Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5762: Being too clever may lead to mistakes

The world outside Tianyuan suddenly became quiet.

The expressions of all the powerful men of the Ancient Saint Family changed drastically.

Especially the Lu family.

The solitary space of my ancestors...was taken away?

How can this be?

Is that the tenth-level solitary space?

No, let alone level 10, it is anyone’s solitary space. It is also one’s own and cannot be taken away by others, right?

What is solipsistic space?

Fight with the sky and carve out a space between heaven and earth for your own use.

From now on, I am the only one in this world!

As a result...this thing was taken away directly by Chu Yan? Are you still so arrogant?

The ancestor of the Lu family also stared at Chu Yan, narrowed his eyes and said: "Boy, you... can seize other people's solitary space? What kind of ability is this?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Self-only space? It's just the prototype of the universe. Do you know what the universe is? It's a perfect world. Your spaces are all pirated in front of the universe."

The ancestor of the Lu family looked gloomy: "So you did it on purpose from the beginning? What you said before was not to stimulate me to bully the small. You just wanted me to use the solitary space?"

The corners of Chu Yan's mouth raised: "Guess!"

The ancestor of the Lu family took a deep breath, and he finally understood.

I've been fooled!

He thought he was very smart just now, thinking that Chu Yan's words about defeating the enemy without force and bullying the small by bullying were intended to provoke him and make him embarrassed to use the solipsistic space.

But now he understands that those are the foreshadowing!

From the beginning to the end, Chu Yan just wanted to force him to use the solipsistic space.


The next second, Chu Yan's figure flashed and suddenly disappeared from the place.

He struck towards the ancestor of the Lu family with an arrow.

No more listening to the nonsense of the ancestors of the Lu family.

Mainly... Chu Yan didn't dare to continue listening.

If you listen any more...he's going to explode.

A Level 10 Solispace was so strong that as soon as he absorbed it, his energy and blood increased so much that even his skin was bursting.

If he didn't release some more, he really doubted that he would be strangled to death.


In a flash, Chu Yan rushed in front of the ancestor of the Lu family. He immediately held a sword in both hands and stabbed the ancestor of the Lu family between the eyebrows.

The ancestor of the Lu family had a cold look in his eyes and immediately punched him.


In an instant, the space exploded.


The next second, two figures burst out.

Chu Yan's retreat was a thousand meters away, but this was not the point.

On the opposite side, the ancestors of the Lu family also took a hundred steps back this time, and that's not all. Just when the ancestors of the Lu family stopped... Tick!

Suddenly, the sound of a drop of blood falling to the ground resounded throughout the world.

It was very weak, very small, but when such a sound fell, it was like a stormy sea, making a shocking and thunderous sound in the hearts of countless people.

"Ancestor... broke the defense?"

"How can it be?"

This time, many powerful men from the Ancient Saint Family could not believe it.

too exaggerated.

Even though it was just a small hole... it was shocking enough.

That's level ten!

Don't forget, Chu Yan is only a seventh-level solitary person. There is a three-level difference between the two of them.

After Chu Yan retreated from the explosion, his arms were slightly numb from the shock, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he looked at the ancestor of the Lu family and laughed.

The smile is so bright!

Because I broke my defense!

The ancestor of the Lu family lowered his head and glanced at the sword mark on his fist. When he looked at Chu Yan again, the murderous intent in his eyes could no longer be concealed!

Extremely rich!

Chu Yan is too evil!

The ancestor of the Lu family had a premonition that if he could not kill Chu Yan today, within three years, it might be the end of the ancient holy family!

However, he thought too much!

Three years?

From Chu Yan's perspective, today is the day!

Of course, he also felt the strong murderous intention of the ancestors of the Lu family at this moment.

But he didn't take it seriously. Didn't the other party want to kill him from the beginning?

Do you still care about the murderous intention?

On the contrary, Chu Yan now actually hopes that the ancestors of the Lu family can use some of their trump cards... it is best to release their bloodline.

Chu Yan is now focusing on a rogue...

I have no trump cards, so I rely on my enemies to find them!

This is not his fault. After many battles, all the trump cards he can use have been used up. Now, all the trump cards he can use belong to the ancestors of the Lu family.

For Chu Yan now...the way to defeat the ancestors of the Lu family...is the ancestors of the Lu family themselves.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan looked at the ancestor of the Lu family and said with a smile: "What? Are you angry? Want to kill me? Come on, how about you use your blood?"

The ancestor of the Lu family narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Boy, are you bombing me? You want me to think that you can even absorb blood, and scare me away from using it, right?"

Chu Yan couldn't help but was startled, and suddenly laughed: "Old guy, I have to say... your brain circuit... is indeed very novel!"

At this moment, Chu Yan only has one opinion about the ancestors of the Lu family!


No wonder he lived for so long and became the head of the Ancient Saint Family.

This one is actually not very easy to follow.

Ordinary methods are easily seen through by the other party.

But what a coincidence... Chu Yan used counter-routines!

Chu Yan smiled and said, "Try it."

The ancestor of the Lu family clenched his fist slightly. To be honest, he was a little unsure now.

But now that Chu Yan has seized his own solitary space, his combat power has once again increased.

Although he was still not afraid of Chu Yan, it was difficult to kill him quickly.

That space was suppressing him...

Speaking of this, the ancestor of the Lu family was furious.

His own egoistic space was now suppressing him.

So he wanted to kill Chu Yan quickly, there was only one way!

Use a ruthless trick!

Bloodline, just happened to be one of them.

However, before Chu Yan spoke, the ancestor of the Lu family didn't dare to use it.

He was a little worried. What if Chu Yan could also absorb bloodline, wouldn't it help the enemy again?

But now, after Chu Yan said that, he was a little confused.

Was Chu Yan deliberately deceiving himself?

In fact, Chu Yan couldn't absorb bloodline at all? He just wanted to deceive himself that he didn't dare to use it?

The ancestor of the Lu family hesitated, and suddenly had an idea.


Chu Yan was able to take over the egoistic space because of the universe!

But bloodline is different!

Bloodline, each clan is different.

Thinking of this, the ancestor of the Lu family snorted coldly: "I want to see today if you can still absorb my blood!"


The next second, the ancestor of the Lu family shouted angrily, his eyes began to turn slightly red, and the blood in his body instantly boiled.


Then, a blood column rushed out.

Shaking the sky.

But then, Chu Yan's eyes were bright, his mouth was big, and he sucked hard: "Ah!"

The blood column flew directly towards Chu Yan.

After Chu Yan absorbed the blood, he did not forget to blink at the ancestor of the Lu family and chuckled: "Do you see it now?"

Ancestor of the Lu family: "..."

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