Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5750: The War between the Two Clans

As soon as the Huo family flew out of the world, a group of strong men immediately emerged from all directions, three times their number, and instantly surrounded all the Huo family members.

The head of the Huo family saw this and his eyes narrowed: "Liu family! Is it you?"

He was still wondering before, even if Chu Yan's combat power increased dramatically, how could he destroy the Chen family?

But when he saw the Liu family, he suddenly understood something.

Liu family!

Among the four ancient saint families, the only one who did not go to Tianyuan to surround Chu Yan.

The head of the Liu family gathered all the strong men of the Liu family and chuckled: "Head of the Huo family, where are you going?"

Head of the Huo family narrowed his eyes slightly: "Liu family! You actually joined forces with Chu Yan? Did you also destroy the Chen family?"

Head of the Liu family laughed: "Head of the Huo family is overthinking. The Chen family has nothing to do with my Liu family."


Head of the Huo family roared: "If it weren't for you, how could the Chen family be destroyed? There are level 10 people in the Chen family."

Head of the Liu family shook his head slightly: "Then I don't know, but I know one thing now."

Head of the Huo family looked at the head of the Liu family.

Head of the Liu family said word by word: "The Huo family can disappear from today."

Head of the Huo family's eyes turned cold: "Liu family, are you crazy? Are you really going to attack us? Do you know what this means? Is the universe really worth your gamble?"

Head of the Liu family was silent.

Because he also knew that this was indeed a gamble.

A huge gamble!

If they win, the Liu family will be invincible in the world and stand out from the four ancient saint families.

But once they fail, the three ancient saint families will not let the Liu family go. At that time, the Liu family will become the target of the three ancient saint families.

For hundreds of millions of years, the four ancient saint families have maintained a balance. None of the four families is closer to each other, nor do they target each other. If you have to say the best, it may be that the Huo family and the Lu family are better, because the two families are relatively weak and need to keep each other warm, but if you really want to destroy anyone, that is absolutely impossible.

The death of the rabbit makes the fox mourn. The four major families themselves are mutually restrained.

But today, the Liu family broke this balance, and everything is another matter.

The other three major families will unite.

Even if the Chen family is really destroyed, Tianyuan still has two-thirds of the combat power.

Although there is no level 10 strongman, it is also a very terrifying combat power.

The Liu family is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the three families.

The head of the Liu family was silent for a while, then looked at the head of the Huo family and said, "Yes, so you should understand that our Liu family must not lose this battle, and we can't afford to lose!"

The head of the Huo family narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Kill!"


From the last sentence of the head of the Liu family, he understood one thing.

The Liu family has made up their minds that today will be a bloody battle. In this case, it is better to strike first than to passively be beaten.

At this moment, the Huo family also showed the strength of the ancient saint family. With the order of the head of the family.


A wave of monstrous aura rushed to the sky, and the battle was about to break out.

Countless strong men of the Huo family went to kill the Liu family together.

The head of the Liu family took a deep breath and waved his arm: "Kill!"

After the voice fell, the strong men of the Liu family also burst out one after another, and swooped towards the Huo family one by one.


Almost instantly, the sky exploded directly.

At this moment, the entire void seemed to tremble violently, not just one place, but the entire void began to shake.

The sky collapsed and the earth sank.

This battle was too big!

The two ancient saint families went to war, which can be said to have never happened in the history of the void for billions of years.

Even Chu Yan's entry into the Chen clan not long ago was far inferior to this battle.

In that battle, there was only Chu Yan alone, and he killed his way to the Chen clan hall little by little.

But this battle was different. At the beginning, both sides fought with all their strength.

The head of the Liu family watched silently for a while, and suddenly he swung his hand, and a long spear appeared, and he also walked towards the head of the Huo family step by step.

He did not wait behind, and there was no point.

In this battle, the Liu family could not afford to lose, so he had to fight with all his strength.

Seeing this, the head of the Huo family narrowed his eyes: "Liu Changge, do you have to do this?"

The head of the Liu family said indifferently: "Huo Yun, the times have changed, we are all old, hundreds of millions of years of stillness... too long, the world should move forward, and we should also make a break."

The head of the Huo family, Huo Yun, snorted coldly: "Do you think a 500-year-old kid can change the world? Liu Changge, you are dreaming."

Liu Changge said: "Who knows, maybe, but we have been staying in this realm for hundreds of millions of years. Maybe we are really old. We always thought we were at the top of the world, but we have never made any progress. Maybe it's time for us to give up power."

Huo Yun said coldly: "You won't succeed. The actions of the Liu family today will only be surrounded and killed by the whole void, and the Liu family will not have a good end."

Liu Changge chuckled: "Who knows, come on, Huo Yun, do you remember how long you haven't taken action?"

Huo Yun was silent for a while.

Because he really didn't remember.

One hundred million years?

Two hundred million years?

Or five hundred million years?

He didn't know.

I just know it's been too long.

As the patriarchs of an ancient saint family, they have long been invincible in the world. No one can threaten them, and they won't take action.

Liu Changge smiled and said, "I haven't taken action for a long time. Today, you and I will have a good fight."

Huo Yun stared at Liu Changge, then suddenly smiled and nodded: "Well, it's been too long since I took action, so let's have a good fight today!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand, and the terrible power of heaven and earth began to gather in his palm.

Soon, those powers gradually gathered into a sharp red giant axe.

The giant axe and Liu Changge's spear made terrible noises at each other.

If Chu Yan was here at this moment, he would be very shocked!

Because both of their weapons are actually spiritual!

Chu Yan had been wondering a long time ago that it was actually difficult for everyone to have weapons after reaching the only self.

Weak weapons, let alone attacking the enemy, can't even withstand the power of their own avenues, and may be broken as soon as they are used.

Chu Yan always felt that he was very lucky to have a refining sword.

But today, both of their weapons are very powerful.

Weapons of the Semi-Saints!

Liu Changge took a deep breath, and his figure disappeared, and then a cold light tore through the void, and the spear came out like a dragon.

Swish—the heaven and earth seemed to be cut apart at this moment.


On the other side, Huo Yun roared angrily. Compared with Liu Changge's smooth attack, his attack was more violent. He took a step into the air, held the giant axe in both hands, and chopped it down with force.

When the axe fell, he seemed to tear the entire sky into two.


The next second, the gun and axe collided, and the power immediately produced a terrible explosion!

The heaven and earth collapsed.

Everything was destroyed.

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