Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5742 is incoherent

A hundred miles away from the Abyss.

The Liu family members were anxiously waiting here, looking down at the sound transmission stone from time to time. Seeing that the sound transmission stone had not responded, their faces were gloomy.

"Damn it, why haven't you replied yet?"

"What did the head of the family decide?"

"There is only one day left before the forbidden day of the Abyss. If we don't take action now, it may be too late."

"Yes, that's the universe. If the other three ancient saint families really get it, our future will be difficult."

Nowadays, the four ancient saint families don't really care whether they can have an ancient saint.

After all, no one has come out for hundreds of millions of years.

But as the saying goes, it's not poverty that worries us, but inequality. Our Liu family can have no ancient saints, but the rest of you can't have them either. This is everyone's mentality.

And now, the universe involves the mystery of the ancient saints, and the Liu family absolutely does not want to see the other families get it.


Just when the Liu family was anxious, a sound transmission stone suddenly flashed, and a message was quickly transmitted back.

Everyone's eyes suddenly became ecstatic: "News is coming!"

"Quick, let's see what the head of the family decided."

"Needless to say? He must be involved. Although Chu Yan is related to the Alluring Saint, everyone will push the wall down. That is the mystery of the universe."

Liu Qing blushed and said: "Impossible, the Liu family will not do this."

At this time, one of the young men sneered: "Liu Qing, you were born in an imperial family, don't you understand this truth? Not to mention a son-in-law from another family in the Liu family, now it really concerns the universe, even if it is one of us, the Liu family will not let it go."

Liu Qing's face changed slightly when he heard this.

Yes, that is the ancient saint Liu family.

How could they give up their interests for a little so-called family affection?

Born in an imperial family, they should have understood this truth long ago.

However, Liu Qing is still young after all, and he values ​​friendship more. He secretly took out a sound transmission stone and knocked on it a few times.

Although he also knew that it was useless to do so, Tianyuan was separated from the outside world, and he could not pass the news to Chu Yan.

But he still did it.

On the other side, everyone in the Liu family stared at the sound transmission stone.

After a moment, a majestic voice sounded from the sound transmission stone: "Everyone listen to the order, all retreat to the clan."



Everyone in the Liu family was slightly shocked, and some people said in disbelief: "How is it possible? The head of the family has given up the universe?"

"Did we hear it wrong? Let it go again."

However, the result was still the same.

The hearts of the Liu family sank.

But they dared not refuse the order of the head of the family, and they could only curse and fly back to the Liu family.

"It's really a bargain for the other three families." The Liu family disciples said unwillingly.

Soon, they quickly returned to the Liu family.

As soon as they arrived at the Liu family, they were all stunned.

At this time, in front of the Liu family hall, a wave of surging power rose into the air, and countless strong men of the Liu family were all summoned, and the head of the Liu family even put on the armor for the expedition himself.

The Liu family disciples were startled at first, and then said in surprise: "Master, you want to lead the army in person? Are you going to Tianyuan? I know, you want to use thundering means to reap the benefits?"

The Liu family master glanced at the people who returned from Tianyuan and ignored them, and said lightly: "The people are all here, we should set off."


Everyone shouted in an instant.

The next second, the army set out.

The Tianyuan group immediately followed, with a puzzled look on their faces: "Brother, where are we going? Tianyuan?"

A strong man glanced at the person who spoke and said lightly: "The Huo family."

"The Huo family? Are we teaming up with the Huo family?" The disciple asked curiously.

The strong man was silent for a while, and shook his head slightly: "No, we are going to destroy the Huo family."


All the Tianyuan disciples were stunned.

Destroy the Huo family?

Are you crazy?

The Liu family took the initiative to start a war?

Liu Qing was excited and said happily: "The Liu family...is not completely corrupt yet."

Unfortunately, he didn't know what had happened before.

Soon, countless strong men from the Liu family headed towards the Huo family.

Of course, although their number was huge, the head of the Liu family brought a treasure to cover up the breath of everyone.

Secretly attacking the Huo family.



The strong men from the three ancient saint families all gathered here.

Now, two-thirds of the troops of the three families are here, and their eyes are burning.

Only the last day is left.

Tomorrow is the forbidden day of Tianyuan, and Chu Yan will definitely walk out of Tianyuan. When that time comes, it will be the time for them to obtain the universe.


At this moment, the space in the distance suddenly rippled gently.

A figure flashed and appeared.

Arrived openly and without any hiding.

The person who came was none other than Chu Yan.

He did not disguise himself and went directly to the outside of Tianyuan.

Since he chose to start a war, he did not think about hiding anything.

Since he entered Tianyuan, he has been despised by others. Today he chose to take the initiative to start a war, that is, he wanted to tell this void that I, Chu Yan, am not easy to bully!

So after Chu Yan appeared, two swords appeared in his hands.

Blood Sword.

Refining Heaven Sword.

Standing openly between heaven and earth.

After Chu Yan appeared, he deliberately posed, waiting for the three major families to go to war with him, but after waiting for a while, the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched.

Because he found... After he appeared, no one paid attention to him?

The people of the three ancient saint families naturally felt the fluctuations in space and looked at Chu Yan.

However, they only looked at him once.

They quickly retracted their gazes.

They did not take Chu Yan seriously at all.

At this time, their minds were all in Tianyuan.

As for the sudden appearance of a person... maybe he wanted to watch the fun and get a share of the pie, who would care? .

After all, in the past few days, in addition to the three ancient saints, many casual cultivators were alarmed and came here one after another.

Of course, if this group of casual cultivators did not mess around, they, as the ancient saint family, would not bother to pay attention to them.

But if anyone dared to make trouble... they would not mind having a few fewer casual cultivators in this world.

Of course, there were also some sharp-eyed people who were slightly startled after seeing Chu Yan, and couldn't help but say: "Hey, take a look at that person, do you feel a little familiar?"

Several people looked at Chu Yan together, and then froze at the same time: "Don't say it, it's a little familiar."

"Think about it, does this person look a little like Chu Yan?"

"Don't say it, it seems to be quite similar when you look closely."

"Fuck, it can't be Chu Yan?"

An elder of the Lu family rolled his eyes: "What are you thinking, Tianyuan's forbidden day has not arrived, and we have been blocking here, so Chu Yan has no chance to come out."

The disciple thought for a while and nodded slightly: "That's right."

"Okay, don't worry about him, maybe he just looks a little similar, keep staring at Tianyuan."

The next second, everyone retracted their gazes and quickly looked at Tianyuan.

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched slightly when he saw this, and the emotions that were originally high-profile were a little incoherent.

This is fucking...

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