Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5740: The Liu Family's Shock

This time, the head of the Liu family was really shocked, not because Chu Yan defeated an eighth-level solipsist, but because Chu Yan said the next sentence, except for the tenth-level solipsist, none of the others were Chu Yan. opponent.

Even these words are not because of Chu Yan's arrogance and arrogance, but because of that tenth-level solipsist!

Chu Yan... knows that the Liu family has a level 10 solipsist!

And the quantity was accurately stated!

This is what the Liu family leader is really afraid of.

If Chu Yan just said that the Liu family has level 10 solipsism, it might be a guess.

But Chu Yan even guessed the number?

This is a bit exaggerated.

Chu Yan looked at Master Liu and chuckled, "I'm right, right?"

The head of the Liu family stared at Chu Yan and said in a low voice: "Boy, everything you said is actually just a guess, right?"

Chu Yan glanced at the Liu family leader and sighed: "It seems that senior will not believe me. In this case, let the ninth level take action."

Chu Yan discovered that no matter what he said, the other party would not believe it.

In this case, we can only fight up.


At this time, someone from the Liu family said in a low voice.

After all, the Liu family was also an ancient sage, and was slapped in the face by a junior in public. How could the older generation accept it?

Chu Yan glanced at the person who spoke, and shook his head slightly: "Level 8, you are not qualified. Let someone at level 9 take action."

The elder's eyes turned cold and he snorted coldly: "That depends on whether you have the ability!"

After saying that, he punched out.


This punch directly exploded with full force.

Because Chu Yan had defeated an eighth-level man before, no one in the Liu family would take it lightly.


Almost instantly, the space between the two collapsed.

However, Chu Yan stood still from beginning to end, with his hands behind his back, not even defending.

This made the Liu family's expressions change slightly.

The head of the Liu family also showed a worried look, raised his palm slightly, and gave birth to a force, ready to save Chu Yan at any time.


But the next second, all the eyes of the Liu family were dull.

Because they clearly saw that the terrifying punch hit Chu Yan, but the result was like hitting an iron plate. Chu Yan's body was exuding faint golden patterns, and he just stood there without moving.

"How can it be?"

The elder of the Liu family shrank his pupils and took a few steps back in shock.


The next second, Chu Yan punched in the air, and the punch was like a landslide, hitting the elder with destructive power.

The head of the Liu family shrank, and his figure flashed in an instant, appearing in front of the elder.

Because he felt a faint danger in this punch.

He had a hunch that if he didn't take action, the elders of the Liu family would probably die with just this punch.

The head of the Liu family appeared and also punched.


Both fists were exchanged, but then everyone heard a muffled groan, and a figure took several steps back.

The next second, there was silence in the Liu family hall.


The mouths of the Liu family all grew bigger.

Because the person who retreated was not Chu Yan, but... the head of the Liu family.

The head of the Liu family took several steps back, and even a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. After he raised his head and looked at Chu Yan, he couldn't calm down for a long time, and then said: "Little guy... did you do it on purpose?"

He understood that Chu Yan just wanted to force him to take action and prove his strength to himself.

Chu Yan retracted his fist and said calmly: "Senior Liu, do you still think I am guessing?"

Head Liu's eyes narrowed: "Are you...really not just guessing?"

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the Liu family looked surprised.

"Master, is there really a level 10 solipsistic person in the Liu family?"

"Still one?"

No one in the Liu family knew about this.

Of course, the Liu family had also guessed that the family must have some background, perhaps a level 10 solipsistic person.

But whether there are any, and if so how many, they never know.

Because in the past 500 million years, no one in the void has ever been able to threaten the Liu family.

The Liu family has not used the strength of the whole family.

After hearing this, the head of the Liu family was silent for a while and sighed: "Yes! He is right."

"Hiss." The Liu family all gasped.

The head of the Liu family stared at Chu Yan: "Little guy, how do you know this?"

There is a level 10 member of the Liu family, and that is the last card at the bottom of the box. Only the previous family heads will inform the next one when they hand over the cards.

And once the next one is informed, the current head of the family will either die or choose to sleep without telling the secret.

Chu Yan chuckled: "Simple, the Liu, Chen, Huo, and Lu families are known as the four ancient saint families. They have been restricting each other over the years. The strength of the four families should be similar, at least the number of top experts should be Consistently, since there is only one Level 10 member in the Chen family, there is a high probability that there is only one in the Liu family. If there were two, the alliance between the other three families would have been broken, or the four families would have been unified. "

As soon as these words came out, Master Liu nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense."

But just after he finished speaking, the head of the Liu family shrank: "No, boy...you, you just said that the Chen family only has one tenth-level person? You...you know about the Chen family? How is this possible? Isn't the Chen family still in Tianyuan?" Containing you? How could they tell you?"

The head of the Liu family was confused.

This is not logical.

Chu Yan snorted when he heard this: "You said this, they didn't tell me, I just came back from the Chen family."


The head of the Liu family opened his mouth wide: "You, you said you just came back from the Chen family? You... went to the Chen family?"

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "Not long ago, the Chen family was destroyed by me. Now, to be precise, there are only three of the four ancient saint families... left. Of course, the Chen family still has some people in Tianyuan, but there are no level 10 strongest people. If there are only some level 9 people, they should not be worthy of being called ancient saint families, right?"


Everyone in the Liu family felt a buzz in their heads, and was struck by a bolt from the blue!

The head of the Liu family took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down for a long time before trembling and said: "Boy, you... you said you just went to the Chen family? And destroyed the Chen family? No, this is impossible! The Chen family has level 10 people, you know, how can you beat level 10?"

Even though Chu Yan had just repelled him, the head of the Liu family still didn't believe that Chu Yan could beat level 10.

As the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless...

The more you know, the more afraid you are.

As the current head of the Liu family, he had long been stuck at the level of level nine. That was why he knew too well how difficult it was to enter level ten and how difficult it was to break through level ten.

As the head of the Liu family, he had once had the honor of seeing a level ten take action. At that time, he had only one feeling...



He was already level nine, but in front of a level ten, he was like a child facing an adult.

How could Chu Yan possibly beat a level ten?

This was too shocking.

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