Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5752 Two Level 10

Ten old men with vicissitudes of life rose into the air from the Huo family's land. They were all the ones who had only one breath left, and finally chose to sleep.

At this moment, they woke up from their sleep and looked at Huo Yun one by one. However, after hearing what Huo Yun said, they did not feel unhappy. They just sighed and rushed out one by one.

Huo Yun's eyes were red.

He felt guilty.

Many of the old men present were his elders. He clearly remembered that when these elders were sleeping, he vowed to them that he would do his best to find the way for the ancient saints to break through and extend their lives again.

But he did not do it.

Now, he wanted these elders to die for him.

Really die.

There is no doubt that they will die.

These people are too old and only have one breath left to fight. This means that no matter what the result of today's battle is, even if the Huo family wins in the end, these old men will most likely not survive.

Thinking of this, Huo Yun's eyes flashed with an unprecedented cruelty.

"Liu Changge, all this is thanks to you. From now on, my Huo family will be enemies with the Liu family forever, and we will fight to the death." Huo Yun roared.

Liu Changge stood outside the Huo family, his eyes cold.

Fight to the death?

He had been prepared before he came.

"Then let's decide the winner today."

Liu Changge shouted coldly, and then he waved his arm: "Kill!"


The war broke out again.

The elders of the Huo and Liu families were very conscious.

They took off one by one, then found their opponents and fought with all their strength.

It is worth mentioning that these old-generation masters are more ruthless than each other when playing with their lives. Perhaps because they know that they will die, every move is a killing move, or even a self-mutilating move.

Moreover, these old-generation masters have more family affection and family than the younger generation.


Less than an incense stick of time after the war started, war damage appeared in the sky.

A sleeping master fell.

There were people from the Huo family and the Liu family.

However, there were more people from the Huo family, after all, most of the Huo family's combat power was invested in Tianyuan.

This made Huo Yun's face gloomy.

On the other side, Liu Changge did not stop, and the silver dragon spear in his hand kept making dragon roars, and quickly stabbed towards Huo Yun.

Huo Yun shouted angrily, holding a huge axe, and also opened and closed it.

Every time he chopped down with an axe, the sky was torn apart, with the intention of opening the sky.

Bang bang bang!

The two patriarchs kept leaving afterimages on the sky, with lightning and flint.

But it was still not enough.

After a while, Huo Yun was obviously at a disadvantage.

It shouldn't be, because this is the home court of the Huo family, and the power of the Tao is more suitable for Huo Yun.

But there is no way around it!

Huo Yun is the current patriarch of the Huo family. People in the Huo family keep falling. In a sense, this is also a consumption of Huo Yun.

The Huo family's Taoism is collapsing.

It makes Huo Yun's power weaker and weaker.

At this time, Liu Changge thrust out a spear, turning into a silver dragon, and Huo Yun swung his giant axe vigorously.


The surrounding space exploded instantly, and both sides retreated a thousand meters, and Huo Yun obviously retreated farther than Liu Changge, and just after he stopped, he vomited a mouthful of black blood.

Liu Changge held the spear and said coldly: "Huo Yun, let the ancestor of the Huo family come out. You alone can't change the result of destruction today."

Hearing this, Huo Yun's pupils shrank: "Liu Changge, are you crazy?"

He naturally understood what Liu Changge meant.

The ancestor of the Huo family, the only level ten.

But Huo Yun didn't understand, if he really summoned the ancestor, would Liu Changge still have a chance of winning?

Between level ten and level nine... that's a huge qualitative change.

Even if the Huo family only has one-third of its combat power now, once the ancestor of the Huo family takes action, the Huo family can still immediately turn the tide and gain an advantage.

This is the existence of level ten.

Too strong.

One person suppresses a clan.

Huo Yun couldn't figure it out, unless... the level 10 Liu family also came?

Thinking of this, Huo Yun's pupils shrank, and he looked at Liu Changge as if he was looking at a monster: "Liu Changge... you, are you crazy? Did you invite that person out of the mountain as well?"

Liu Changge looked at Huo Yun silently, and said: "So Huo Yun, you should understand that the outcome of today's battle is no longer something that you and I can change, and the real ending is not written by us."


Huo Yun was shocked, and his heart was shaken.

Because Liu Changge's words were already very obvious.

The one from the Liu family...really came?

Suddenly, Liu Changge slowly raised his head, looked toward the sky, and whispered: "Ancestor, come out."


Suddenly, the world trembled wildly.

The Huo family world suddenly collapsed a little. The thousand-handed ghost face that had only shattered before was directly turned into powder and disappeared completely with the birth of this power.

Countless energies between heaven and earth gathered, and finally formed a middle-aged man with tied hair behind Liu Changge.

The middle-aged man was wearing an ordinary Taoist robe, giving people a sense of transcendence. He just stood there, without deliberately revealing any aura, but he made the entire Huo family tremble.


The oppression from the soul made all the Huo family members despair.

Even lost the will to fight.

Huo Yun stared at the middle-aged man and said in a low voice: "Liu family... you are really crazy..."

The middle-aged man with tied hair appeared, looked around the Huo family and sighed: "How many years have passed? Do I have a chance to see an old friend today? Huo Tong, are you not coming out?"


As soon as these words came out, a faint sigh sounded from deep within the Huo family's land.

A middle-aged man slowly rose into the air, and with his appearance, the entire Huo family world let out a sound of joy.

Woke up from the fear of the Liu family's middle-aged man's appearance just now.

The middle-aged man appeared, Huo Yun clenched his fist fiercely, bowed his head and said: "Ancestor, I'm sorry."

The middle-aged man shook his head: "Don't blame you, my old friends are here, I have no chance to continue hiding today."

After that, Huo Tong looked at the middle-aged man with tied hair from the Liu family: "Liu Mingxun, long time no see."

Liu Mingxun smiled and said: "Yes, it's been a long time."

Huo Tong sighed: "We finally came to this step, right?"

Liu Mingxun was silent for a while, and said calmly: "The world is changing, we all need to stand, it's a pity that this time, we didn't stand on one side."

Huo Tong nodded slightly, and then he frowned slightly: "Did Chen Xuanzi... fall?"

Liu Mingxun shook his head: "I don't know, but the Chen family did disappear."

Huo Tong frowned slightly: "Didn't you do Chen Xuanzi?"

This statement also shocked Huo Yun.

Chen Xuanzi, the ancestor of the Chen family.

The moment he saw the Liu family, he had always guessed that the Chen family was also done by the Liu family.

But now listening to this...it doesn't seem to be the case?

The Chen family was not done by the Liu family?

But if it's not the Liu family... who else could it be?

The rest of the Chen family is easy to explain, even the head of the Chen family can understand, but what about the ancestor of the Chen family?

That's a genuine level 10, if it's not the Liu family, who else could it be?

Chu Yan?

Huo Yun's heart trembled, if that's true, it's too terrifying!

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