Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5754: No Regrets

Liu Changge's face was gloomy, because what Huo Yun said had always been what he was worried about.

Lu family tenth level!

Liu Changge knew the truth better than Huo Yun. When Chu Yan went to the Liu family not long ago, he clearly said that he only had one way to deal with the tenth level, and this time it has now been used on the Chen clan.

That means that once the Lu family's level ten takes action, Chu Yan really can't resist it.

At that time, Chu Yan was in danger.

But now, the Liu family and Chu Yan are actually people in the same boat.

Once Chu Yan is defeated, the people from Tianyuan will be free and will rush to the Huo family immediately.

The Liu family will undoubtedly be defeated.

Huo Yun sneered: "Liu Changge, so the outcome of this battle is still unknown. My Huo family cannot afford to delay it, but the same goes for your Liu family! As long as we can delay it until Tianyuan ends, your Liu family will be destroyed."

Liu Changge stared at Huo Yun.

Huo Yun continued: "Liu Changge, I'll give you another chance. It's still too late to turn back now. As long as you are willing to give up and follow me to Tianyuan, we will still be the four ancient holy families!"

"Don't forget, our ancestors were also good friends, and our clan has passed down a set of four clan joint attack tactics!"

"If you turn around now, you can still get ashore."

"I am willing to put aside the past grudges. Nothing has happened today."

Huo Yun seemed very sincere when he said this.

There is no hint of falsehood at all.

However, Liu Changge looked at Huo Yun silently.

Suddenly chuckled: "Huo Yun, we have known each other for hundreds of millions of years, do you think I will believe what you say?"

Huo Yun narrowed his eyes.

Liu Changge said again: "Also, you underestimate me, Liu Changge! Since I have chosen Chu Yan, I will not betray anyone! As the saying goes, do not doubt your trust, and do not trust others! My Liu family does not Will do double-dealing things.”

Hearing this, Huo Yun's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Stubborn! If that's the case, then your Liu family will be destroyed!"

After saying this, Huo Yun shouted: "The Huo family obeys the order!"

In an instant, everyone in the Huo family became serious.

Huo Yun said: "Defend with all your strength! Don't rush to fight or delay. As long as Tianyuan is over, victory will still belong to us."

When the Huo family heard this, their eyes were filled with hope.

Yes, they still have the Lu family.

Thinking of this, the strong men of the Huo family are much more conservative in their battles. Instead of fighting hard at the beginning, they focus on defense and try their best to delay.

On the contrary, everyone in the Liu family showed concern.

Although the Liu family still has the upper hand, they are not happy.

Because they also understood that what Huo Yun said was correct.

There are not only three clans of the Ancient Saint, but there is also the Lu family. Does Chu Yan have any way to deal with the tenth level of the Lu family?

At least according to the Liu family's understanding, that is absolutely impossible.

Thinking of this, the Liu family all took a deep breath and became anxious.

But war is like this. Whenever major events require calmness, the more eager you are for quick success, the opposite will happen.

For a time, the Liu family, which had the upper hand, made mistakes one after another because of their eagerness.

There were many loopholes, which gave the Huo family many opportunities and caused considerable losses.

Several people died.

Liu Changge kept watching. He also understood Huo Yun's intention, but he couldn't decipher it.

Because this is a conspiracy, he cannot say without conscience that Chu Yan must have a way to beat level ten.

Because that's really hard.

Even he himself didn't believe it.

How to make the rest of the Liu family believe it.

Now, he can only hope that Chu Yan has really thought of a solution when doing all this.

Otherwise, it is really hopeless.

Liu Changge took a deep breath and shouted angrily: "Kill! Don't ask for victory, but ask for no regrets!"

The Liu family members squinted their eyes, and their mood suddenly became better. Only then did the battlefield become stable again.

Huo Yun stared at Liu Changge, his eyes as cold as ice.

Wait, then.

At this moment, he was more confident than Liu Changge.

at the same time.


Chu Yan was still sitting on the small bench in the sky, waiting silently without any sign of panic.

Below, the strong man from the Ancient Holy Family had eyes as cold as ice.

In particular, the elder of the Huo family had a bit of excitement in his eyes.

Wait, then.

Soon victory will be theirs.

However, as time passes little by little...

The ancient sage's eyes became strange.

Because a quarter of an hour has passed.

But still no one came.

Logically speaking, this distance would have been long enough for the Huo family to arrive.

Not to mention the tenth level, even if all the ninth-level experts arrived, there would still be no one left?

If it was the first time, the Huo family might not be too worried, but would just think that they were delayed on the way.

But after learning from the Chen family's mistakes, he was really scared now.

The Chen clan... was destroyed.

No one from the Huo family has come yet.

Could it be...

The elders of the Huo family shook their heads suddenly, not daring to think about it.

At this time, the Chen family elder said in a low voice: "Old Huo, where is the person? Why is no one coming?"

Elder Huo's throat rolled: "I, I don't know... I did send a message, but no one came."


The ancient sage's heart sank to the bottom.

"Could it be that the Huo family also..."

"Impossible!" The Huo family elder shouted: "Shut your crow mouth, nothing will happen to our Huo family."

"But..." The strong man still felt a little unsure.

The elder of the Huo family hesitated, and suddenly said: "Don't worry, I'll contact them. I don't believe Chu Yan can destroy the two ancient saint families alone! Even if he got the treasure in the sky, it can't be used infinitely."

After the elder of the Huo family finished speaking, he suddenly took out a sound transmission stone and sent a sound transmission again.

The ancient saints became nervous immediately.

Fortunately, the sound transmission stone suddenly flashed.

"There is a reply!"

The Huo family was all surprised, and they didn't fall into the sea like the Chen family.

"Quick, listen to what the family said." Someone urged.

The elder of the Huo family nodded slightly, and then he immediately turned on the sound transmission.


The sound transmission stone flashed, and then only spit out one word.


All the ancient saints were stunned.


What Liu?

Suddenly, the face of the elder of the Chen family changed: "I know, it's the ancient saint Liu family!"

The elder of the Huo family was startled and said in a deep voice: "You mean..."

"The Liu family... went to the Huo family, they attacked the Huo family!"


As soon as the news came out, the strong men of the three ancient saint families were all struck by lightning, and their bodies were sluggish.

The Liu family went to attack the Huo family?

How is this possible?

Although the four ancient saint families are not very good, they have been keeping to themselves for hundreds of millions of years.

The Liu family did this... Aren't they afraid of arousing public anger?

Suddenly, the elder of the Huo family seemed to think of something, and suddenly looked up at Chu Yan, and growled: "Boy, is it you? You did all this? You and the Liu family are in league?"

At this moment, the ancient saints had only one thought, all of this was related to Chu Yan, otherwise it really didn't make sense.

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