be in time to make up for it now."

Hearing this, Chu Yan frowned slightly.


The next second, Chu Yan's face changed drastically.


In an instant, the space in front of him suddenly collapsed.

The Lu family ancestor disappeared.

This time, he did not passively take the beating, but chose to take the initiative to attack.

This was also the first time that he took the initiative to attack since the arrival of the ancestor of the Lu family.

From just now to now, the ancestor of the Lu family had not actually attacked. He had always underestimated Chu Yan, but when he really attacked, Chu Yan once again felt tremendous pressure.

Just now, the two retreated a thousand meters each, so there was a distance of two thousand meters in between.

But in the blink of an eye, the two-kilometer void exploded, cracking a rough gully.

The ancestor of the Lu family rushed to Chu Yan in one step, raised his fist and hit Chu Yan's head.

Suddenly, a monstrous evil spirit surged out, instantly covering the space in all directions, and with a click, the earth sank directly into a ten-thousand-meter deep pit!

This punch had not been hit yet, but a wave of air shattered the earth.

Chu Yan's face changed below, and he immediately blocked it with his sword.


Immediately afterwards, there was a monstrous bang, and Chu Yan flew out like a cannonball.

This flight was a full 10,000 meters away!

Everyone was shocked!

"So strong!"

Chu Yan retreated 10,000 meters. Wherever he passed, several mountains were smashed into powder. As soon as he stopped, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body cracked to the extreme!

This made Chu Yan's eyelids twitch slightly.

So strong!

He just made a move, even if he was equal to the ancestor of the Lu family, everyone overlooked a very critical point!

That is, Chu Yan was the attacker, and the ancestor of the Lu family was the defender.

That's why the two of them tied.

To be precise, the ancestor of the Lu family never fought back.

But now, when the ancestor of the Lu family really made a move, the gap between the two people was once again immediately judged.


The ancestor of the Lu family finished with a punch. This time, there was no hesitation, and he did not talk nonsense with Chu Yan. Instead, he stepped on his feet and disappeared again.

He said that from now on, he would not underestimate the enemy.

Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and then he grabbed the Refining Heaven Sword and swung it hard.


When this sword came out, the world was filled with terrifying blood!

Blood Domain!

However, the ancestor of the Lu family came and punched forward again.


With a loud bang, the blood domain was shattered.


The next second, Chu Yan flew out like a ball again, without even the strength to fight back.

This made Chu Yan's heart sink!

He just tied with the ancestor of the Lu family, and thought he could win.

But when the ancestor of the Lu family exerted his strength, he realized that level ten is level ten... It's terrible!

The gap between the two sides is not so easy to catch up.

The point is that the ancestor of the Lu family is no longer merciful, and will not give him time to think and become stronger.

Bang bang bang!

Almost in an instant, the ancestor of the Lu family threw three punches in a row, and each punch produced a terrible air explosion.


Chu Yan fell into a disadvantage and was beaten all the time. He didn't even have a chance to fight back.

In the same way, all the ancient saints below breathed a sigh of relief.

The moment when the two were tied just now really scared them.

Now it seems that the ancestor is the ancestor.

"It's over."

"Then Chu Yan thought he could defeat the ancestor. He really overestimated his own ability."

A strong man from the Lu family sneered.

However, before he finished laughing, his face suddenly changed.

Swish——Suddenly, a terrifying sword energy came from the sky. Before the Lu family strongman could come back to his senses, the sword slashed directly through his throat.

Cut off his head.

The Lu family strongman was stunned.

He used up his last breath to look at the sky, with a confused face!

This sword was naturally cut by Chu Yan, but the strong man didn't understand one thing!

Brother, you are almost beaten to death... You still have time to cut me?


Above, Chu Yan killed this man and immediately gasped for a few heavy breaths. Then a smile appeared on his originally gloomy expression.

"Damn, haven't you heard it? The strong fight, the weak shut up! A bunch of trash, dare to talk nonsense there? I can't beat your ancestors, and I can't kill you little ants?"


Chu Yan didn't forget to spit after he finished speaking.

On the other side, the ancestor of the Lu family narrowed his eyes, but he was not angry because he thought that the people of the Lu family should die.

Strong people are proud.

Although Chu Yan is suppressed by himself now, who else can block Chu Yan's sword except himself?

They can't even block a sword, and a group of trash who have to rely on themselves to save them are still talking about it below?

Isn't it looking for death?

Of course, the ancestor of the Lu family looked at Chu Yan and showed a touch of surprise.

He is indeed an interesting person...

He has been suppressed by himself like this, and he still has the interest to kill others?

Is he bold or has a certain degree of confidence?

The ancestor of the Lu family is not sure, but because of this, the murderous intent in his eyes is stronger, and he stepped hard on the sole of his foot and killed Chu Yan again.

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